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A member registered Jul 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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lmao, thanks for your review, I tried making my own outline shader and it just caused some random problems with the 64bit build however, when I tried creating a new build in 32bit it worked fine I really don't know what caused that but I am pretty sure it was just a glitch from unity, anyways thanks for trying out the game! :D

Reply with your game link so I can play them and give an honest review :D

here's my game if you want to check it out:

Thanks for your review, there's a link between the theme and the game, the game contains weapons explosions airstrikes and mines so I am pretty sure there's a link between the two

Unity made it 100X easier for me, you literally made this game from scratch which I would struggle a lot to do and I would have given up in the end you did a great job bro 

I can't believe you didn't use a game engine for this :O

-The gameplay is pretty fun the jumping is a little bit difficult to control at first but once you get used to it you enjoy the game even more I like that the cubes become faster and change position overtime it makes the game more challenging

-The art is simple yet fits the game well

-The UI is really good the shadowing behind the scoreboard ,the player hp and the score gives the UI a lot of depth and make it look better

-The audio is great I like the music one of the best that I have heard in this jam so far

In conclusion I am very very Impressed that you made this game without an engine yet it turned out to be this good, definitely Looking forward for more projects like this bro :D

Thank you so much bro for your detailed review, I wish I had time to implement a rewind system like in Hell gate's it was super satisfying to use I miss working on that game 

yeah :0

Thank you

Thank you so much for your honest review, I wanted to make the game harder so I made the power ups spawn less often so the player would grind coins and rely on the shop to upgrade his fuel tank 

I like the game

-The gameplay is good the movements are alright some platforms give you higher jump force and other Inverts your controls this is creative but sometimes the jumping gets glitchy and you stay in the air for too long  other than that I like the idea

-UI is okay for a platformer game that only requires a simple timer text or score

Looking forward for more projects like this :D

Thank you , you can collide with cars to explode them if you don't have weapons but you'll lose health, anyways, I am really glad you liked the game :D

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-The gameplay is pretty good the movements and the animations are smooth, you have to be real fast so you can feed the cows breed the cats and collect wheat and eggs I really like this aspect of the game

-The UI is simple and fits the game

-The art is great and also fits the game well

-The audio is okay

I am astonished that you managed to make this game in only 7 days, Looking forward for more projects like this :D

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Yoo Asim!! I am good yeah it's really been a long time I miss you and the rest of the team! 

Sure Ill check your game out, I wont be happy if it turned out to be better than hell gates :P

This is a masterpiece

 -Definitely 5 stars for gameplay the movements are really smooth the different combinations of the same traps makes the game even harder but not unfair, the bomb explosion is really nice and smooth

-The art is simple and fits the game

-The game design is pretty good I like the different combinations of traps and platforms

-The audio is alright

This game has a lot of potential, you should keep adding more updates even after the jam ends. Looking forward for more projects like this

I really like the game,

-The gameplay is simple and fun the slow motion effect was super smooth the explosion effect is pretty nice the only con is that the explosion effect keeps looping (I don't know if that was intended or not) and the explosion doesn't effect the cubes

-The graphics are alright I like the lighting

-The UI needed some work but at its current state it get's the job done

Looking  for more projects like this :D

Reply with your game link so I can play them and give an honest review :D

here's my game if you want to check it out:

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Thank you for trying out the game! It's so rare nowadays to find someone who give you a somewhat a nice review on a game, anyways, yes the red strips behind the player are his health bar and the reason I made the medkits show more frequently is because I was so bad at the game haha and I forgot to decrease it's percentage of it showing that's totally my bad. I see you made it to 12k  barely beating the 1st place that's amazing you destroyed my highest score which is 6k 

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Good job! Ill try beating your highest haha

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The game is super nice I really like the art especially the player's sprite , and the overall animations are also great, the game fits the theme pretty well, there's just a few problems that I took notes of, the enemy AI is a little bit dumb it gets stuck to the wall sometimes , the player's friction value is so high. the sfx are nice but the volume is low, the music is nice too, although the music didn't fit the game feel at all sometimes it switches to a jungley theme and at other it switches to a futuristic theme,  which get's you out of the game's castley mood but, other than that the game is really well made and you did a great job!,  my highest is 20 pts beat this if you can :P

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Amazing!! the visuals are fantastic I like the varied  shapes of the enemies, the big circled enemy is the most annoying but yet felt satisfying to kill, the teleporting is well done I felt confused while switching between platforms which fits the game so well, the UI is nice too also fits the game pretty well, the controls are nice too but, pressing enter for pausing really confused me but, that's fine, and 5 stars for the sound, the music and the sfx really fit the game feel and make you feel you're in a futuristic world were triangles and circles took over the world haha. Overall you did a fantastic job, looking forward for more projects like this!!

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Best game in the jam yet everything about it is amazing the gameplay is super satisfying the movements is smooth plus I faced no glitches/bugs at all which is super good for a game made in only 3 days.  the graphics is AMAZING using neon lights for UI, player, enemies etc made the game look more beautiful more than it already is. you chose some of my favorite NCS music, definitely 5 stars for gameplay and music.  just don't stop working on this project.

My highscore is 4025 try beating me :PP

The jam theme was direction 

If I didn't know this is in a jam I would have thought that this game was made in the 90s, so to be clear the game is nice and all but, it was just a straight of copy from space invaders with less stuff to do I like that the rate of the game increases over levels but, that's not enough the enemies move in the same direction every single time so it's so easy to predict there next move the bosses hitbox is really small and just makes no sense the game didn't fit the jam theme that well too the sounds are alright the UI is good and the artstyle too overall I would give it 5/10 if you had worked on the gameplay and enemies more I would have rated it better but, anyways well done :D 

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One of the best games I tried in this jam if not the best, the Gameplay is simply phenomenal you can't get bored of it although the jumping is a little bit glitchy like in the loop level you were able to jump under the loop itself and the left and right movements where a little bit slow but other than that the game is just something else from other games in this jam the artstyle reminds me of the original quake 2 one of my favorite games of all time the sounds are great the game really doesn't fit the theme that good I think it didn't have anything related to direction (except for moving forward I guess). My best is 90.40 seconds I guess that's an okay record.

So, I have been playing this for about 20 minutes now and all I can say that this is a masterpiece for a 3 days project the music really fits the puzzly theme of the game so definitely 5 stars for the Sound plus the game really fits the gamejam theme the art is really good the gameplay is super fun. definitely looking forward for more projects like this. My highscore is 60 points  so well done for me :P

place your games link in the comments  so I can check them out 


From the first glimpse I thought the game wont be that fun to play but, damn I was wrong the game is super fun to play have been playing for a while now although I have one concern the colors don't fit each other that well but, other than that the game is really fun to play my highscore is 945 try beating me :P

Really nice game I like the simple art style and the gameplay is super fun the inversed controls made the game so much harder it really gets confusing when playing for a long period of time anyways I really like the game and I am looking forward for more projects like this :D

The game is super good but, I have only one concern is there's a theme in the game or I didn't have the volume up, anyways I really like the game my highscore is 1:20:64 try beating me :P

I rated it earlier today not now for sure

I like the simple mechanics and the art! :P

I really like the rewind mechanic! 

tried yours earlier hope you try out mine link :

I like the art of the game and the gameplay too good job!! :P

at the beginning I didn't know what to to do would have loved if you gave the player more instructions anyways I really like the graphics Well Done! :D

Original Doom alternative with rewinding and the big difference is that this game is made in 2020 hope you like it :D

rated yours btw

link :

Already did ;P

The story and the pixel art are amazing!:D