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A topic by bitshiftgames created Jun 15, 2023 Views: 29,667 Replies: 538
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General comments go here, or feel free to make your own thread if it's more in-depth.


First game I've bought on itch, the first was just that good ❤ Ty for this


No problem! I look forward to hearing what you think of it.

i have a Very odd feeling that The red eyes are gonna be in the Final game and the last type mezz will face.


Once you buy the game the updates for it are free right? I havent really thought about how that works on itch before lmao


Absolutely! Everything that comes after for GutterTrash is free once you buy in.


thats good to know... shame itch wont let you put that in bold flashing letters as i get the feeling your going to be asked this a lot... 


I could add it to the main page, and probably will eventually just to clarify.


you should, i actually came here to investigate. most people wont.


Thanks for the reminder! Finally got around to tweaking the language on the main page, hopefully it's clearer now.


Since I have your attention, I wanted to ask, your first game was great, but limited, small and short, is this game going to be much larger in scope? 

I still already bought the game, I just want a penny for your thoughts .


I mean, it already is, but yes, a considerable amount of additional content is planned. Take a look at the meatier devlogs for more info if you haven't already.


Don't get me wrong I noticed there's more frequent enemies, several extra bad ends, and more locations. Compared to the previous game, it's a little larger. It's clear you leaned in on some new tricks you've learned. The combat is mostly more balanced too, except maybe the whole "dazed" ability the hyena have. Still a short game so far. 

Again just curious.

Like in some areas, we still only have the one weapon. There's only two outfits. If it wasn't for the save system, there'd really only be one faction. We also lost the dash/dodge special ability which kinda hurts. The new Dazzle attack is great, but doesn't have a lot of utility outside of very specific scenarios.


No, perfectly alright to ask. Again, I outline what I plan to add in the roadmap devlog, but to what you brought up specifically: No new weapons, though there are some simple additional battle mechanics planned, mechanically the different colored hyena enemies do do different things, though it's modest and toward the later part of the game, and I MAY add another enemy in the later content packs, but we'll see.

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Damn, the first game was so good. Too bad I'm poor and can't get this game, in the middle of moving atm and can't expend my money really. Really excited to see what the future for this series becomes though, good work!


No worries, I know how it is. But thanks! Drop a bookmark and come back when you can.

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Absolutely. I will keep it bookmarked until I have enough to buy the game. I also apologize if my English isn't the best, it's not my native language and I'm still learning,


No worries. Probably cliche to say, but I never would have guessed; you write better than a lot of native English speakers online :D.


It's a mix of me typing it out and consulting google translate from time to time. Thanks though!

Bought a gift copy for ya. Need an email to send it to.

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Sorry I didn't respond! I'll send it to you. Any socials I can message you on?

Hmmm, don't think so. I'd just use a burner email to get it.

Sure thing. I've made one,

Are there supposed to be zero sex scenes for losing to the hyenas? I just get game overed.


First area is just a game over. You have to get past the desert.


Ah gotcha. Just double checking the previous game's transfer thing worked properly. Thanks!


I would suggest to eventually add some kind of game over sequence for there, rather than just a 'return to title'.  Art wouldn't necessarily be required, just some text?  Like if you lose at the end of the gauntlet of groups later on.


Probably won't add anything too fancy there, but yeah, maybe a game over screen at some point.


will ever it be free?


No, this one will always be paid.

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Don't have any money for this, but its a must purchase when I do! Hope it's plenty successful in the mean time, you deserve it!

Edit: Also $10 is how much I paid for the first when I had a job, there's a certain irony to that.


2022 was a different time. Hope things improve for you though!


Aww that's so nice of you to say! Tysm!


Little question
If we find a typo do we leave it in bug reports?



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I know you answered a similar question, but I worried it wasn't clearly worded. For the $10, are you getting ALL the chapters relating to the Cruel Serenade game, or just Cruel Serenade: Guttertrash (which you also call the Second chapter) and all updates for this chapter, but NOT Chapter 3 and above (whatever they will be called)? You've mentioned a plan for 5 chapters, and since this game is partitioned from Cruel Serenade's first part, and it isn't clear if your wording of "Everything that comes after for GutterTrash is free once you buy in." has the "comes after FOR Guttertrash...." which I think means all updates for this chapter, but not for any of the planned later chapters. I think people who asked before are worried each Chapter will be $10 a pop, so more likely $40 or $50 by the time the game is done.


$10 is the price for this chapter. Once purchased, any further updates to THIS chapter (GutterTrash) will be free (and a number are planned). Additional chapters will also be paid, will be a separate purchase, and probably at the same price (though who knows, the way inflation is going.)


Will this chapter ever be made free? I understand if it isn't as well as future chapters, but I wanted to ask for future reference so I can know to spare some money for future chapters as I was confused at seeing payment was required. I will of course pay once I can as I understand this took a lot of time and effort, I may have just missed any statement you made in the past saying I'd need to pay


No, this will always be paid, at least for the foreseeable future.


Ok, thank you for the information


So just ran through the game in both what i can guess is pure mode and im guessing slut mod very fun ill say was wondering what the stuff for that data crystal that was talked about in the first chapter a few days ago i only really think i saw during gameplay that could be linked to it and wanted to know if there was post to be more to the Datacrystal plugin.


So take a look at the devlog for 0.3.3 of CS1 first of all, if you haven't. That'll describe how to generate and use the file. In terms of what it unlocks, I don't want to spoil too much, but in general terms it's one scene for now, but more stuff eventually in future chapters, especially the final one. The trigger is pretty much what you would expect: More slutty = good (if you want to see the scene anyway). If you'd rather not keep replaying CS1 to get the stats you want, you can also just open and edit DataCrystal, it's just a text file, though you'll spoil yourself a little one what triggers what.


Goods to know im fairly sure the data crystal i placed in there was a heh naughty of a run one could hopefully do so i look forewords to see what said thing dose in future updates cheers


Completed the game so far, quite entertaining!

I'm curious when we can expect the "down the middle" path, as wearing the "entertainment" outfit is definitely something I'm looking forward to!


Definitely planned. I anticipate spending the next week at least just handling bug reports and so on, but once things calm down a bit and I start dev again, I'll be slowly working my way through those extra sections. The hostclub in particular already has a lot done, I just haven't made the scenes yet.


wondering if there will be other scenes added for game overs like failing to sneak through the ally to many times or losing the fight with Mahir as currently it just fades to black.


Don't want to give anything specific away, but in addition to the one extra main ending yes, I definitely have some other "failure" scenes planned.


will have to definitely dive deeper with more updates in the future. Looking forward to it.


Glad to see the release of GutterTrash seems to have gone smoothly for you! Thank you for the time you've spent creating this, it's been delightful and the writing is a real treat. I appreciate the amount of interaction during the fights, and all the information in Scratch's computer! Will we see more of Scratch and Midnight City in the future?


Thanks! It's...a hell of thing finally getting to this point. And yes, if things work out. Three more chapters planned, and I definitely plan to do more with Scratch in the future.


Narratively this was such a big step up from the previous chapter, I am 10 times more interested in where the story is going now 


Thanks! Some of what ends up in these is mostly just for myself because I think it's neat and helps motivate and inform what happens in the games. Gives me a bit of a framework to work with and refer back to. But I'm glad some people are enjoying my goofy little world-building.


Yes, yes, and yes! I'm gonna head back home in a minute and buy it now , can't wait to try it out!


Ha! Excellent. Look forward to hearing what you think.


... hmm the towers and this mind control tech seems a bit much like a neon sign is being held up reading mind control tech comes from here to me, im likely wrong though.


There are a LOT of people with ulterior motives in Midnight City. Like, nearly everyone. Even Mezz is half do-gooder and half treasure seeker (and also I think he just likes hitting people with a stick). So sure, might be connected to the Towerfolk. But that's one possibility among many.

yup, i just came to this conclustion due to what seems to be the general technology level. for all i know it could be old tech that came from a ruin someplace or more.



Since you're working with RPG Maker MV, could you possibly provide a Linux export too? Since nerds can get horny too :p


Unfortunately not. In THEORY MV is multi-platform, since it's just js running in a web browser. Just hit the button and you've got it exported to Windows, Linux, or even mobile! In reality, a lot of things break that very fast. I'm using a number of plugins that won't work on mobile at all, and several others I suspect won't play nice with non-windows settings, so I don't currently support any of that.

If you want to mess with it of course, you're welcome to. The "real" game is the index.html file in the www folder; the exe is just the browser than runs it. It won't load on say Chrome by default, but it WILL run once you tweak some security settings for local pages. In my experience the performance while running this way is poor, and any number of bugs may crop up, but if you want to mess with it, you're certainly welcome to. 

That said, if you DON'T want to pay $10 just to tinker, I entirely understand. Officially though, this is Windows only, not by neglect but by necessity.


The Linux Itch desktop client will transparently run this game (and other Windows games) in Wine if you install and play it through there.  I also use Linux, and while not all Windows games successfully run this way, this game works just fine on my end.


Interesting to hear, and people are certainly welcome to experiment. Just want to be clear that it's unsupported officially, and has the potential to be unreliable: may work one version, and then not on another when a plugin is added or some other change is made.


I was just getting my distro setup and will note that if you own RPG Maker MV you can also import the project and run it natively in Linux. I haven't tested everything, I'm curious if the data crystal will work, for example.  So use at your own risk and so on.


Yeah, as I've said a lot of it should run just fine, as it's just javascript in a browser. But it DEFINITELY won't work on mobile (some of the plugins I use explicitly say so), and a variety of things may be wacky on Linux, to one degree or another, especially the io I do to read and write a few files on my own (for the data crystal, and soon for the gallery). It's fine if people want to try, just know there won't be any bug testing on, or fixes for that platform. Like using Windows 7 in 2024, it's entirely possible for a variety of cases, but unsupported.


Said I'd buy it when it comes out and I  did. Can't wait to get some time to play it!


Excellent! Much appreciated.


I really enjoyed first chapter so i think im gonna buy the second. I don't have much money but this game is really a must-have so enjoy your money man, you did such a great job :3




I can already predict this is going to be like Grove, in the sense that the artist is going to slowly get better and better and CH 1-2 is gonna start to have an outdated look compared to new chapters.

I feel a bit of improved artistry on the new illustrations.

I hope game dev is not soul crushing to you Bitshift, you're really good at it and I'm glad you're going for the long haul, planning 5 chapters.

The content right now was worth the price, so I'm really glad to know there's going to be updates to it, because It just feels like a deal that keeps on getting better.


Oh definitely not soul-crushing :D. It has its stresses, and new stresses now that this one is taking off, but those are good problems to have.

Also I JUST realized itch notifications don't go to the page a comment is on when there are multiple so wow, I have some catching up to do.


Hypothesis on initial chapter disproven.  Initial chapter hypothesis was that Mezz was a kinkster who actually was doing all this to himself.  With the flashback at start of chapter 1, and the scenes I have seen in chapter 2, it doesn't make 'as much' sense to me.


There are definitely other forces at work.

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Is there any other way to buy the game? I tried   itch io and subcribestar . Doesn't work. Can I drop directly on the wallet and then send a screenshot for example? 


If you're in a country where you literally can't use Paypal/Itch/Subscribestar to make payment to me, send me a note on FurAffinity (sorry for the hassle) and we may be able to work something out.


First game i buy on Itch, im in love with your work ! :3




Your welcome amazing work! 


is it possible to be able to turn off some effects or simplify some of the performance? on the entertainment distract map im having lots of performance issues and while it doesnt make stealth or avoiding the thugs impossible it hampers it a bit.

i had a similiar issue in the first game whenever i was on the map leading to the boars HQ with the water. my solution was to just get to the next area as soon as possible.


Yeah, it does chug there a bit unfortunately. Keep in mind the minimum requirement is a Ryzen 3 or equivalent, so if your system is worse than that I probably won't be directly targeting it for optimization. On a Ryzen 3 with decent memory it runs fairly smoothly most of the time in that area, but I'll admit it's still less than ideal. There's no good way to optimize it unfortunately without cutting up the map, which I may do eventually but will be...quite the project to migrate all the scripts correctly.  In the meantime though no, unfortunately there's not much you can do on your end.


finally bought it! 


played to a couple of the bad endings, good stuff.

i was playing on my absolute potato of a laptop, and i wanted to note that the big huge area with the back alleys and unfinished bunny suit path runs really poorly.

now again, potato laptop, so probably not an actually big issue, i have stronger computers elsewhere so its not like i can't play, so feel free to disregard. but i would be remiss if i did not mention this as it may be evidence of something else going wrong with that zone that may have a compounding effect going forward. i don't do enough rpg maker to nail it down, maybe the zone is just too large or has too many actors, and chopping it up into smaller chunks would fix, or maybe there's some kind of script going awry and just chewing up the cycles, or maybe my laptop is too shit for rpg maker lol.

anyway, had fun, was surprised to see the ear clips weren't making a return, though i guess it makes sense since he only holds onto them in one of the endings lol.


That area definitely does chug a bit, largely because the lighting plugin I use, while great, is very poorly optimized, so I have to be careful with it. Combination of that and the size makes that area a bit chonky. It occurs to me that you only ever see one side or the other at one time (plus some stuff at the bottom), so I might be able to gain some by chopping it up, but that would be an enormous project. Ent. Dist II and II were originally one big map too, and when I had to chop those up it took...quite a while. And they have far less script events, and don't have an entire duplicate version of themselves for slut mode. So I'd be making, and testing, like three whole new maps.

