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Ahmed Omda

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thank you very much for the feedback will definitely do that and will definitely try to improve on the current systems and add on to it , appreciate you taking time to take a look at it and will look forward to more feedback from you in the future.

ty in advance would love to hear ur feedback after u check out the gdd .

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i am so sorry about the game design document being that way i had  already finished it  i just read the comment and noticed it was a link copy  clumsy error made at the last second due to submitting at the last second and the pressure of being my first game jam and all and thanks for the feedback , will try to improve on the combat and make it more responsive in the future and if u read the corrected gdd it would provide explanation about how it this game should fit the theme

(1 edit)

thanks for feedback i know that there is currently no purpose or story in the game yet , i focused on getting the core mechanics mainly working and i think u would love the dashing ability bound to the f button , will try to polish the combat more and the rest is adding sound effects and story context , thanks for your feedback <3