Stumbled across your guys’s work from twitter after a friend who also loves PAFL showed it to me! First off, the pdf looks pretty good. I can tell there’s a lot of care put into it. The big issue is, three different people (myself, my usual GM, my friend who showed me the post) all looked over this pdf, and none of us could answer any of the following questions my GM had
-How do you actually roll a skill or attack check?
-What should be defined as actually difficult checks?
-How many skill points do you start with?
-How many points do you get for using power as a mutant?
-Is this game intended to have any actual advancement system?
As is, we felt as though we were missing multiple pages worth of information that would be vital to actually running and playing this. My friend asked if the PDF was intended as a supplement to one of the systems sited as inspiration. as many people do make fanmade supplemental settings stories and homebrews like this- they essentially were asking if we should be answering these questions with other books, but even if we are, it should be much clearer. And if that’s not the intent, then as I said; a lot of vital information for actual play is seemingly missing.
For another positive, it does feel like a lot of care was put into balancing the three classes as best as possible for a potential mixed party. Which is wonderful. Some media-inspired systems are outright cruel with balancing.
I’d love to be able to play this ruleset- as PAFL is a huge inspiration to my work as a writer and artist, and I can tell there was care put into this. Just as is, half my primary ttrpg party can’t wrap our heads around this book. I don’t know if you guys plan to ever update or consider reworking this (as much as I’d like it, I fully understand this is a nonprofit fan project!) but if you continue making tabletop rule sets I’d be excited to see what you guys do next!