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A member registered Feb 25, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

based on your idee to split process push mode and rotate mode, I split by angle the player push for let a free space only pushing, and two other for rotate positif and negatif (also I check colision box and player when the box rotate). It seem work more correctly like this :D thanks.

edit: but move the white box in a correct angle for laser look more dificulte now x')

I take note for the boxs movement : I have not found a good math calcul for rotate the box in direction of player push it, so I rotate by one every frame the box are push. But if the rotate make an angle of box enter in geometry of player, it make it stuck on it (until the player move back on the next rotation let it free). Another solution is just make room more larg when a box need to passe, but for now the interuptor can only open one door, so I can't lock a box in a path of larger 2.
If you have any sugestion or idee (for a present mecanic or new one), I can try to apply it on game :>

Thanks, I forgot to change default input before upload it. it's corrected now.

Good idee ^^
Thanks for your advices, I will try to implement it

it's fun

cute game

I make a little game called "Laser 'n Monster".
The main mecanic is here (you build a map with lasers and mirors, for shoot monster, and gain more props).
When my friend try it, found little bit borring, so I search idee for make it funnier to play.
I adding other props (hammer and rotation) and a scorring systeme.

I'm not sur it's giving a best result, but an idee was to evalue the side to scroll the rectangle based on the position rectangle when the input is start pressing (I never try this type of movement in a game, so I'm not sur it can work beter or not).

the concept is interesting, quite hard to learn (because the movements are around a circle, the inputs are inverted on the upper part)

good game

What tipe of game do you want to make ? (3D, 2D, fps, point and click, platformer, puzzle game ... ) it can be influe what is the more important to learn in priority.
Also, what libreary/engine do you whant to use ? some engine have diferent aproche, or someone is spécialise for make one type of game.

I think a good way to leurn is watching tutorial video (becose you can see what type of game the personne make before watch the entire video).

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crash when I peek "can re-walk in pink dot" :'D
path finding go craizy at this point x')
edit: maybe it can be a solution to implément a security to undo last input if the input make a path processing to long, like over 20secondes (or a shorter way).

hello, I really like the game :D
Also I found a little bug, when a run is lost (stuck by an erethic) when all map is destroy, the player can place a last tuile, and if it's one who open chest, the screen of "choosing item" stay after the next run start (so I begun a second run with two gemme free)

Thanks for your review, I really appreciated !

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I did the code ^^ it's my friend Adonis who made the drawings.