For now though, I'll tell you what I've told others: the informal "Minimum Requirements" for GT are my own system: an ancient Ryzen 3. If your laptop's worse than that, I'm probably not going to put much dev time into optimizing for it, at least for now.


First game was absolutely amazing, as soon as I saw this my eyes widened (no joke). Cant wait to give it a try! Just purchased. Quick question: Will saves from previous versions work with the current version?

  • a side question to this: will saves from this chapter work with the next? or is it like, a per-chapter basis?

oh and one final question- any plans for a discord server?


I should probably add to my 0.3.3 post on CS1, because there's been a bit of confusion on this.

ACTUAL saves do not carry over from CS1 to GT. The DataCrystal system is a separate thing of my own creation to carry over a handful of specific, relevant stats to determine whether certain scenes are unlocked ( just one for now).

And no, no discord planned. Though I have unironically considered Slack for more intense bugtesting situations. Hopefully it won't come to that though.


Alrighty! Thank you!


Will there be a third VHS scene or even bad end in the future?


There is a third VHS scene (though I and II share some stuff). Do you mean a fourth? If so no. Though there are a variety of other bad ends planned.

There is? Is it locked behind doing something specific? I can't go back up the stairs at the shop.


1. Scene on bed. 2. Scene on bed, but different. 3. Scene with mug. They're all sequential, loss 1, 2, and 3. (though you might end up doing the first for "free" to avoid fighting Mahir.)

Loss to what? Like you've lost to the hyenas in general and gotten the "Statue" scenes?


Yup, loss to the "mobs", the general hyena enemies in Ent Dist I.


Are we ever gonna get the jackoff spot moved somewhere we can access it. >.> Yknow. the one in the middle of the water on the docks map. >.>


Wow, good memory. But like I've said, that was a stub idea that just never ended up  getting fleshed out. It would make even less sense here, with different sex mechanics. If you like that kind of thing though, I'd recommend talking to one of the plaza vendors when you're sans-jacket. No art for now, but a fun little set of scenes.


I actually have zero memory of what you're referring to. 
I own MV rpg maker and enjoy snooping around the maps a little too much. 


Ah, haven't found it yet then. Give it a try, you'll figure it out.


Huge congrats on the release!!


Thanks! Always appreciate you guys.


I really love both chapters they r fun in their own way, but maybe it just me but am I a villain too, since I'm making poor Mezz to be in Slut mode




Just wanted to say something here since all I've posted is a bug report so far. Congrats on the successful release! Was more than worth the price. Your art really hits the right notes for this kinda thing.


Thanks! I've always described it as "good enough to get the point across". I still have a lot to learn, but there's enough there to enjoy I think.

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Well! I have so far gone two ways as a whore and a winning option, as I understand there is no middle option yet? I liked in many ways in the first part exactly the moment when we lose not in the form of slut.. when a bunny is broken gradually without hypnosis it looked amazing) Well, as for the second part, I will highlight a few points! 1) I certainly liked it, especially the scenes with the video are just super :3 I hope to see even more interesting things in the future) 2) As it seemed to me, the complexity of chapter 2 turned out to be higher than the first, but maybe I'm just so used to the first that I'm not used to it yet. It was really difficult to defeat Khazeem, I had to sweat a lot with it, but perhaps Dazzle blast would have greatly simplified my life. In the version without defeats, they didn't stay with the boss. Next, I'll move on to the questions) 1) Is it possible to defeat Khazeem in slut mode? I never managed to do it, and will the ending be different in this case from the version without defeats? 2) Of course I was interested in Mahir, will there be a special scene with him?) 3) and of course Scratch is also wondering what will happen to him in the future is it possible that he will also be able to sleep with Mezz? 4) It seems to have been mentioned somewhere that there are 3 bosses in the game, but so far I have noticed only two, will the third be later or did it just seem to me? That's all I have so far) thanks for the content! I will be waiting for updates and subsequent chapters) Good luck in development!


Nope, no middle path yet. You can absolutely defeat Khazeem in slut mode at the moment, but that's because the slut mode fight isn't really in/doesn't exist yet: for now it just defaults you to the standard one once you get there. Ending's the same, since again, it's just the standard fight. Mahir scene is planned. As is Scratch, but probably not this chapter. Only one formal boss this chapter, though you can fight Mahir as well, and there are harder enemy troops toward the end.

And thanks! Glad you're enjoying it so far.


Somehow I managed to get attached to this guy immediately 


He's got that face!


Didnt read much into the details page but how long is chapter 2 time wise?


Depends on the person, but I'd say two and a half, maaaaybe 3 hours to see everything currently.


I feel like this might be something that would be low on the priority list, like something to slot in once the whole story/development is finished. However I feel it would be worth having Cruel Serenade, the chapter one map and plot eventually ported into Guttertrash once everything is done with. Granted, new content and finishing the game would be much preferable but hopefully once that milestone is met, having the whole story be a seamless experience would feel great. 

I admit I felt a bit of whiplash for like the intro flashback part of the island for Guttertrash, I was like, did I just miss something?

I look forward to your future development. And a toast to your success 


No, probably won't do that. I WAS originally planning to join all the games up into one big thing once they were done (that's one of the reasons Haven is structured like a "hub"), but seeing how big GT got, and the limitations of RPG Maker, that's no longer planned. There's probably a fancy literary term for what the early bit of the GT story does, but that's entirely intentional. You start out thinking you're AFTER the events of the first game, only to realize you're briefly BEFORE them. I like the little "Oh wait-" that causes.


Ouch, curse you program limitations, curse you!!! In any case rather excited for updates in the future. Though it did confuse me a bit in regards to the ear clips (that totally were thrown in the ocean, honest!)


How so? If you're wondering why they don't appear in the special scene, they aren't needed now. They were a training device. If you allowed them to do their work in CS1, the effect is permanently etched in Mezz's mind now. Thankfully it only applies to boars, and possibly even just THOSE boars, that particular gang.


I loved the first chapter of this so much I had no issue dropping 10 bucks on this it's a pretty fun game I love the art and the story is fun over all happy with both chapters keep up the good work.


Thanks! Will do.


Mezz is adorable, he's such a tough, fighty hopper. I love him and his endless confidence. ;_;


Is it okay if I ask why you decided to make a new game as a continuation? Sorry if this has been asked before, I'm just curious.


Five games were planned from the beginning, you can see it in the description text on the CS1 store page. Of course, it's one thing to have something in your mind, and another to make it real. So far, we're on two.


is there any free exception can be done for me? I waited for chapter 2 since  chapter 1 was out and now you i see a paywall which i cant cross. Im from russia and sanctions affected by visa dont allow me to do any online purchasing that doesnt support russian banks ;-;


Do you have an account on FA (FurAffinity)? Toss me a message over there (Bitshift). We may be able to work something out.

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I am so buying this. I DONT CARE!! 
And so I did, I love everything about it, there's nothing that make me so happy since.


Aw, that's really sweet of you, thanks! Chicken soup HOT BUN PORNOGRAPHY for the soul.


Been following your work ever since I found you on Derpibooru.

I must say, you've done some fantastic work with Cruel Serenade, while I did encounter a few bugs here and there, it wasn't anything major.

I enjoyed hunting around through the game for little secrets and other hidden stuff and was pleasantly surprised to see some hidden plots going on, down a certain alley.

While I'm not yet done with everything, I've enjoyed my time immensely so far, thank you for all your hard work Bitshift, I hope this serves as a little motivation boost and that you continue to be successfull in your developer endeavors♡


Wow all the way back to Derp! You have been with me a while. 

And thanks, I really appreciate it. There's been a lot of interesting ups and downs trying to get game stuff working, and I never expected to be doing it this soon. But the opportunity came up, so I kind of had to jump on it. And so far, I'm glad I did.


am I an idiot or can I not find the mirror in the club.


Everyone you talk to hints at the next link in the chain, and which narrows it down a bit. Also keep in mind that the thing Satin prompts you with is a text box: some people missed that. You have to type in the answer.


oh OK thank you that makes more sense


Scratch is top tier cute. I won't mind if he mind control me in the future


Don't know if we'll be getting any dom out of him, but yes, definitely cute. Glad he's getting some fans.

Scratch accidentally activating one of Mezz's mind control triggers would be a fun scenario in an art piece.


It's surprising how many buttons this game pushes for me.  Top notch writing.  I look forward to seeing what you have planned for updates. 


Thanks! Definitely still a lot more I want to get to.


I've been really excited for this game for a while and I remember you mentioning different starting points depending on what ending you got in the previous game. I started a new game but haven't seen any prompts or anything mentioning the ending of the last game so I'm curious if I need to do something to activate that or if I am just too hornybrained to have noticed.


Read the following update post to the previous game, it will explain how to transfer your ending to the new game. Cruel Serenade 0.3.3 is up! - Cruel Serenade by bitshiftgames (


As I understand it, the whore mode is not finished? If this is the case and I didn't miss anything, then when will it be completed approximately?


Yes and no. All modes are playable to the end, but Slut Mode just loops back to the normal boss fight for now. Eventually it will have it's own fight and end scene, and possibly a few other art assets as well. I'll be sharing a roadmap with more thought-out time frames for new content in a week or so, but I'd say we're at least a couple months out.

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There, the 1st game I've bought here and was it worth it, the 1st chapter already got me hooked so I had to.  This was so worth the wait though, the game's ambience, story and music fits so well all together it had me sucked in from start till the end.

I loved every minute I've played so far and can't wait for whats to come in the future. Thx for all the hard work you've put into this.

I might hop in later today to find some events/things I might have missed

Peace :3


Thanks so much for the kind words! After quite a while spend in my deep, dark dev cave, it's great to finally see people play and enjoy the game. Hope to continue supplying more of the same (and hopefully better!) for some time into the future.


I made a little drawing, posting it here if you don’t mind 

This is incredible, I love it.

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Yo noice

You should have tried to make that can a Dazzle Blast fan design tho hehe,, but still very cool ♥


This is great! Man, you guys are too nice. Much appreciated.

It's the bois 


Bitshiftgames, I found a way to play Cruel Serenade on a phone. To do this, you need the game itself and 2 more applications. I can tell you about this method with your permission.


Oh I don't doubt it's possible. RPG Maker MV games are just javascript interacting with a canvas element in a browser. But there's a difference between POSSIBLE and RELIABLE, STABLE, PREDICTABLE etc. That's the reason I ultimately decided not to update the pixi and NW frameworks under the hood, and the reason I won't be distributing a mobile version. People are welcome to buy the desktop version and adapt it on their own to run on mobile if they like, but doing so "voids the warranty." I won't give any support, or spend any time troubleshooting/bug hunting on any mobile versions. Performance will suffer, plugins will break, and things like the DataCrystal system are utterly impossible without some really nutty stuff and the nightmare of navigating the file system of a phone.


I'm very glad that I bought the game, it was a joyride ❤️
Wishing you well cuz I'm excited for future content


Thanks! And cute pic; is that Armello, or just similar?

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Yep, you're correct and thank you ^^

I like your Mezz avatar as well, I think he's very cute :3


I am dumb and stuck in the opening area for Haven in guttertrash. I think i have talked to everyone. any suggestions?


Find the bar, Its towards the top of the map, "Get a drink" Talk to mouse, get the part from the hotel if you haven't done so, go to the right of the map


I liked the game. Through i have few comments and suggestions.Comments-game is nice,i like your draw style and  writing skills,also kink of this game appeals much more to me than grove (through would you ever add bdsm?),also i think so far game kiiiiinda lacking nsfw artworks (atleast in comparison to other games of similar type).Suggestion: 1-quick skip scenes (losing CG's and such) option,2-why main character have tapering p but all other enemies have humanoid p,even the dobermans,can you give other characters animal genitalia too? 3- you can put constant slurps/other sounds during CG's  and in fight. 4-maybe put  less enemies or make new content appear more often,cuz this getting rly boring to fight similar enemies each second and not getting any new content for 20min. 


Thanks for the feedback, and glad you're enjoying the game so far (or at least some of it.) "BDSM" is kind of a nebulous thing. In terms of powerplay, that's already obviously in the game. Bondage as well, though only lightly, as is a VERY light bit of pain with slapping and such. In general I tend to not think in terms of "BDSM" or any specific kink (besides mind-fuckery of course), but just what make sense and presents itself as the narrative unfolds. There will be more art as time goes on: art is the most costly part of the process in terms of time and effort. This game took 13 months to make, and a good third of that (at least!) was just art creations. On the other suggestions:

1. Most of the scenes are designed so that you'll only really see them once. The notable exception is the end fight, but unfortunately there's not a good way for me to put a detection counter there because it doesn't loop. Losing is a game over, so there's no way to add the information that you've already lost once to the save file to trigger a "skip scene?" prompt. In theory I could monkey around with a separate file to save this information, but that has downsides too (wouldn't be able to tell two different playthroughs apart for example).

2. Ha, glad you noticed. Just kind of the way it turned out. I try various things as I'm designing characters and end up going with what works. I just wasn't happy with more animal-esque junk on the enemies, or more human stuff on Mezz. It's a little inconsistent, but not the end of the world.

3. I experimented with some various sounds, and in fact GT DOES have more sounds than CS1 did (especially proud of the slaps). Ultimately I just wasn't happy with the way more obviously explicit sounds felt. Ended up taking you out of the experience. I'm also mindful that some people might be playing this in less than entirely private situations, and given that I've been there myself, I know I appreciate a game that, should the headphone plug get yanked, won't immediately blanket the entire apartment with the sounds of an orgy. By sound alone, Cruel Serenade sounds (mostly) like a perfectly ordinary game, and that's intentional.

