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A member registered Feb 29, 2024 · View creator page →

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thank you so much for this feedback!, what you say it's something i would for sure update in the future once i become more familiar with coding 

really cool!, congrats on your first unity project :)

thank you!! :D

thank you! I was indeed influenced by Undertale, awesome game!!

it is times like this when i wish i didn't had a 60% keyboard, I was not able to pass the most simple hill, but it looks promising and beautiful, I'm going to check it later on my laptop!

I love that you continue with the game even when the team lost some members, sometimes it is like that. Maybe it needs some polishing but it's cool to see that yall were able to implement the grounds for it. Also love the art for the characters!

Good luck on your future game jams! :D

it looks really good!, i love seeing the little cats running around, I just had some problems with the cats on top of the trees sometimes, i was not able to get some of them, also I feel that going back for a fish for everyone was a lot for me, i think it would be cool if it only was a hide and seek for the cats without having to feed them

really well done! :)

that's cool! :) it has been a really long time since I played a tower defense game and it was entertaining, i think it would get more interesting if the plants cost more so you would have to balance your money more in order to win, because at a certain point i could spawn a lot of trees

thank you so much! i appreciate the feedback, i'll check it right now :)

nice froggo, looks beautiful!!

this looks so cute, i love it!, thanks a lot for it :)

That's amazing, really nice game congrats to everyone involved! 🐟