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A member registered Jan 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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Gosterdigin ilgi icin tesekkurler, gameplay videosu yukledim.

yeniden wooooooo


Sifreyi dogru girip onaylatinca 2. bolum aciliyor, sifreyi dogru girdiginizden emin misiniz? Yeni bir sahne aciliyor fakat karakterler gozukmuyorsa cpunuzun rendering orderda kafasinin karistigini tahmin ediyorum. Sag tusa bi sure basili tutarsaniz o bolumdeki minigame e ulasabiliyor olmaniz lazim. Zaten minigameden sonrasi yok. Oynadiginiz icin tesekkur ederiz ^^

Hey there. I published full version of the  game if you want to check it.

Hey there. I published full version of the  game if you want to check it.

Hey there. I published full version of the  game if you want to check it.

Hey there. I published full version of the  game if you want to check it.

Hey there. I published full version of the  game if you want to check it.

Thank you! I'm happy to hear you like it. I had a long power outage so I couldn't test the game properly. Some circles have wrong colliders (thanks unity...) so you hit them even though you make the jump right. Actually this bug could be more often if I didn't fail at the array. There are more circles (also more with the collider problem) however I made some type errors so they don't show up in the game and sometimes also crash. Fortunately, I was able to fix them (I suppose) and added new combo mechanic. You can visit the game after jam to see the changes if you like.

Thanks for the comment. I made some improvements about that, I will upload it after the voting session ends. Maybe I'll see you around then ^^

Thanks for the feedback. I'm currently working on menus, you can check the dev log if you want to see how it looks.

Happy to hear that you liked! I have a few things to add so you can visit again a few days later after the voting's ending  ^^

Thanks. A little manipulation would definitely make explosion better but I just felt lazy :D

Thank you ^^

Oh, I am happy for you ^^. Unfortunately some unlucky events prevented me testing the game enough :(

Glad you enjoyed it. Actually there were 3 sets of rings and their possibilities change with the phases; however, the genius behind this game used int in random.range function for possibility so it returns only 0 lol (I just realised a few minutes ago).

I love the use of the assets and theme. Very well done!

I find the gameplay creative. My best score is 7 laps then i feel dizzy.

Great visuals and game design. Gameplay needs a bit polishing but still feels like an indie published game.

Yorumun icin tesekkurler. Ilk ses efektini ziplamadan hemen sonra koyunca biraz fazla gurultu olabilir cekincesiyle yapmadim fakat ikinci onerin aslinda tam olarak oyunu istedigim tempoda oynamya zorlayacak bir fikir. Bos bir zamanimda eklemeye calisacagim tesekkurler.

Have you lost your work just because you forgot to save them and somehow you got a crash? Say no more. Auto-Savior is here to save the day. In this puzzle-platformer game you need to save all the files in your favourite OS before the computer crashes.

konunun başlangıcı kaliteli aksiyon filmi gibi girince benim seslendirmeden beklentim de biraz fazla yükselmiş olabilir gmdmfcm. Clone wars izlerken han soloyla karşılaşmak da beni şaşırttı saygılar :D oyladım 

oyladım hocam

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