4. Like I said, some new content coming eventually. Probably not a lot in terms of extra battle content or new enemies though. Might have a little additional stuff there in the last pack.


2-but will you add more non humanoid junk in future or in next updates for this game? or maybe as an toggle option in settings (if you are not affraid of extra artwork)?


Probably won't change what's already in, no. Character designs happen as they happen. I make no guarantees either way about future designs, though my bias at this point is toward human-style for most characters.


I heard there was a way to transfer save data from first game for extra scene details, how do I go about that?


Check out the details here.


Where's the mirror?! Alir said they gave it back, but I'm not given a prompt aside from "who?" when I get back to Satin


That's a text prompt. You have to type in the answer.

(1 edit) (+1)

Does the first game have something to do with this version?

so if we ever move the datacrystal to GT, do we have option to play the game without it? Since the data crystal change some endings 

Or is the ending just extra that u get if u add the data crystal or is it will he different?


It looks like you figured out the answer to the first question, but GT is the second game in the series, so yes, they're related, and you can transfer some information via the DataCrystal file. It's not required, but you will potentially miss out on a scene, and more in future games. Endings of GT are not effected.

Also, try not to double post: you can edit your posts if you thing of something else you'd like to add.




Thanks, glad you're enjoying it! And yes, hopefully that outfit will be in before too long.


Currently stuck in Entertainment District I. Found the keys, got the porn shop cutscene. but can't find any way further. Am I supposed to double back into the Barren or am I missing something?


I think you may actually be stuck in the plaza: to be clear, that's the brightly lit place with all the tile and the artificial river. Entertainment District I is above/to the "north". Once you finish at the porn shop, you should be able to leave the plaza and continue.


When I try, I still get hit with the hypno trigger and walk back and the thug in the alley northwest of the strip club won't let me pass.


Took a look and figured it out: when I re-did some things to fix an earlier bug, I forgot to apply the new switch logic to both the Hyena thug AND the stairs themselves. You probably triggered the scene by trying to go up the stairs in the Porn shop. Talk to the hyena beside them instead. This'll be fixed on the next bugfix release.


Downloaded the latest version and still having the same problem. Figured maybe it was from the old save file so started a new game and got it again. Still can't go north or out the alley


I idea how that was missed. Yet another switch that wasn't getting flipped back correctly (in two different places!). I've tested the patch in a number combinations and it SEEMS to be fixed now. I certainly hope so, as this is the third time trying to get this simple thing to trigger right. I must have been changing something each time and forgetting to account for it. Regardless, it's fixed now. I'll try to have the new version up fairly soon. Surprised you were the only one who brought this up, though it isn't a COMPLETE progress barrier: you can still get around it by defeating Mahir when you first meet him.


Latest update fixed it, thank you!


No problem, glad to hopefully have this one nailed down at last.

(1 edit) (+1)

just bought the game,and its really good,if i could suggest a hidden easter egg somewhere?,maybe in the entertainment district,put up graffiti thats effectively a trap,have the character reads it and it hits a trigger,then he goes to the next one in a certain order getting more and more brainwashed leading to an ending scene or something?~,you had a graffiti that was 'yeah just like that' which makes me feel like the potential is there,you could have it be slightly off color from the blue kind,or maybe do something with the glowing green phone at the back of the city portion,it looked important and i tried to interact with it at first


Thanks! It depends on how you define easter egg, but there are a number of things in the game that are somewhat more obscure. Have you found the keys yet, for example? Or the Street Sausage? And there's actually one reference not a single person has commented on yet. None of this is essential of course, but there are some minor things hidden here and there.

(1 edit) (+1)

ive yet to find the street sausage,though i would love more stuff with the thing that happened in the side alley~,you know the one where the person disappeared?,dont want to get too descript for people so not spoil

but yeah maybe the dogs perverted the graffiti in the entertainment district,and have it so each one mezz finds puts him more and more into a hypno slut mode more or such,fun stuff like that


so...the 5 i not supposed to win or...?


All the fights are winnable. Comes down to timing and strategy. Using the right attacks (and non-attacks) at the right times.


and pray for good RNG


Hey, I'm the one that posted about the video freezing issue in the first release. Just thought I'd give an update after trying the new versions. Haven't had any problems since adding in that patch that's supposed to fix it, so it seems like that did the trick.


Excellent! Glad to hear the fix is working.


i cant get past the group of hyenas in the desert </3


i've been really enjoying the game so far and as of right now i've gotten most of the fail endings that takes me back to the title screen. got the after the final porn shop visit with what happens if you get caught too many times. but my personal favorite so far is the vial in the vent game over. though i'm now eagerly awaiting for the Slut ending like with CS:Ch1 as well as the extra pathways such as the middle in ED1 and i believe the side path in ED2 or ED3


Thanks, glad you're enjoying it so far! Yeah, going to have some fun filling it out the rest of the way.


Well i guess this game is pretty funny anyway.


Can you tell us how to get through the mission to find the mirror?
(3 edits)

You can tell privately.


Should be pretty straight-forward: just follow the hint at each stage. Where are you getting stuck?


What are discarded keys used for? I can't find a place to use them.


Try them in combat.


Thanks, I thought it would be used to open doors in certain places, btw, can that door inside Basement Hallway be opened or do I need to wait for a later update?


The one at the back of the alley? Not for now. That'll be a next chapter thing.


I'm not very good at English, I use a translator and it still doesn't pass, can I ask for an answer?

"You" will work for an answer. You have to type it into Satin's prompt.

ya somos dos que no hablamos ingles amigo airbus2517 jajajaja....

Yes 555

(1 edit) (+1)
thank you very much

hello. friend. I really enjoyed the game... but I would like to know if there is any way to fight without the hyenas using submission?


What do you mean by "submission"? If you mean the hypno fight mechanics in general, that's what the good luck charm is for.  It acts as a toggle for that gameplay. There's no way to target specific moves though, it's all part of a larger system that's either on or off.


Yes, I mean the hypno fight mechanics. where can i find that good luck charm? Well, I've been looking in various corners of the game finding things, but I haven't come across that good luck charm.


You have to fight Mahir when he offers and win.

ok... thank you...


Just wanted to say its my first time also buying a game on loved the first game and this one is great i'm really addicted aha as a hypnosis fan it has everything I could want in a game.Plus the music is fantastic.


It's an honor to be the first! As a creator there's always a little disappointment even if a project goes well, because you always hope to do more. But I'm glad you're enjoying it so far; definitely a lot more planned.


Yeah thats true but ill defintly be buying the other chapters when they come out ❤️ Cant wait to "Accidently" get Mezz hypnotized in them.I also wanted to say its the attention to details I love too for exampe both games where Mezz becomes dazed and cant hurt the opponents properly or with what happens at the end of chapter one boss if you decide to be a slut aha.Alot of hypno games  kinda miss the mark with those details so I'm glad you dont :3


Oh absolutely. The little details make it a lot more fun.


Hi, big fan of the game.  I am confused because everyone is talking about a mirror at the club and I cannot for the life of me find this quest.  Am I missing something?


To be clear, it's a hand mirror, and the "club"/party in the basement near the end of the game. Can't miss it, it's impossible to progress without doing it. If you're having trouble though, it starts with one of the kitsune to the left near the bar.


Thank you for responding.  I finally managed to do it.  The problem was I only played the "other" way and didn't do the route that actually had the event.  Amazing work and attention to detail (especially that bit between Mahir and his friend).


Ah, that makes sense. Glad you were able to find it eventually. And thanks!


heh. imagine if Cs or csgt mezz get a ai chat. 


Not practical right now obviously, but it has been fun to follow the various developments over the past couple years. Will be interesting to see where we are in a few more.

and i think i know just the site.

Deleted 1 year ago

Nice! Dig the bow-legged stance, should really keep that in mind myself to use at some point.


Holy, this is incredible!

Developer (1 edit)

Ha, thanks! What did you like best?

Pff, didn't realize what comment chain this was in, thought it was a comment on the game. Glad people are enjoying Asrielsal's art though!


Everything about it, hell yeah

You should totally post that on or something.

Deleted 1 year ago

so don't mean to bother you or anything about it,but was wondering how things were going?,been about two months since you posted the roadmap to the next part and was wondering how along its going~


Work continues. So far I think I'm MOSTLY still on track to make the 3 month deadline (roughly end of Oct ?) for the first pack, but we'll see. Was held up by a lot of stuff until recently so progress was slower than I'd like. Have several CG finished though, and working on more.


monthly deadline was end of september actually,but good to know


Better that the guy finishes when he feels satisfied with the final result rather then feeling the need to finish quicker to meet some deadline. 


Dug through my records for some clarification on this.

The plan initially was to start on the first pack around July 7. But while I technically did, work was extremely slow through most of July due to me having to spend a lot of time on unrelated IRL issues. So yes, due to this delay the effective time since the July start date for the first pack will probably be four months, not three. Three months of solid work, but with a month "wasted" on non-game-related stuff. I'm currently targeting the end of October as stated. I've indicated the initial slowdown in various posts, but hopefully this will clarify the current state of things.

Note that while I take timeliness seriously, dates WILL shift, which is one of the reasons I rarely give especially defined ones. Sometimes up, sometimes down. Sometimes I'll over or underestimate what it takes to get something done, and sometimes, like here, unexpected things will come up. The important thing to me, and hopefully to the fans, is that I'm putting in as much time and effort as is possible, and planning in a way that's practical and doesn't get bogged down in idealism or perfection.

I think the timelines for GT are a perfect example of what to expect. I dramatically missed my first deadline, because I underestimated the scope of what I was doing. But I delivered within a month of the second, which is pretty good for a 13 month project.


of course,i never expected you to stick to a hard deadline or anything adn irl stuff happens,ive no problem at all with you taking as long as you need to need to get it done up to the  standards you deserve,i just honestly forgot about the first month irl stuff adn took to looking at the timeline and got mistaken,hope i didnt offend~


Oh no worries. It's a balancing act: on the one hand, I don't want to drive myself too hard, or rush too much and sacrifice quality where it matters. It's not like I'm a 90s game company that has to hit "the Christmas Rush" or whatever. On the other hand, it is important that I have SOME sense of urgency, and try to communicate where I am with stuff clearly, so I appreciate the nudge to re-check my dates every once in a while.


The game has been magnificent to play, yes, when I saw the title the word "gluttony" came to my mind, since the title was "Guttertrash" and I thought it was going to combine lust and gluttony in some kind of style, Just kidding that if I see a part three where the hypnosis is based on rage or fury, since it seems that with each episode the hypnosis changes color, and acts differently, since in the first episode it was slightly different from how it acts in this one, Likewise, I adore this saga from the first day I found out about its existence!!


Sorry your post took so long to go up! It was flagged as spam for some reason, a feature I didn't know this forum had. Glad you enjoyed the game though!


Don't worry, honestly if you saw two identical messages sent by me, I don't know how the site works completely, simply seeing two options to publish the post, one at the top of the page while another option was at the bottom of the page. I sent one of each, so maybe that's why you got marked as spam


I only saw the one, but that could be it. Either way though, glad it worked out in the end.


I played the first chapter of this game, loved it. At first I didn’t see why it was slow paced at first but now that I finished it I noticed the honest charm with it. The battles, characters, options, and decisions on can make was great. Now that I’m started to play this new one (new for me) I see that it still has that amazing charm and story along with it! However I hate!(love dw) the consequences of my actions :( <3 keep up the good work and I would support this 100%.


Aw, thanks! I'm glad people are still discovering both games. Got a lot more planned, so be sure to keep an eye out in the next few months.


Finally got a bit of time to full explore the game 100%, i dont think i left a pixel unturned! I am excited for any upcoming updates :3




was wondering how to get into that one club area since its locked and the guard tell ya to piss off 


You can't currently. Planning to implement that as an alternate route with one of the add-on packs (which will be free to those who have bought the game; I call them "packs," but in practice the game itself will just get upgraded with the new content as each one comes out.)


cant wait ^^ i really enjoyed the last one. and goodness is there a way to beat the people at the end of the 3rd rout XD 


What do you mean by "3rd route?" The rush of larger mobs toward the end of the Entertainment District, or the area earlier with the different-colored hyenas?


yeah so hard >.< 


Ok, but...I gave you two choices and your answer was "Yes." :D. No big deal, was just curious which area you were talking about.


the larger mobs at the end of the entertainment district with the dif colored yeens. were you cant get your lust meter maxed 


Ah, ok. Yeah those are all about speed, prioritizing the right enemy, and maybe just a bit of save scumming. Don't just blindly attack: pay attention to where your multi-attacks land, and if one guy's about to go down, sometimes it's worth it to prioritize rushing him with a regular attack rather than waiting for your multi to recharge.


Ngl when I saw that cruel serenade had its part two I dropped everything to buy it. I was genuinely excited and not just for the lewd(I do like it of course duh!) But because I honestly like the character of mezz and the universe even if the enemies are simple. This one feels ALOT harder then the first but I have enjoyed challenging myself. I used like all my healing items my first try then realized patch up was in this one. Restarting after locking myself I just pushed through and saved all my items in the first area. I also when closing the game lost my save for some reason.. but no worries I can just now try and do better since my main goal is to avoid getting sent back to the district after a hypno loss. Of course I might accept I get just one and I enjoy the scene (dober daddy am I right?) but Idk like the challenge.


