Wow, Didn't expect to be good! This is cool Yumi
(Edit: There's a few to little typos here and there but overall, this is really neat)
The reward box at the Adventurer's Guild seems to give the Guild Ring if Finished Guild Quests are exactly 3 and doesn't seem to give the Ring if above that. (Enjoying the game by the way! :D)
Edit: The Seaside Blacksmith fellow doesn't give me the Stellar Fire Essence after I gave him the Pretty Flowers
Edit: Aqyl seems to give tonic or stimulants for free since he doesn't take my Heratali Coins, as long as I have it, I can get them for free! (Infinite Power! XD)
Edit: Cave Ruins - Out of Place, opening the Magic Door plays the door opening animation but doesn't transfer me