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A member registered Jun 16, 2020

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(1 edit)

I don't see why there cannot be a zipped(compressed file) of all the games for this download. Or even a simple "A-E Title", "F-J Title"  etc.  zipped downloads. Better yet: have a selection menu of all games, simple text form (no extensive html) with a check box and search that you want to download. Have a max game limit if you want, but a batch download of the games in a  compressed file so you're not wasting bandwidth. Compressed files will definitely lighten the load for those who wish to see every game they just bought and for me that's why I bought it. This is my first time using Itch so I don't know if other bundles offer zipped downloads for multiple games or whatever but it would be a good feature to have and save bandwidth. There should be something available like that. I understand hosting problems and costs associated, thus suggesting a compressed file version. Still could be large but even breaking them into segments would be a great benefit. Id like to own all the games I just purchased and being disallowed use of scripts for batch downloads( I understand why )  Not for myself particularly but for my family and  extended family(shared computer) to have a wide range of games to play upon their choosing.  


After seeing some of the games in this bundle and how poorly they are optimized with their file sizes for what they offer - NEVERMIND. This option is completely off the table. Some of these small/short games with none-high graphical detail and they're over 1Gb in size,  my option would not work at all. SO JUST FORGET I SAID ANYTHING LIKE THE  *IDIOT* I AM.

Thanks folks.