Excellent, glad you're enjoying it so far! Sorry to hear it took so long for YOU to hear there was a new one out though: I gotta get the word out more. And sorry about the save issue. Commented more on that on your bug report, but yeah, definitely want to get that resolved if it was a bug.


No worries about the save, I replayed and found something I missed in a section, and I replayed to try a playthrough where I didn't get hypnotized more than once and then one where I played with the bunny costume to also see the scenes in the p-shop. Was enjoyable so I had no worries about saves. The loss scene for the final boss I also saw intentionally, and it was pretty hawt good game. 


Excellent, glad it worked out then. Yeah that last one's a fun one.


I enjoyed the first game Cruel Serenade and while i would like to play your 2nd game it a bit too expensive, and mostly me not liking to puting out my credit card and birth month online

(1 edit)

The game really isn't that expensive. And I think it's awesome that the first one is free so that players know what they are paying for before buying it.

And while your concerns are valid about inputting your info. Plenty of people before you have made secure transactions on this site without issue.

If it helps put your mind at ease. The personal info any secure online payment process and method requires helps ensure whoever is using the credit card is the actual card holder and not some identity thief.


Cost comes down to the person obviously. I think it's a reasonable price for what's on offer, but only you can say whether it makes sense as a purchase for you. As for the info, depends what you're concerned with. If it's a privacy issue, I hear you, and that's just one of the unfortunate realities of buying stuff online. I really wish there was an anonymous way of buying stuff digitally (that was actually practical, unlike crypto), like cash, but the powers that be will NEVER let that happen, because they've gotten used to being able to track everyone. If you're just concerned with fraud, there are services that let you make "disposable" cards you can put limits on so there's no chance of unexpected charges. Even without that though, most cards and banks these days are more than willing to assist with fraudulent charges, and you're USUALLY not left holding the back, though your mileage may vary.


Hey  I was crazy about the first game and the second gutter trash was released I bought it and I love it keep up the great work. Just a quick question and I apologize if this question is gonna drive you nuts but when will the next big update be released ? 


No, no worries, glad you're liking it so far. Next content update is slated for late October if all goes well (though keep in mind this is the SubStar date, as announced a while back they'll get it first, then everyone who bought on Itch will get it two weeks later.)


Ok awesome thanks for the quick response really appreciate it, really excited to see what the update holds keep up the great work. 


*vibrates with excitement*


so how are things going bitshift?,curious how the development is going.

Also really excited for the new routes~


Work continues. Had hoped to have an official update a bit earlier, but this last bit is dragging. Juuust about there though. Still aiming for an end-of-October release.


nice,here is hoping~,any teasers you can give for the end of month release maybe?~


None beyond what I've said so far, no. I will say that this update will just about double the amount of content in terms of scenes though, so it should be meaty enough to satisfy.


I am kinda curious how you came up with the name "Cruel Serenade",  Is it the story behind and background is overall "Cruel", is it because it due to the Sin City like world setting and illegal activities raging, or is it about the fate of the protagonist is always tragic. 


It's two things, kind of contrasted. As revealed in the end of 1, it's a reference to the sound of Mezz beating up an opponent, and violence/conflict more generally. But also yes, it's a reference to the nature of the narrative: it's a game about Mezz losing, over and over again, and suffering various cruel fates as a result. But I also don't want to just nail it down to those specific things. As seen in the end of 2, it kind of flexes and twists to mean different things as the story goes on.


Interesting, well could mean the fate of Mezz is about to about twist as well if you wanna go that way, at least not like anytime soon. I love how a character can grow as chapter move on, Mezz became stronger since he can replenish used energy after each fight and have more powerful abilities, but let his luck remain the same would just be perfect, no amount of skill can save you from ass pounding here. I am only more invested in the game and story and will continue to support it.


Could have seen it also being a reference to mind control. The messages in his head are the serenade and their purpose is to humiliate and corrupt him. A cruel serenade.


Also a good thought!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi! So far I love your games, they are like a breath of fresh air among the furry-themed NSFW stuff! Heck, even the Japanese stuff doesn't really compare, as most of their games are with female characters, and I haven't seen any that have the same dark kinky vibe to them or go as deep into hypnosis and personality rewrite/destruction as part of the main gameplay loop. Your stuff is amazing in this regard, kudos! <3

I have a question though, maybe even a suggestion: do you have any plans for level-down mechanics in the next games?
Something where Mezz can become a noticeably stronger hero, but then the more he submits or gets his brain messed with, the more he forgets all of the techniques, and the weaker he becomes?
This can even have a fun bad end in store for when his level drops all the way down to 1... and then goes to 0, turning him into a permanent blank slate with no way to recover the lost memories to grow stronger >:P


Thanks, glad you're enjoying it so far! I've considered the level down thing in the past, it actually shows up in some Japanese games. But trying to balance that in a consistent way seemed like an awkward undertaking, so I'm staying away from it for now.


you could probably do it similar to that green area in the first one I remember losing a level through that or a mimic chest kind of thing


That was kind of a stub of me playing around with it, but I never really elaborated on it and ended up pulling that out. In order for it to be fun the lack of level would have to be noticeable when fighting enemies and so on. It is a fun idea though, so I might find a way to slip it in briefly in the future.


thanks for the reply 


I am glad that you find the idea worth consideration. It is alright if it doesn't fit into these games, I just wanted to suggest it.
Thank you for answering! :)


Really like level down thing in games, but yeah it's hard to implement it properly. Personally I think having specific events that use that mechanic and after you're done with them you get your levels back works well, but that can feel underwhelming to some people since level downs are not permanent. Maybe an option depending on if you loose or win decides if you get those levels back could work. Either way can't wait for what you come up with. The previous game became one of my favorite hypno games and I can't wait to eventually play this one when it's a bit more finished.


so has anyone found the sausage(i think its called) hidden item and what it does?


It's definitely in there, but I'll leave it a mystery! It's nothing super important though, just a fun extra. No scene or anything.


hello bitshift i like ur game,its so nice!
I hope to play the new game as soon as possible,
but i cant pay on subscribestar Because my card doesn't support this website.
can i pay u 10$ on itch after u email it to me?
I really cant wait to play this game.TT


Glad you're enjoying it! I may be able to help, but there are a few things to keep in mind: 1. Make your second purchase on this account, then reply to let me know you have (or let me know what account you're going to use.) 2. Make sure the email you have attached to your account is accurate, because that's where the link is going. 3. Download it quickly, because the link will only be up for a couple days after I send it. 4. Early releases tend to have a number of patches as bugs are fixed leading up to the public release. You won't be getting any of these, just the initial release, and then the public release with everyone else.

If you're fine with all that, feel free to purchase a "second copy" and let me know once you have. Also, note that while I'll try to be quick, I may be in and out a bit the next few days, so it may take a day or two for it to get sent out.

(1 edit)

I bought it again just now,please send email to [redacted] ty


Got it, but you probably don't want to post your email publicly, you'll get spammed to hell. Give me a bit to check and get it sent along.

Deleted 1 year ago

I got it ty


Subscribestar wont take my VCC, do you mind if I pay you over paypal instead? Thanks!!


Not directly, but if want to do like a2ce7y above and buy the game a second time (as that comes to the same amount), then let me know the account you used I'll send it over, with the same cautions as I gave a2.


Not gonna lie, I've never had a specific kink/interest in humiliation or hypno content before, but this definitely won me over. I think the concept of gradually becoming more and more depraved (in a lust filled way) by the constant defeats is a pretty hot touch and I'm 100% into this series now. With the content update established is ch.2 complete and next steps are ch.3? or is there still more for ch.2 to be done?

Cute character and fun game, keep it up!


Excellent, exactly what I like to hear. Part of the motivation to make the games hypnosis/mind-fuckery focused was just that there was so little out there that was good, but I also always try to make them fun explicit games overall, rather than just niche titles, so I'm glad whenever I hear they're having that broad appeal. And you've got it exactly: they're hypnosis games, but more broadly they're corruption games, which is a lot of fun.

The first content pack that was just finished caps off all the absolutely crucial stuff. I have two more smaller ones planned, but we'll see what the timeline on those ends up being.


I hate to be THAT guy but I just have to say: even though i do appreciate the more work this has compared to the first chapter it is more difficult. Although I find the challenge introduced in the first chapter more fair, I somewhat dislike the mechanic where if the enemies stuns you then they immediately go first which allows all the enemies to attack you twice. If I remember correctly, you mention that this game is somewhat stealthy (I could be wrong), I didn't have a problem with it that much compared to the first game but in this game it's a bit more difficult as well. It's not a big deal since I find myself beating all the enemies anyways but it's difficult to be stealthy when their speed is pretty much the same speed when sprinting and they'll walk ANYWHERE if you're patients trying to be stealthy. I had this happen, I was planning on moving pass by an enemy while I was hiding is an alleyway and found the enemy walking right into me lol. 

I bought the update from your support page and appreciate the new content. I'm aware that you can defeat Mahir and not get the hypnosis effect to make everything easier, but I decided not to just in case it would affect the ending of defeating the last boss. 


I decided to backtrack from a previous save file and I tried a different approach instead of beating all of them. I definitely find this more doable than previously when i made the original comment. I was stuck at the right alley where I had to fight all those stages of hyenas that were waiting for me. When you lose to them then it's gameover (in my case since I was in my third stage of hypno). I guess I should saved my special move for those and just preserve them when I'm fighting the normal enemies. 


So first of all, thanks for the feedback! While I like hearing what people like, hearing what they DON'T is also important. May not always result in a change for a variety of reasons, but I at least want to be aware of what is and isn't working for people.

Second, there are a few different things that are getting entangled here:

1. During the normal, initial playthrough of the entertainment districts, the enemies have a daze move they can use on you. This immobilizes Mezz for a few turns and lets them get his submission up easily. This ability exists for a reason: without it, it's actually fairly easy to steamroll the early enemies if you're careful, even without using the charm. I felt the gameplay needed a little more unpredictability, because TOO much power or agency in combat in these games makes them boring; there has to be some risk, something keeping you on your toes. That said, I've done my best to make sure the enemies don't spam this ability, via a bunch of manual checks, both to make sure it DOES show up every so often, but also that it doesn't get overused. That said, RPGMaker's RNG is...odd sometimes, so you will get some weird lineups every once in a while.

2. If you lose 3 times to the mobs, you then go into a different stealth gameplay mode in that section. The daze attack is no longer a factor, because you don't enter combat. In this mode, the enemies are on set paths to facilitate sneaking past them, rather than their random movements in the normal mode.

With all that said, it is still somewhat possible to avoid SOME of the enemies in the normal mode, and you certainly don't need to fight all of them to progress. But yes, in normal mode you do end up fighting most of them. The stealth aspect is more in that particular mode.

And yes, the main purpose of the special attack is crowd control, and you'll mostly need it for that last gauntlet. It IS possible to get through without using special there, but pretty hard as you'd imagine. But yes, overall I'd definitely recommend avoiding fights if you can. Cruel Serenade is far from a survival horror, but it is a bit stingy with items, and those that are given are provisioned in order to get you to your goal, not to defeat every mob on the map. So in that sense even the normal gameplay is a little "stealth": you're trying to avoid conflict if you can, because you're always just a little (sometimes a lot) behind the 8-ball.

(1 edit) (+1)

What kind of voice do you think Mezz would have? I personally think Michael Kovach would fit really well canonically.


Oh I couldn't even say. Probably something cute and with attitude, a bit 90s. Like Sonic's voice in the old cartoons. Not EXACTLY like, just in that genre of snarky 90s heroes. But with the obnoxiousness turned down slightly.


That is quite perfect, except cocky hero actually get fucked here.


I love your game Mezz and it's so cute and endearing don't let it down even after 5 chapters it deserves to have more art of its own a comic will be cool again thank you the rabbit sounds my favorite animals Long live our long-eared favorite


Glad you like it! To be clear, I'm Bitshift, not Mezz, but I appreciate the enthusiasm all the same.


I know well but I speak well of Mezz for this time thank you for your answer


Hi Bitshift, i'm runing in to some problems whit Crysta Data transfear, i copy and paste the data in the correct folder (www\js\plugins) but the game dosn't recognize it, i star whit defoult stats. I even try playing whit the numbers on DataCrystal but nothing, could you help?


So a few things to clarify. 1. The Datacrystal won't carry over items, level, moves etc. It's JUST there to carry over story data, so the game can remember some of the things you did. 2. For story reasons that will become obvious after you've played a bit, on first starting the game your STORY stats (viewable in the menu under stats) will still all be zero. The DataCrystal info won't load in until you return to Haven for the second time. If you're still not seeing those numbers change after that, let me know.

(1 edit) (+1)

thanks, i didn't remember that, all works as it should

Community Verified icon


Hi, I want to use the starter save but cant figure out where the save files are stored please tell me what the path is?

Game folder\www\StarterSave, copy and paste the save data in the folder: Game folder\www\save

thanks I found it 


No Mac?



Nope. In theory you MAY be able to get SOME of it to work: it's just javascript running in a nodejs browser, so index.html kinda sorta works in normal browsers with some adjustments. But it's never going to be perfect, because I do some wacky stuff with plugins that normal browsers aren't going to be happy with.


I think I'm retarded because I can't get the slut mode ending. If I lose yeah, I get steam rolled by Khazeem and get the sub bottom bitch bad ending, but if I win the fight ends in a very abrupt way, like the first normal ending but "worse" because Mahir doesn't undone the conditioning with his thrigger phrase, feels like I'm doing something wrong

I think the lose was the new ending? Like beating him in slut mode lets you leave with nothing else added on. There is a scene guide that might be updated soon you could look at.


