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Aether Caelum

A member registered Apr 13, 2022 · View creator page →

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amazing art and story! The only mild “bug” I encountered will be listed below, but otherwise I quite enjoyed the game! I do feel like the trigger warnings listed for the game however are a touch misleading, though I’m sure unintended. I’ll again break that into another paragraph since it’s a spoiler.

The use of “references to sexual assault” do not really properly communicate to potential players the importance and intensity of the related content, I would personally warn people I recommend this game to as follows: “Off screen sexual assault, as well as traumatic flashbacks and anxiety attacks.” The intense nature of the appointment following Angel’s accident was almost too much to handle for me when playing it, but I understand that varies person to person.

The bug of sorts I encountered is when opening the latched shelf, you can actually still click it without moving in front of the shelf first, and since Angel doesn’t reposition before or after opening the door, their sprite will be shown layered on top of the open door standing to the side, and their respective turning during the conversation also becomes broken as a result (staring off at a wall, things like that). That’s the only issue I personally encountered though, amazing game, and truly cannot get enough of the art!

I’m just curious and posting this for myself, will this jam accept written non-game works if they otherwise fit the criteria? I’m an artist primarily and I’ve written a few stories over the years, so I was curious about trying to write and submit a short story with some accompanying artwork if that’s allowed ^^!

Was recommended this title by a user in a tabletop server, learning about not only this system but the real broadcast associated with it gives a very unique, genuine feeling to the love of music that this page makes clear. I’ll absolutely be purchasing a copy for play ^^ (and possibly editing or commenting a review once I’ve given it a fair play!) Music is an essential part of my daily life, so I think I’ll have a good time!

(Sorry for the wordy comment from someone who hasn’t even played yet haha, but I just love this concept a lot!)

I’ve claimed a community copy due to a slightly tight financial environment, and just wanted to say thank you for allowing folks to do this. I wanted to include at least a small payment, but unfortunately Itch has a small error of setting the minimum price to the game’s cost… Is there anywhere you accept tips / donations?

Stumbled across your guys’s work from twitter after a friend who also loves PAFL showed it to me! First off, the pdf looks pretty good. I can tell there’s a lot of care put into it. The big issue is, three different people (myself, my usual GM, my friend who showed me the post) all looked over this pdf, and none of us could answer any of the following questions my GM had

-How do you actually roll a skill or attack check?

-What should be defined as actually difficult checks?

-How many skill points do you start with?

-How many points do you get for using power as a mutant?

-Is this game intended to have any actual advancement system?

As is, we felt as though we were missing multiple pages worth of information that would be vital to actually running and playing this. My friend asked if the PDF was intended as a supplement to one of the systems sited as inspiration. as many people do make fanmade supplemental settings stories and homebrews like this- they essentially were asking if we should be answering these questions with other books, but even if we are, it should be much clearer. And if that’s not the intent, then as I said; a lot of vital information for actual play is seemingly missing.

For another positive, it does feel like a lot of care was put into balancing the three classes as best as possible for a potential mixed party. Which is wonderful. Some media-inspired systems are outright cruel with balancing.

I’d love to be able to play this ruleset- as PAFL is a huge inspiration to my work as a writer and artist, and I can tell there was care put into this. Just as is, half my primary ttrpg party can’t wrap our heads around this book. I don’t know if you guys plan to ever update or consider reworking this (as much as I’d like it, I fully understand this is a nonprofit fan project!) but if you continue making tabletop rule sets I’d be excited to see what you guys do next!

Congratulations on this milestone! I've only recently discovered this game through the Queer Halloween Stories Bundle, but I've been hoping to someday stream the game for its unique art style and it's kind of insane I managed to stumble across it right before its finale releases! It sounds like so much hard work went into this project- so truly, congratulations!

oooh awesome, thank you! I appreciate the feedback, I’ll definitely be slotting this in sometime >:) 

hi there! Small question— how long does this roughly take to play through? I’m curious about streaming this- but if it’s <2 hours (I’m very bad at imagining words to time, especially with my slower reading speed) I was thinking of pairing it with another Art Without Blood title for a full length stream!

Just streamed my first playthrough of this game and have had a lot of fun!

My only complaint is there are times where dialogue can feel a bit misplaced, to avoid any spoilers- I notice it most with a certain character in white. This may just be due to the nature of a game where you could be coming at events from any order, though. And that aside- I really enjoy the retrace mechanic! It makes this game one where completionists will be rewarded by virtue of the games design.

The art for this game is absolutely wonderful, all of the talk sprites and the animation put behind some of them is really eye-catching. The digitally painted style is wonderful for them! And the pixel sprites help each character stand out too :)

I haven't completed the game as of writing, but it's definitely piqued my interest~!

Thanks so much for the help :D I'm gonna try to stream the game this Saturday and I'll use your list as a reference. Excited to give this game a try :3!

Hi hi! I see a brief mention of disturbing content, but would anyone be willing to provide a more specific content warning list? I want to stream this potentially, but I like to have content lists I can pin in my chat! (Ex: Flashing lights, gore, things like that)

Any help is greatly appreciated <3!

Hi! Quick question, I want to blind play this game on a stream- Is there any content that may cause concern with Twitch TOS? (I notice a reference to a safeword and aftercare, implying there may be sexual content. Mostly curious if that's enough to warrant any caution) any answer from a player or team member would be appreciated ^^b

thank you :D yea I’m a huge fan of Oneshot, so it’s inspiration with this definitely shows haha :3 I appreciate the comment!

I love the black and white art! The sprites are eye-catching and the concept seems so cool :D

I love the elemental matching vibe! Character designs are super cute, too. Amazing work :D