Maybe with crazy momentum bounces
Recent community posts
Im fine with the controls as it is but I found it quite easy to exploit the defense spell The Royal Archaist has by spamming it when the opponent using its most powerful move in story mode then spamming the basic attack which allows you to rack up damage fairly quickly. I don't know if debuffs damage are lowered in higher difficulty seeing I only beaten easy mode but you could take it into consideration.
I'm guessing your going to lower the difficulty anyway but if your going to make an insane mode or just increase the difficulty of hard mode you should lower the damage the debuffs do.
But that's just my opinion
When I was playing this game I mostly said I hate this game so much but the game is so good.
You see when you put on your big boy pants and go to normal mode and then get destroyed on the first person you see. And then go to easy mode to see if your going to beat that and still fail. You tend to wish you were actually video games. But you still play because the art in the game is great!
*and also your friend said you were bad*
But Its a really good game and I can't wait for the full release of this game! :D