Yeah, scene guide will be going up in the next couple of days thanks to the tireless work of OpenFireplace, but in the meantime: There are now 4 endings for the game, two of which are new. You seem to have gotten to both of them: losing to Khazeem in the slutmode battle (different bad end than the normal loss), and winning, but under certain circumstances. The epilogue should be...a bit different for that one. There's also the stuff at the host club of course, so be sure to check that out if you haven't.

(1 edit) (+1)

I played the new content pack, as always I loved it. I can see more content is coming (?) and that's really impressive for how much work you can do as only one person. Work and effort like this is why I always hope you get more love and support that you totally deserved, I can only imagine what the future chapters will bring us and I hope you always love what you are doing because we love you. <3


Aw, appreciate it man. As fast as I get stuff done, I always wish it was faster, but I am glad I've been able to finish a decent amount of stuff so far that people are enjoying. And yeah, another pack in the works. Wanted to have a roadmap post up already, but I'm a little under the weather at the moment. Soon though!


IT was excellent as expected, great update! Love it! Thanks as always, and will keep enjoying your games, assuredly.


Excellent! Definitely appreciate it.


is there a way to edit the save to give myself the lucky charm to see the last scene without having to redo the entire game possibly? really like this and im so looking forward to the next addition


Save Editor might be able to help you out.

late to the party but have you tried m tool? great little debugging or cheating tool.


I got question dont know whether this will count as spoiler or not. Will there be a route or bad end that involve mezz and scratch being fucked together within one cg. it might be a long shot but i really like the slut khazeem fight bad end and how i wish we get the cg describing their fate in the Gutter


In this game, no. In the future ones, what I'll say is that I'm definitely planning on doing more with Scratch.


This is a long shot and a bit of an odd question, but have you made any art in the past under a different name? When I saw Scratch I felt like something in the back recesses of my mind activated, he just felt so familiar. I feel like I've seen your art style or at least something that looks similar to that somewhere and I'm losing my mind trying to remember lol. Anyway these games are phenomenal and I'm super looking forward to seeing more of your stuff!


Sorry for the late reply. Sometimes Itch grabs posts as spam for arbitrary reasons, and I don't get a notification or anything, it's just down to whenever I check next. 

To your questions: I'm over on FA as Bitshift. Used to do pony stuff. Still dig it, just want to do my own IP for now.

And thanks, glad you're enjoying them!


will the next game go off a certain ending or any of the ending? 


Any of the endings that actually carry through. Obviously the ones where he completely loses/disappears are dead-ends. But as long as he "wins" one way or another, he continues on, and the consequences will be reflected in little ways in the future games.


what about the lucky charm ending dose that count as a win? 


Yup, anything where he leaves.

interesting I really wonder how that will go especially compared to the slut ending 


Imagining Mezz after 4-5 Slut endings where his brain is complete mush after becoming brainwashed to bend over for every criminal species in the series XD


Bun gets a lot of mileage on him (potentially). But he's spry!

would be funny if the brainwashing backfires due to so many diffrent methiods leftovers overlaping turning mez into an agressive hornball with the main baddies scrambling to undo it beacuse everyones a bit sore now in more ways then one.




other then looking sexy is there a purpose for the bunny suit or the hyena clongue? also while i get that it's a furry porn game a bit of skill, weapon, item and enemy variety would be nice.


Yup, the suit and cologne are both needed at various points (although technically you can avoid using the cologne, it's just...very tedious.) As for variety, I agree, but this is the work of one person, with limited abilities. More weapons or enemies means more art assets, which means a considerable amount of additional time. Adding new mechanics isn't AS hard or time-intensive, but it does still take time, not just to develop but to bugtest and balance. I've surmised, so far correctly, that most people would rather that time be put into more scenes and horny content; for a game like this, being hot is always the priority. Even the gameplay is there primarily to enhance the horny, because imho having some actual interactivity and agency is more fun that just clicking forward in a visual novel. I also don't want to make things TOO complex, because I want to keep the game fairly accessible. That said, again I agree, it could absolutely use some more variation, and maybe I'll be able to work more in as I go. But even my attempt to get just TWO completely distinct enemies into this one didn't turn out, with the second (the "clients" or customers, the dobermans) ending up as just NPCs for now.

This is also a function of what I'm doing fight-wise. If this was just an ordinary RPG fight system, and if you lose, sexy scene, that would be very simple to implement, and to add bad guys to. But instead, I have elaborate systems built into the fights themselves to do the sexy stuff IN the fight, not just after. This means that every significantly new enemy has to be fit into that system (or have a new one made for them, which is even worse.) In other words, there IS a fair bit of complexity to the fights, it's just been build around a few enemies, simple basic mechanics, and more complex sex mechanics. It's like character creation in an RPG: I have limited points, and I put them in scenes and battle sex mechanics, which makes things a little weak elsewhere. Hopefully still fun though.


you know , China is difficult to get BL game especially about hypnosis and sex .I'm really looking forward to the next three games, and I'd love to know if there's an approximate launch time ? I already want to have the next game experience


It will be a while. I'm currently working on the second content pack for GT, due out by the end of March. I MAY do a final third pack after that, which will be another 3-4 months. Then I'll finally start working on the 3rd game, which I anticipate will take roughly 13-14 months to develop.


Copy that, will definitely buy that one too, love it!


If the art takes the most time you could get someone else do the art so you can focus on like coding and stuff not sure how making games works but if it helps you get the game out faster you could get more games out faster to make more money which would easily make up for the cost of hiring someone. Or you could do it the other way around if you really like making the art

Developer (1 edit)

Outsourcing the art would create a host of other issues, even beside it being impractical financially. I've got a pretty decent balance going at the moment though.

(1 edit) (+1)

Was definitely worth the money. The longer plot line, challenges, and variety of scenes were awesome. This is a shorter review than what I did for CS but really you have a new long time fan here and I'm excited for the future. Fun, hot, great soundtrack.

Not sure the next time I will be able to play and get to the Credits- as I've said a few times now I really enjoy the Soundtracks, are you able to share the musical artist (s) information somewhere (for CS and GT)? I would like to follow them as well if possible.


Oh hey, glad you were able to do one for GT too! Tracks and artist info are in the credits files for both games. They come from various Japanese sites, but most are from Dova Syndrome. Don't know about the socials of the artists, but they will sometimes list some on their profiles there.

Hello , just to say your work is really impressive I plan to buy the 2nd chapter of the game, mezz is really adorable, it motivated me to start drawing again, 
(for the moment it's not that yet but as soon as I can I would like to do it a mezz fan art ;p). 
excellent work I don't know what else to say =^-^= ( sry for my english i am french )

Aw thanks, really appreciate it! I've improved a lot since I started, but I still have a LONG way to go on my art, so to know that it's motivating others is...very flattering. Also the reach of this game, goodness; I've got people from all over! Hope it comes across clear enough for a non-native speaker. Also, I know everyone says this, but people who apologize for their English usually have better grammar than native speakers :D. I wouldn't have known if you hadn't said anything; certainly better than my French. 

Glad you're enjoying the games, and would love to see the fan art when it happens (we even have a thread for it here).

(1 edit) (+1)

If it's not a bother, I was hoping to posit a few questions to you.

First, will there be any backstory about Mezz revealed in later developments? Even with NSFW games, I still appreciate learning about each character.

Second, is "Mezz" a pun on "mesmerize," or merely a coincidental name choice?

Finally, will there be any moments where Mezz wants to do something sexual without being hypnotized first? I know the main selling point is hypnosis, I'm not judging; I'm simply curious due to wanting to know more about his original personality.

Overall, the game looks interesting, and I look forward to seeing what you do in the future. Also, Mezz is adorable.

Developer (1 edit)

No bother at all, love it when people are thinking a little more about the games beyond the immediate.

There will definitely be story and setting development, and some degree of seeing who he is as he interacts with things, but I hadn't planned an elaborate back-story, no. Mezz is a fairly simple character, and that's partially on-purpose, as the player avatar. But in general it's more about where things go, rather than where they came from when it comes to him.

No, but I love that it works out that way. I think it's actually that long ago in the depths of time there was this artist called Muzz I kinda liked, and when I was trying to come up with a name some synapses deep in my memory crossed and mis-fired and my brain spit out "Mezz." No other relation though, it's not actually connected in any way. I just like the sound.

As for non-hypnosis sex, definitely with Scratch eventually (sorry, spoilers, but come on :D). Possibly in one other situation as well, given the way you worded that, but that won't be for a loooong time. 

And thanks, I agree. Just imagine the way the little ears bounce when he's takin' it :D.

Also, while we're talking the game and references, there's still one in there no one has caught. One of the graffiti. Too obscure I think, but let me know if you catch it.

(1 edit) (+1)

I came across some graffiti outside Mahir's place, which appears to reference to John Dowland. I was able to understand the rough gist of the Latin phrase, but I do not know much about music history, so I had to do some research on that.
If that is not the reference you were referring to, then is it the graffiti that says, "It's hard to draw a sexy rabbit" or however it's worded? I could not find the definitive answer, but some research has lead to claims that it originated from Jazz Jackrabbit, although I am unsure in what way; one source claims it was a weird easter egg in one of the games' credits.

On the note of backstory and personality, I really appreciated the dialogue in the garden. The fact Mezz seems so surprised by real trees and grass shows how physically scarred their world is, and also shows a subtle emotional side to the normally cocky Mezz, even if he immediately goes back to being cocky afterward.


Oh ho, got the Dowland too! Very good. You may wish to keep an eye on that going forward too. But yeah, I was thinking of the Jazz one. It's a "complaint" by the game's animator in the Instructions section. I'm curious what this "research" entailed though; it sounds like some others have made the connection? Nicely done though.

And thanks, I definitely will continue to have stuff like that; not huge exposition dumps but just little hints of "Here's how this character reacts, given who he is and the setting." Glad you enjoyed that.


I found an OpenForum thread from 2002 that was, from what I can tell, a guessing game about video game quotes. The text is slightly hard to read, coupled with me being dyslexic, but I was still able to find a reference to the quote. I searched up Jazz Jackrabbit screenshots and videos, and one stream recording of the game made the same claim about this quote. I couldn't see it in the credits, but again, that could be due to my dyslexia acting up; I can sometimes skip entire paragraphs, which is why I try to remember to double-check everything I read.


Ah, interesting, so someone was using it as trivia on a quiz. Yeah like I said, not in the credits per-say, it's at the end of the instructions section in the menu. But still, good catch!

(1 edit) (+2)

I'm sorry for suddenly jumping back into our conversation, but I had another weird and sort of morbid question. 

I won't specify where it's said, as I don't want to accidentally spoil too much for other players, but there's a piece of dialogue that says Mezz "trimmed down the ranks" of the gangsters. Is Mezz a no-kill kind of hero, and this dialogue implies he simply hurts enemies to the point of being out of commission? Or does he sometimes hit hard enough to kill? Even what amounts to a well-crafted stick can cause catastrophic damage if swung with enough velocity and into the right areas of the body.

I know this sounds extremely morbid, but I always am curious if combatant (especially armed) heroes follow a no-kill rule or not. 

Side note, does Dragon's Breath cause physical damage to hyenas after long-term abuse? I know it's already shown to cause mental disturbance (not even counting suggestibility in other species), but I can't stop thinking about how a drug like that would ruin a person's body over time.

Developer (1 edit)

I've intentionally left it vague. It's mostly video-game logic: you can bring a giant buster sword down on someone and bring their HP down to zero, but they're not dead, just "defeated", whatever that means. Making it explicit that he's murdering every single one of the enemies seemed like the wrong tone, and doesn't quite fit his character. To be clear though, Mezz isn't Spiderman/Batman, he's perfectly fine with killing (though you should probably picture it as a more cartoony killing, rather than him drenched in blood or something). It's just that he's somewhat of a stealth character, so he USUALLY favors knockouts; he sees killing as sloppy and unimpressive, but not off the table. You don't live your whole life in the ruined city and not kill. Even Scratch probably has a few notches (though I'm not definitively specifying there). But Diezel and Khazeem for example are 100% dead in the appropriate endings, and it's at least somewhat Mezz's fault.

Now, does all this mean that that bit of narration about "trimming the ranks" means he ended them all, or just crippled them for a while? Whichever you prefer, though I think my intention was more toward the latter; again, he prefers not to kill because it's sloppy, and doesn't fit as well with the "hero" identity/delusion he's crafted for himself. He is, like all good people, trying to live up to a somewhat unattainable ideal. But he's not unrealistically hard-line about it.

As for Dragon's Breath's potential for physical damage, the answer is that it's never been fully determined. Anyone who's not a hyena either ends up a sex slave (which tends to have a fairly...unimpressive career length) or ends up wandering off before training is complete and dying because their sex obsession and empty-headedness leads to the neglect of basic self-preservation: starving, tumbling off a high ledge, picking fights they shouldn't, etc. Anyone who IS a hyena goes crazy with violence and paranoia, and is murdered by other enterprising entrepreneurs before any physical signs of damage manifest. In the few cases where slaves/"Entertainment" have survived several years in their new roles however, no clear evidence of physical harm from the drug has manifested. But keep in mind that for "fresh meat" the drug is only used as an ensnarement and training tool for conditioning, then discontinued once the new assets are ready, so there's no continual abuse that might lead to further damage. Mahir only uses the clicker in the end.

