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A member registered Mar 31, 2018 · View creator page →

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Such an incredibly well made game! I am a sucker for these kinds of simple to play but hard to master games xD 

From the start, I am just blown away by the pure visual and audio masterpiece of it. The menu itself could be a tapestry I could see hanging in my house, just so beautiful. The music also compliments the art style so wonderfully, really leaning into the whole vintage style. Even the tutorial is great! Super simple and I'm not bombarded with text.

Gameplay and mechanics wise, I love how smooth it feels to jump between the different cogs, very satisfying sound effects and vfx too. The trails on the clock hands just add to the overall whimsy feeling of falling through the night sky.
The sound warps when speeding up or reversing time were suuper cool,  and unsettling in contrast to the otherwise calm gameplay.
One criticism is that whenever I started running out of time, I found myself hurting down the screen hoping to land on one of the time reversing cogs, so it did feel somewhat luck based at times. I could just keep dropping down, searching for the time reversing cogs and then when the time wheel was reversed as far back as it could go I would go back to point collecting. Playing this way felt a bit grindy, it was more fun trying to see how high I could get my multiplier. You could implement something  to discourage the user from flying down the screen hoping for a lucky cluster of cogs, maybe by reducing the chances of certain cogs from spawning if they haven't grabbed a cog in a certain amount of time.

I can see a lot room for enhancements here, like additional mechanics, gamemodes, multiplayer etc. Maybe some cogs could affect how fast or slow the hands move through the sky, or some could give even more points (imagining a rare golden cog that gives +20) or some could be powerups that physically reverse the hands through the sky, following an old path.

You guys could totally publish this game as is if you wanted to. It's really well polished, beautiful and addictive to play!  Super job well done!! :D 

Oh my gosh these assets are GORGEOUS! And well done on the animations they are really impressive! 

The moving layers of background were really a nice touch but hurt my eyes after a short while because they were jittering a bit.. I think just a little bit of 'tweening' or a more gradual movement would have fixed this.

I was having a really hard time with this game until I discovered that arrows were SO much easier than the flame balls! Also more satisfying because I could see them flying across the screen. 
Then I figured out that I could DOUBLE JUMP?? WOW! I was able to literally just fly over all the enemies! I don't think I would have been able to finish the game otherwise because the enemies take quite a few hits to kill and I would have gotten bored. I think if they were balanced to be easier to kill but more dangerous then it might have been a bit more fast paced and fun. 
When I finished the levels by flying over the enemies, 'level complete' screen told me I had killed '17 of 0' enemies and it gave me 5 stars which was very funny. After beating the final level, clicking "next level" actually broke the game, which I would have never known about unless I had discovered the double jump lol.

Otherwise, really well done given the limited time you guys had! 

Really cute game! I love the particle effects :)
I think it would have been cool if blobby changed colour and not the stage. I also think I saw some of the items were disappearing in the air at the top of the screen before falling all the way down so at times the difficulty wasn't scaled correctly. There were also long periods of time where my colour hadn't fallen at all for a long time, so maybe some dynamic probability rules could be cool there. 
Otherwise, a fun little game and well done on adding a highscore too!