ALSO: Was thinking over my comments on Mezz's name and realized I'm forgetting my own...lore? Dev lore? Originally I was going for a musical theme in naming for the first game, though I gave up on it pretty quick ("Diezel" is a brand of amplifier for example). "Mezz" is a reference to Mezzo, as in Mezzo Forte. "Medium". Get it? Cause he's short?


I actually was kind of curious if there were more music references hidden around, as there was the Dowland graffiti, not to mention the title "Serenade." I completely missed the name references for the characters, since I don't really know much about music at all, let alone brands or types of instruments.

I get what you mean about ambiguity on enemies' fates, and I appreciate that it's not just a concrete "kills everybody or nobody" dynamic. Aaaand because I'm deranged, when you said "more cartoony killing," I envisioned Mezz replacing one of Mahir's cigarettes with a stick of dynamite.


Well hey, he IS a bunny after all. 

*Mahir blinks, covered in soot.* Aint I a stinker? *Chews carrot, then immediately spits it out once the take is over.*


Dean Dodrill said that?  The guy who later made Dust an Elysian Tale?

...Well job well Done cause Jazz is one of my earliest crushes.  Especially those 3D levels where if you hit a wall he flips back and you have a screen full of bunny ass with legs spread open.

Developer (1 edit)

Ho boy, getting into esoteric Jazz lore a moment here: No actually, not Dean Dodrill. He did the excellent opening animation on Jazz 2, which still gives me chills to this day, but like the music (where the new tracks on 2 were done by the amazing Alexander Brandon, later to be of Unreal and Deus Ex tracker fame, but the first game's score was by Robert A. Allen), animation and styling for the characters in general was done by Nick Stadler on Jazz 1. Kind of a sad story: he went to school for animation, hoping to work on big movies and shows, and took the gig with Epic as a stepping stone, a quick stop to gain experience on his resume. Finished up, they offered to let keep him on, but he was set on going on to "real" work in entertainment. Aaaand then Toy Story happened, and suddenly no one would hire new animators if they couldn't do this new 3d thing. As a side bar, that MIGHT also be why so many games, especially edutainment titles in the late 90s had such lush 2d animation: There was a whole crop of traditionally trained animators that couldn't get jobs in the industry anymore, but the gaming world was thrilled to have them, as multimedia and CD ROM was just becoming a thing, and it would be eons before PCs could do decent real-time 3d.

He ended up doing illustration work for an LGBT magazine for a while (I believe he was gay himself) and then just kinda faded from public view. In hindsight, ouch, should have stuck with Epic, though I'm sure that would have had its own issues.

Heh, but yeah, lot of fun stuff in that game. Very jank in places, but beautiful art and music.


that second to last paragraph made me hope somewhere out there is official lgbt art of Jazz.  You know those turtles would want to do something with him.  Though yeah, bad timing.


Hey, anything's possible. He's probably not as big a perv as us though. Just hope things worked out alright for him in the end.


will we ever see Mezz top or is he forever a bottom 


98% bottom. I wouldn't rule it out entirely, but you're going to be waiting a long while.


so he is he like a willing bottom to like if he wasn’t hypnotized and we in sexual situations with someone he actually wanted to have sex with would he want to bottom or top 

Developer (1 edit)

Ah, that's a good question, pondering the actual character. There's three layers: 1. How he sees himself. 2. What he actually is. 3. What the hypnosis makes him. He sees himself as 90% top, way too cool to bottom unless he was doing someone a favor. In reality, he's probably closer to 70 sub, 30 dom (That smugness isn't ALL self-delusion). But the hypnosis switches off that 30 (and massively amplifies the 70), making him 100% long-eared sex toy.

ahhh okay 


Hello, to begin with please forgive me for the more than doubtful English because I am French:

but the scene in GT with the wild boars will have a sequel, because I love them.

Thank you for your reply.


Oh hey, another fan from France, glad to have you!

There will definitely be more boar, but not until the 3rd game.


had an absent thought, what would the remaining flavors of mind control even be? just asking because theres really not many er existant flavors so to speak... and for some reason i cant really see mez being a hypnotized dom top or a stepford so i thought i would ask incase theres a dev roadmap someplace.


Oh believe me, there's still plenty to explore. You'll have to wait for the next game to find out what they are though, not spoiling anything.


I'm calling it here, Red will be the final Hypnosis color.


Whoever uses red is probably the one who made the deal with the boars in the first game in addition to working with Mahir, probably some smaller bits of programming hidden in each of the other hypnosis techniques maybe that can be triggered when it's put together. 


Hey Bitshift, I hope you are doing good as always. Do you think you would collab with some other artist in the future chapters? I can imagine that you will have much lesser workload and more CG scene potentially.


No, for a variety of reasons I kind of have to do it myself. Cost was one early on, though that becomes less of an issue as the game picks up. There's still the issue of trustworthiness and branding though. For a game like this, the art IS the game to a large extent. Unfortunately, artists have a tendency to be...flighty, and that's dangerous in a situation like this. What happens when I hire someone to do art for a game, and they bail for whatever reason before it's finished? What happens if they finish one, but then can't stick around for the next? What happens when they realize "Wait, art is the hard part, why am I working for someone else? I could just make my OWN game and keep 100% of the profits!" And I mean good for them, but that doesn't do me any favors. I also need someone who's not just ok with, but enthusiastic about the kinks being explored. When that's one person, that's pretty easy. When two have to agree, much harder. So I'd need someone who was:

-Willing to work for...something, but not a lot

-Insanely, unreasonably devoted to the project

-Perfect mind-meld with me on kink

-Had a style that matched what I was looking for

-Was very hard-working and reliable

Kind of a hard list to hit. These worries aren't theoretical either: I've seen MANY projects stutter and die because of struggles in this area. Until you become a big company that can ensure reliability through substantial pay, the only really safe bet is to do it yourself.

And even all that aside, I enjoy the challenge and satisfaction of working on it myself. Even if the skill level is modest, it is improving, and is already far more than I thought I'd get to (though still far less than I want).

(5 edits) (+1)

There's not alot I can prove to you that I can do all that but I am willing accept every terms you stated, basically you don't have to pay me anything at all. If you still remember the mail at the furaffinity a while ago, my offer is still up. This would be an honor if I can help whatever I can.


I'm good for now, just wanted to elaborate a bit, since this comes up a lot. Appreciate the offer though.




how goes the next content update? Everything on schedule? Any unexpected hang ups? 


Fairly well. It'll be close, but I'm still trying to hit the end-of-march deadline. If not though, it won't be too much further beyond that. Art is done, hard programming is done, just some writing and a lot of little connective tissue stuff. And some testing of course. Getting close though.


I love the music choice in the game! ^^

I especially love the music in the background of Khazeem’s fight :3


I'm glad, cause MAN did it take some time trawling through a bunch of sites to find what I was looking for. But you gotta have that personality, you know? Especially because in a game like this, you spend a LOT of time listening to some of the tracks. Me even more so when bug testing. So they have to earn their keep, or they get tossed out quick.

But yeah, Khazeem's is definitely a good one. I was really pleased with myself finding the title theme too, took a while but it fit perfect.


oh yeah I didn’t mention that but the title theme is great :0

And I also love the battle theme, dancing with powder. I added whatever I could to my YouTube playlist lol


Oh yeah they are mostly on there aren't they? Not really study music, but exercise maybe :D? Anyway, glad you're liking them.


only a couple were on YouTube and I think they just said on the thumbnail free bgm, but yeah I’m loving them! :D

And I think I’m about to finish the second game now too :3


Excellent! Be sure to check OpenFirePlace's guide if you want to make sure you haven't missed anything. And the new stuff should be out soon!


Oh! ^^
i can’t wait to play the new stuff too! :D

I only have some of the slut mode endings left


any news on the update?


Chugging along. It will be close, but I'm still shooting for a release by the end of March (for those on Subscribestar, as always, two weeks later for everyone else). Art's been done for a while, just chewing my way through writing, testing and some last details here and there.


Vibrates excitedly


S O O N.


hey is this like a rare thing? Or did you just add this😅


Nope, been there since the first Content Pack. You get it after a certain ending :D.


ohhhh good to know ;3


when will we get to see what’s behind the locked door after the boar encounter assuming we can’t see it already 


Oh that won't be till the third game. Each one will have a little bit of extra stuff going on in Haven before the main game. We're just about finished with GT after this content pack. MAY do one more small one with an additional job in the gutter plaza, but that'll be it. Then on to 3!




i wonder what the odds will be that mez keeps the bunny suit if their minds fried enough? would be a good humorous bit and a way to show mez acumalating mental pollution for a lack of better term.


Certainly possible given some of the endings. But we'll have to see.


is there a button or hotkey to hide the text-box during sex scenes? i'm thankful the box is somewhat transparent but still love watching Mezz having fun in full detail hehehe <3


I was going to say right-click, but shockingly it seems like this functionality is completely absent from RPGMaker by default. I've found a plugin that does it just fine, but it also seems to slowdown the skip speed you get by holding down enter by a bit, so eh. Will test and possibly include with the next bugfix release.


Hello can someone tell me what these keys are for please?


Try them out in a battle.


where'd you get those keys?


Poke around a bit more in the side alleys off the main plaza.

(1 edit) (+1)

So a weird question, why do the protagonist stand at the right side instead of left like most RPG battle screen do?


Just the convention from a lot of Japanese games I was emulating that I carried through. If I had to guess, it might have something to do with them reading right to left instead of left to right, but that's just a guess. For what it's worth, these kind of games also require a really large and detailed player character sprite, and I think it feels more "balanced" to have that on the right than on the left for some reason.


Hey there, loved the game and have been watching your work from when you first launched Cruel Serenade! Just a few questions if you don’t mind.

— The scene where Mezz inspects a certain vent (being vague to avoid spoilers) and you play as a different person for a little while has got me wondering. Do you plan on future scenes in other games where you’re not actually playing as Mezz or is that a one time type of deal?

— With Scratch being an actual ally to Mezz and Mahir being… nicer towards Mezz, do you plan on adding more characters in the future that are named friendly NPCs or will we see something more similar to the first game where it was Mezz solo the whole way through.

— Lastly, will there ever be other weapons Mezz uses or will it be the same staff for each game? Just curious since we learn more moves but never any different beating sticks. And will moves such as the Dodge from the first game and the Dazzle Blast attack carry over or is each move in it’s own game and that’s it?

Sorry if these are dumb questions, and thanks for working so hard on bringing something this cool to itch!


No, always glad when people have questions like this. It means they're actually getting into the game and story, which is great!

I can't say one way or the other whether I'll have more non-Mezz gameplay, It kind of comes down to what presents itself story-wise. I will say I probably won't have FULL gameplay, fighting and all that, because lord would that be a lot of new art assets. But I have full walking sprites sitting around for most of the characters, so if it's something like that, it's always possible. Just depends on how things go.

Scratch will definitely be sticking around, and have some extra stuff as time goes on. I probably won't be introducing any other allies/rivals that kind of thing, but there will obviously be new named characters with each chapter.

Almost certainly just the staff. It's an art asset's thing: I'd have to redraw something like eight battle sprites for each new weapon (and the nude versions, and on and on). Plus the staff is just kind of his thing, it's part of his design and all. The plan with the special moves are that there's a new one for each chapter to keep things interesting, but none of them carry over. Balance would quickly become a nightmare if I had to account for all of them.

Thanks for the questions, and for playing the games!


I could see Scratch doing some stealth portions but with some hacking mechanics like turning off cameras or making a machine malfunction to distract a guard. 


Yeah, there are certainly some possibilities there. PROBABLY won't be doing any big play-as-Scratch sections, just kind of the way the story is at the moment, but we'll see where we end up as things come together.


When going to the middle section, there's stairs leading down to a a bar in the alleys. Are those part of a future content pack or just flavor?


Nope, just flavor. I guess I had it in my mind that I wanted him to have an excuse to be bringing the clients over there, even though they...just use the alley anyway. So it could have just been bare, but I think in my mind the implication was "hey big guy, let's go to the shady BAR and fuck, and then they never quite get there. Game dev is not always a straight line.


Hey just wanna say I've really enjoyed playing your game on fansly its really hot and hits all my fav kinks. Love watching this cocky bunny get railed. Keep it up can't wait for more content. 


Oh this is INTERESTING. I've thought a few times it would be neat to actually see someone stream the game, but resigned myself to that never happening because Twitch and Youtube are very against hard-core bunny fucking action. I had no idea one could even stream on Fansly (though it makes sense), let alone that there were people doing game streams. But wait, is this an announcement of a stream today, or have you already done it? Either way, will definitely take a look, certainly can't pass up the opportunity to finally live my lifelong dream of being Devin Chat.

Also, took me a moment, but my, that's a very familiar outfit you're wearing there :D.


Im playing the 2nd half today!  we just got to the dlc  last weekend and got to our first breeding pole scene before ending we'll be continuing the rest of the game today. around 7:00cst

And yes I loved the outfit so much on Mezz i Had to draw my self in it. I can't wait to see the rest of the dlc and the ending of the game i think my community is gonna love it. 

Developer (2 edits)

Nice! Well I'm in, will take a look at the VOD and drop in for the second half (hopefully, my browsers don't seem to play well with Fansly.) Also, if you aren't already, remember you can check OpenFireplace's handy reference chart to make sure you've seen everything, since I haven't got a gallery in yet (soon!).

Also holy shit, sorry I never responded to your question on the first game! I check notifications pretty regularly here, but sometimes Itch just...breaks and I don't see a comment. Or maybe by the time I saw that one you had already figured it out? Glad you got it in the end though.


Hey i got that save file for you but not sure how to send it you can find me at johnnyjellyjaw on discord or tele and send it there. 


That is... a good point, will message you there.


what is the difference between the different ending save file transfers?


The startersave is for people who have already played most of the game so they can get to the most recent content pack quickly. The DataCrystal transfers some extra information from the original game. At this time, it only unlocks one additional scene, but other information is carried over as well, and it will be used more in future chapters.


sorry. I meant between the 2 data crystal endings. do they do the same thing? or do the different endings add different stuff?


The scene in GT that the DataCrystal file unlocks is unlocked based on number of defeats in the first game. Low defeats mean no scene, mid means a scene, but you can fight to avoid it, high mean the scene is forced. Any ending in the first game where Mezz leaves the island will write the file with the relevant information. The other information in the file is not currently used, but will be later.

oh thats sick. thank you!


odd question. how many is alot or middle amount of losses? cus my slut mode one only had 3 losses. i set mine to 2 losses and rebeat him the big pig. since that's the closest idea i got to middle

Developer (1 edit)

Had to go back and check to be sure. 0 and 1 defeat do nothing, 2 and 3  get you the scene. The other information is unused for now.


fuckin perfect thank you! sorry for the odd question i couldint find the info just checking pages. looks like i made the right call getting that extra loss! lol


Ha, no problem, glad to help.


Not sure if this has been discussed before, if so I apologize, I am still fairly new to the series, it's been 2 and a half months I think. However, in terms of content of the series that I'd like to see/be willing to pay for beyond what's already available (unless I missed it somewhere), I'd be interested in a Mezz (or CS/GT themed, potentially options for other characters as well) Poster. Option for SFW/NSFW. I know you are focusing on the game itself, and I don't know if it's appropriate of me to ask you to take your character to that kind of medium, however I thought I'd throw this out there and see if maybe I'm not the only one interested in something like that, and if it could be a possibility in the future. 


Oh no worries, I'm always glad to hear ideas, though obviously I have to turn down most of them. This is actually an interesting idea, and one I hadn't considered. I tend to take a chuckling, self-effacing view to the idea of merch for the games for the most part: a. Are people really THAT enthusiastic and b. Do they really want to advertise in public that they're jerkin' it to a cartoon bunny? But a poster would be...somewhat private? And fairly cheap and easy to contract production for, shipping etc, with some decent room for profit margin (sounds mercenary, but you have to understand this stuff takes time, and I'm running a business, so it has to generate at least SOME income to justify itself.)

So yeah, I actually really like that idea. That said: Time. I am currently working on the third Content Pack, and getting some IRL stuff sorted. After that I have to immediately dive into Chapter 3, giving it 150% of my time and energy because 1 was important, 2 was important, but 3 is also very important to get just right for a variety of reasons. Without even researching it I'm guessing it'll take me two to three weeks to whip up the art, and probably at least another month to get all the logistics of printing and ordering worked out. So it's probably not happening until after the initial release of 3 is out. That said, if you or others have suggestions for services to work with on this, I'll definitely archive them for reference later. Those kind of groups have a history of being unreliable, disrespectful of IP, and cutting pretty aggressively into profit, but it definitely won't hurt to get a jump on researching the options.


gonna throw my two bits on the poster idea, rather then just charactor shots why not location shots as well from a first person perspective? bet some really nice images could be generated from that,


Will have to ponder, but certainly some interesting possibilities.


Never would I have expected to be using the personality of "Broken" Mezz for inspiration for a Dungeons and Dragons character but lo and behold, I just had to roleplay out an insane mind broken of my kobold character. So uhhh thank you for that I suppose?? Lol. In other news I've absolutely loved both chapters and can't wait to see where the next chapters go. 


Ha, always glad to inspire further filth! This sounds like quite the campaign, let me know how it goes. Over the years I've gradually realized I enjoy re-tellings of tabletop games more than actually playing them. But glad you're enjoying them so far!


Oh for sure. The campaign itself has been nothing short of a rollercoaster ride, and I found myself so caught off guard when I realized where the campaign was going that the party would be running into a version of my character who's just flat out insane. (Basically, the party had been on a mission to save him from hell but due to this campaign being a large scale campaign with two groups in the same world, the second group made a drastic decision which lead to both groups jumping to the past when we all first met therefore abandoning my character in hell and our last session ended with one of the party getting a vision of my character basically being out of hope, giggling like a maniac, and yea! Terrified myself and the DM.  Excited to see where that goes and also mortified to see "Broken" Mezz come out of me. Definitely will update you on what comes next. 


Pff, love it. And hey, brain-broken is a fun state!

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Just realized some subtle relations to John Wick, obv very subtle maybe not even intended lol XD
But going to a nightclub in the first game, talking to the main boss in his office in the second, and with Mezz being kinda like a spy/fighter, I think it's another reason I love the game so much :D


Definitely not intentional, but tropes are going to overlap eventually. Good movies though, at least the first two, haven't gotten around to the rest yet.


same here, I've just watched the first 2 so far but I love em :D
And I expected it to not be intentional lol


I just finished the first game and have to buy the second part. This is a really cool game.


Thanks! Glad you're enjoying it so far.


I would love to see mezz in chastity honestly surprising no one’s forced him into a cage yet 


May or may not end up there. But we'll see how things turn out.

A exciting possibility 

(1 edit) (+1)

Heya, I am checking in on how are you doing so far. I hope everything is going smooth for you.


Hangin' in there. Work continues on the last pack. A lot done, though things are a bit slow at the moment as I deal with some real life stuff. May end up going a little over on this one because of it, but we'll see.


Saw a Humble Bundle on my feed for royalty free music and sound effects and figured I'd let you know. Not sure if it's anything you could use but if you do it's less time scouring the internet for bgm


Oh hey, thanks! I have some pretty good sources, but it's always worth looking into new stuff. Will take a look.


If I may ask do you have any ideas for the next game you can share or would you prefer to leave them a surprise? 


Oh I have it planned out, but I'll share more once I start gearing up for the production process on the third game. Got a ways to go yet: bugtesting on this pack, releasing this pack on Itch, getting a gallery set up on the first game, working with a very hard-working Japanese fan to get the translation up and working, etc. If all goes well, I'll hopefully be doing my presentation of "here's the plan for 3" in a month or so.


Just wanted to say congrats on completing pack 3 and i look forward for playing it when it's available on here :D will definitely be keeping an eye  out for the 3rd game.




you welcome! Oh!  before I forget I was gonna ask if there was any chance we'd  see some items return in future installments  like the ear clips or the one in this game? I'd say what it is but I'm refraining from spoilers lol


Possibly, although if you've played the boar content in this you know it's more that the conditioning persists once the item itself has done its work, so it's not really needed any more.


Just so you all know ill be playing the 3rd part of the game on my fansly Stream at at 8:00pm CST tonight for those of you who wanna toon in and watch a horny slime watch this horny bunny slut get railed. 


Was a lot of fun! Thanks for checking the new stuff out. 


It was great can't wait for part 3


hello, just played both of your cruel serenade games and they both were AMAZING, can't wait for part 3 to come out, also really loving the soundtrack for both games, it just really completes the experience.


Thanks! I spend a lot of time trying to select stuff that will really fit and give the right vibe; in games that's especially important, because you may end up listening to a particular track a LOT. So I'm glad you're enjoying them!


Actually, I wanted to wait for the game to be uploaded two weeks later, but I couldn't wait, so I bought it again from Please send a copy of version 1.0 to my email, thank you T T

(1 edit)

**Address removed**


No one with that email has purchased GT recently according to my records. Please share the email associated with the itch account you used to buy the game. I would also highly recommend against sharing email addresses here, as they will be harvested by spammers and scammers. Please contact me via note on FA (bitshift), or if you have to post an address here, at least add additional clear nonsense characters (


i used to buy this game.

i send an email to "legitmail" today but idk if this is the email you're using im not good at english so maybe i have missunderstood what u mean


Ah, excellent, that one is on the list. Sent you a link, sorry for the confusion. And no, the "legitmail" thing was just an example of formatting to avoid scammers scraping your email, it's not a real email. All good though.


cant find where to get the voice print 


Remember, there's a guide stickied here, both text and chart. But I'll point you in the right direction: You have to find a particular item in the alleys, then talk to the guards on the entrance to the center path.


I got question dont know whether this will count as spoiler or not. Will there be a route or bad end that involve mezz and scratch being fucked together within one cg. it might be a long shot but i really like the slut khazeem fight bad end and how i wish we get the cg describing their fate in the Gutter


Huh, sorry, somehow this one got caught in the spam filter, which I don't check regularly. Bit late, and I'm not sure if I answered your question elsewhere, but the answer is "not in this chapter." We'll have to see what the others hold though :D.


Hi, been following your journey for a while and i can't wait to play your game!
But to buy the game on itch i'd need to provide my precise location in accordance with 2015 Vat Moss regulation, and im not really comfortable with that.
I know that you have a subscribestar and i think they only ask your country which im fine with. Can i buy one month of your 10€ subscription and still be able to get the game(and future bug fixes updates)? Sorry for the bother , big fan!


First of all, my condolences on living in the UK. Second, absolutely! The $10 and up Substar subs come with a key for GT. Just DM me once you're on there to remind me you're new and need a key, and I'll pass one along.


but why is there client pics if there no battles or much sexual desires (I had this gut feeling the white suit ones havent been used .)


They were originally going to be another kind of "enemy" in the proto-version of the center path, but with different "fighting" rules based entirely around sex. That ended up being scrapped both because I decided to do something less top-heavy and tedious for the center path, and because they didn't work well as direct antagonists due to how non-emotive they are.


hmmm... Maybe they could be Part of the 3rd game?


No, will be doing a bunch of new stuff. But that's fine. I'm pretty happy that I was able to keep the unused/excess stuff to a minimum; very little waste on this game overall.


ah well. but at least It was a good idea attempt.


having some trouble with the Slut Mode. It seems you only get one shot at fucking three dobermans, but when you get caught once, you can't fuck the same dobermans again and the alleyways don't work. Is that intentional?


So to clarify, we're talking the center path? If you get caught by the hyenas, you get a scene with them, but then can continue trying to lure in dobermans. You won't be able to get ones you've already pulled, and it's randomized: it activates...3 or four, can't remember, at random to be available, and if you go through all 4, it activates a new random set of 4. Once you've used an alley, you can't immediately use it again, you have to take them to another one, but there should always be A doberman to find and A alley to take him to. Finding both and threading that needle without getting caught is the challenge.


I haven't been able to find the first CG. How can I get it?


You mean the one on the dumpster? That requires playing the first game a certain way, then transferring over data via the datacrystal.js file. Check near the start of Openfireplace's guide here for details.


I have moved the file to the specified location and asked whether to overwrite it, but nothing happened in the game.


Again, make sure you're reading the guide carefully. The file just transfers over details of how you played the first game (it's written every time you finish that game). You can also "cheat" and just edit the numbers yourself, it's just plain text. The numbers have to match certain values for the scene to trigger. In addition, it doesn't trigger the FIRST time you enter Haven and walk past the alley, but the SECOND, after you've talked to Scratch and done a bunch of things.

Deleted 193 days ago
Deleted 193 days ago

Excuse me, I've replaced the file with the alley quest that wants to trigger Chapter 2, do I need to talk to an NPC? Or take scratch's first quest and walk to the exit, and when you come back, you can trigger the alley directly


if I remember correctly you do the scratch quest first and when going through the second time the boar scene should trigger


Yes, assuming you have the right switches set in the DataCrystal file, you have to go on the first "mission", and then the alley scene triggers once you walk past it. Keep in mind, we also have a text walkthrough/guide stickied here, so feel free to check that. Even I do sometimes when I'm going back to test something.


Will the door under the stairs of the alley be renewed in the future?


That side story will continue in the next game, yes, as well as a few others eventually.


Do you know if any other games like this? Just something to hold me over till the third in this series 


Perfect Home is the big one, though it has its own vibe. Definitely fun once you get into it though. But unfortunately there isn't a lot of good hypno stuff out there, which is one of the reasons I'm making these to begin with. Gotta expand availability.


So now we are done with chapter 2, there's 3 more to go. I can only imagine following chapters are just only going to be better. Before you going too deep the making, would you like to talk about the game development? May I get your Discord or something perhaps?


No, no Discord, I'm pretty much just here (and on FA). Feel free to ask, though I won't be getting into too many specifics on Chapter 3 yet.


Somewhere I can talk you to privately? There's something I want to discuss, nothing about the spoilers.


If you're on FA, I'm "bitshift" over there, you can note me. If it's nothing personal, and you just don't want to spoil things for people, you can just make a thread here and put [Spoilers] on it, that should be plenty of warning.


You got it. Check DMs


Will this game be on steam?


Probably not. While Steam has massively reduced what they censor (or increased what they allow, depending on how you want to look at it), my understanding is that a lot of the "adult" games you see on there use the dodge of selling a "clean" version and then making the explicit stuff available as an "add-on pack", as this bypasses the payment processor's forced censorship guidelines ("We didn't sell smut Mr Mastercard, we sold a perfectly clean game! If the users want to mod it after the fact, that has nothing to do with the transaction you were handling!"). This is goofy, and there's not really a way I could make such a version of the CS games even if I wanted to, because the sexual aspect is so inter-woven with everything. 

There's also a question of audience: While I certainly want to draw in a crowd, there's such a thing as too large a crowd. One of the many things that makes social media terrible is that it shoved everyone into one big tent instead of letting them hang out in their own communities, which leads to chaos and misery. I'd rather stay in the niche I belong in.


That's fair, thankie for your replay


An honest question: Have you used any bit shifting in this game? XD


I have not, though I have in a sense on other projects (not in the strict definition of binary arithmetic, but just shuffling strings around).

(1 edit) (+1)

Well, if you consider that shifting a string is displacing a whole byte is a sort of bit shifting, so I guess your nickname is still accurate XD. By the way, I loved playing your first game and looking forward to playing the second one


Thanks! And let me know if you have any thoughts/feedback after playing.

(1 edit) (+1)

I played the game entirely on a pure playthrough. Then I started a new save and agreed to work for Mahir. Problem is, when the Strip Club shift is over, I'm stuck in the restrooms. For the love of God, what do I need to do to leave?

Nvm, figured it out. Regardless of the fact that I clicked the door and beyond and even walked up against the wall a million times, I couldn't leave until the last try.


On the last shift you're not allowed to leave until you look at the picture by the stall, that could have been it. Regardless, glad you were able to find your way out!


thank you, but it was only the first shift. I was so sure it was the door too bc nothing else made sense. Only took a few tries (this part's for anyone else who might have the same issue: don't try to walk out of the door, click the bricks against it with your mouse, that's the only way that got me out). Otherwise, yeah, I didn't have many problems. Gotta say the combat is the best part, and I had a lot more fun on the pure playthrough. Not something I expected from a porn game.


Thanks! I mean, even on a "pure" playthrough there's a lot to dodge with the combat, unless you're using the protective charm. But either way, glad you enjoyed it!


Furaffinity is compromised atm, that can't be good. Don't use it atm, hope everything is okay.


Looks like they're getting it back under control; ironically the worst part seems to be that their domain server service has abysmal customer service. 48 hours my ass. No real issues for me though, other that inconvenience. All my passwords that matter are unique to each service and secure.


any hints on the next enemy group?


Not yet, no.


Can I make a suggestion? maybe one of the next villain groups are snakes, maybe with their hypnosis being gene modification on their eyes or something...


I've never been a huge fan of snake anthros actually. I mean they're fine, I don't hate them, but they just don't give me as much to work with in terms of getting me worked up. But there may be some...snake like things in one of the Chapter 3 packs eventually.


Heya, how are you doing? Asking about you yourself and the game.


Hangin' in there. Will be doing an update on Chapter 3 toward the end of the month: this first section of development has been a bit slow in part due to sickness, but I am making some progress, and I'll have at least a little to show that I think you guys'll like.


I am glad, take care.


Hello, I loved chapter 2! (loved the glory hole minigame) I had an idea. maybe you could include an extras folder with chapter three showing behind the scenes dev stuff like some other games do? it's really cool and fun to see a developers thought process. (example: concept art, rough sketches, scrapped ideas)


Potentially. There isn't a ton of that to go through though, and I tend to keep it fairly close to the chest just because there's always the chance old stuff gets repurposed down the line (has already happened in a few cases). Also I tend to talk about a lot of that here and there in devlogs before and after. But certainly worth considering.


'The Boar's Newest Plaything' by PupNeedsToBeBrainDrained - Gay Spiral Stories

A little story for all of you to enjoy and possibly add your own stories to.


A good opportunity to point out people can certainly link their stories like this as well, doesn't have to be visual art. Also, good to see but not a fan of that site. Any reason you didn't go with AO3? Or sofurry? Or hell, even if you just need a place to dump formatted text and don't care about the community element?

Very hot to read, I came


Sorry, but I’ve been having major trouble winning either of the Mahir fights, there doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to his attacks? nothing I’ve tried so far seem to change how the fight goes, is it just down to RNG or are there patterns/items I need to look for?


Yup, definitely a trick to it. He looks like he has one special, but he actually has two, that act as fakeouts for each other. Pay attention to the icons, they're slightly different for each. Once you've got that figured out, it's just a question of figuring out the counter for each: there is a given counter for each special that works every time.


Ah that makes more sense, I can barely see the enemy buff icons half the time, so that explains why I missed it lol Appreciate you taking the time to reply!


No problem. Do you mind if I ask why though? They should be fairly clear on desktop.

(1 edit) (+1)

Probably my monitor being small and my own vision being not great Though I did at one point have a glitch with a text box appearing at the top of the screen covering the icons on the 1.0.4 patch that I can’t recreate now on 1.0.7 Likely just a issue with me rather than the game lol


Ah ok, that makes sense then. Well glad to help!


Figuring out the Mahir fight was fun. I was stumped too the first few times, and then I just experimented and tried something different and was like.... wait what??? oooh!


Ha, excellent! That was my hope: something that plays like it's "unfair" at first, but is actually solvable if you try. And the main content is behind failing anyway, so not a huge punishment.


Hey Shift, any updates on the chapter? hope you had a good holiday and new year


Thanks, same to you. Next update is planned for the end of this month; should have some fun stuff to show off :D.


Yay! :D I honestly always keep a tab open for this browser checking for updates! Something about this game series excites me like no other. Glad to see you are doing well. :) can't wait to see what comes next!


Don't know if something you want to spoil, but will the normal slut route ending and the "Trained" slut route ending have effects on the next chapter like losing to the boars too many times in the first chapter got you a scene near the start of this one?


Yes, there will be both boar AND...Chapter 2 related content in Chapter 3 :D. Only the boar scene will be in the initial release though, the other stuff will come later. As with Chapter 2, it will take a while for me to complete and slot in all the content I have planned.


Any estimation as to if those scenes will be more intricate/longer than the boar scene in CS2, or play a major role in the ultimate outcome of chapter 3?


Should be about the same. No effect on outcome yet, these side stories each build toward an end of their own, but that won't come in 3.


Out of curiosity, when will the next game come out? I know that there's going to be 5 chapters in total and so far we have 2 of them.  Just wonderin was all. Also, great job on the games👌


Sorry, this got caught in the auto-spam filter for some reason. To answer your question though if you're still wondering, Chapter 3 is planned for initial release somewhere around November of next year, VERY tentatively. Update on progress coming at the end of this month, so stay tuned!


not to be that guy but my head won't let me not ask did you mean November of 2025 or literally November 2026


Ha, sorry I'm still thinking like it's 2024. Yes, should be November of THIS year now, 2025.


Chipping in to say: very fun game and chapter! Games like this are a great example of winning on "execution" - the stock rpgmaker assets and clean simple art style are leveraged towards a very effective implementation of a key vision. Wonderful exploration of hypnotic themes, kinky and spicy in all the right ways.

I especially liked the "progression" of the hypnotic influence - how repeated encounters and losses would push the character further and further into new behaviors and scenarios. Added a lot of depth! 

Very much looking forward to future chapters - this one was a home run!


Thanks, appreciate it! That's definitely been a big part of it, just scavenging a bunch of simple pieces and trying to put them together into something good. And so far it's worked fairly well!


I love this game, I'm so glad that I bought it. It hits so many kinks and toys with some really hot ideas.

I normally don't do this, but an idea has just lodged itself in my brain and won't let go. And that's that I think there should be a short little scene (using one of the 3 pre-baked in-combat CGs maybe) once Mezz is completely lost to the dragon where he can willingly ask Mahir to top him and to not use the clicker to make him forget it. There's all sorts of ways to play it I think but I just love the idea of Mezz wanting to actually remember one of his Hyena encounters.


That's actually not a bad idea in general, the wanting to remember thing. Probably won't do anything more in GT itself, and there are a lot of ideas I go through with these games, but will certain keep it in mind, and there will (eventually) be some hyena stuff in chapter 3.

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I'm really glad you like the idea! And I wasn't expecting anything to be added.

Honestly this comment was far less "a serious suggestion" and more of a "if I don't mention this I'm going to spend the next month learning rpgm in order to make a one minute long mod" kind of situation. 

I know because I'm currently knee deep in twine due to something similar happening and I do not have the time or energy for another project like that. 


Ha, fair enough. But hey, take some time for your "dumb" ideas when ya can. I had that same instinct, and ended up doing four or five dead-end projects over the years before one of them actually held together all the way through and became CS. You get a little further each time.


There's one of the endings where you fight Khazeem and you use the luck charm where you worship Mahir's balls and I don't remember Major using the clicker and Mezz's eyes aren't glowing green, which kinda suggests he's not completely zonked for it. At least that's how I read it.


Well, yes and no. He's certainly aware and not drugged, but the implication is that he's been fully mentally re-arranged, "trained", so the drug is no longer needed. I think Dash was thinking more of a scenario where Mezz is REALLY drugged and just wants to stay like that, which probably wouldn't work because he'd be too out of it to be thinking in those terms. Still potentially interesting as a more general idea though.

Ah, yeah. So kind of like the bad end with the boars where the player can choose to give up and be a slut instead of of retrying the fight. The drugging aspect does make it complicated though since the endings where he's really heavily on it he's too far gone to make a choice. 

(2 edits) (+1)

I was more thinking the opposite tbh.

A scene where Mezz isn't drugged, but has been defeated and therefore trained so many times that the barrier between his hypnotized self and his regular self is very thin. So in his lucid state he asks Mahir, of his own will, to put his Hyena cock up his ass.

Because lucid Mezz must be able to tell what's happening at least a little. And it's scary to not know...but there's also a part of him that wants to know what it's actually like. Like...there's gotta be a reason why drugged up Mezz wants it so bad. So in a moment of vulnerability or being unsure in himself, he asks the only person who knows how he's conditioned (and therefore maybe knows how not to put him into the drugged up state) to, let's say "let him know what it's like". 

Part of my mental image is: after asking Mahir pulls out the clicker to put Mezz into that state because they don't entirely get what the bunny is asking for her and Mezz goes "No wait! Not with that."

And after that the full implication of what Mezz wants sinks in and once they understand they begin teasing Mezz about it.


Ah, pardon then, misunderstood. But at that point then it would pretty much just be...ordinary sex. 

Pardon me for going on a bit of a tangent here, but I think this is something a lot of people misunderstand about Mezz: He's not a slut. No, genuinely. He's a switch (though he'll never admit the sub side), but that's not the same thing. That's why it's hot. That's the crux of the whole thing. There's no hook, no humiliation, no exciting aspect to taking someone who's already a slut and...making them a slut. A lot of people seem to think the hypnosis angle is just about forcing him out of denial, and maybe I haven't helped that by joking about it. He has deep-seated subby tendencies, and those can be exploited to reforge him INTO a slut, or an obedient toy, or whatever. That's what the tape personality is tapping into. Yes, he has the POTENTIAL to become a cum junkie cocksleeve, but he isn't ALREADY that and just trying to pretend otherwise. He isn't encountering the boars or hyenas or whatever for the first time and going "man I wonder what's in their pants?" All of his brain space in those fights, at first, is just fight moves and trying to think of cheesy one-liners. 

And again this is key, because you have to have that separation for the kink to work. You can't have a fall if there's nothing to fall TO. 

Fundamentally, CS is a series about changing into something, either good or "bad" as time goes on. But lucid "old" Mezz is never going to volunteer to wrap his lips around a bad guy, even under duress. It goes against the whole way he sees himself. Remember even in the center path and the host club the plan was always to just pretend. Is there something else under that? Of course, but he can't consciously choose to access it. Which is why all the mindfuckery is needed.

Not at all an attack on you though Dash, and I actually appreciate the chance to clarify this a bit. And I don't want to be too absolute about any of this; we've still got many games to go, and things often shift in my head as I work with them. But at least right now, this is the way I see the setup.


I don't feel attacked at all. In fact I really like this kind of in depth character analysis. This does make the section where you need to sneak past hyenas make more sense to me character wise.

It seems to me like Mezz can tell that he's just a few words away from just "giving in" but he's still so determined to complete his mission. So even under what amount to extreme danger and a high likelihood of falling he's still not giving in and it takes drugs and implanted conditioning to make him do so.

I do want to say that the original idea is more like "how much the conditioning and repeated fucking is affecting him and wants to indulge even for a moment" than "he's an inherent slut wanting to let loose."

But understanding his character more makes that not work more in my brain now. I get why he wouldn't do that. It's interesting that I often see a lot of character depth and porn games like this. There are obviously games where that's the whole point but I often see it emerge seemingly as a side consequence as well. I think because it brings out things that are crying out to be explored creatively but don't get explored in a lot of media.


"I do want to say that the original idea is more like "how much the conditioning and repeated fucking is affecting him and wants to indulge even for a moment" than "he's an inherent slut wanting to let loose.""

Fair enough, and that is a different thing. But for the most part I've settled into the path of normal, gradual corruption/loss of control, and then if it goes on long enough, "new" Mezz, altered in how he sees the world (Not needing the ear clips with the boars in GT, normal eyes at the end of GT when serving Mahir etc). Again, the engine of the whole thing is the tension between "old" Mezz and the "new" version that's gradually eating away at him in each scenario. If the old version willingly gives in, then that destroys the tension. And if you mean the point at which the new version gains enough control that "he" starts doing things "voluntarily", then...again, that's pretty much the Mahir scene at the end. Sorry for being so difficult, but in my mind at least it snaps to one of those two binaries: either he's being slutty (which doesn't fit), or he's been fully trained/corrupted, which is awesome, but already in the games. For me, the point at which he starts "willingly" giving in/asking for it/going along with it/submitting is the point where "new" Mezz crosses the threshold into having more control than not. So there's never really space for "old" Mezz to do that.

Glad you're not annoyed though, I do enjoy the chance to be forced to actually explicitly think through why I'm doing certain character or story things sometimes, though it can be a little like trying to consciously remember the steps of tying shoelaces.