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A member registered Dec 24, 2016

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clicking on Download says there are no files available as of 6/7

Purchased this almost a month ago when it wasn't free, there is still no file available to download. Don't bother until there's actually something uploaded. 

Tag this as a playdate game! It doesn't pop up under that :)

Any chance you might add the little power-ups you can get by navigating to brackets, carrots, and parenthetics? It would make for an awesome addition and a perfect recreation!

SOOO GLAD THIS IS BACK I was so sad to see it dissapear! Yay!!

I was super excited to download this, but it immediately crashes each time I load it :(

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Kinda horrendous ngl, needs many more trigger warnings and even then, not sure you should just post something like this for free on the itch. Seems insensitive and plain weird

Of course, I really appreciate the work you're doing, and look forward to sinking in when it doesn't crash on me. I don't know how to access the crash report the other user posted, but can send them if it's simple enough to tell me how.

Didn't mean to sound rushy, just saw the last post wasn't replied to. Gld to hear you're workign on the project still, I think it's amazing

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Hey, I get prettyconsistent crashes on the new firmware. It's to the point that I can't really sink in and create anything at all. Would really love a fix, was looking forward to getting into this. After seeing the above post isn't really answered I'm a bit worried-- do you plan to address this?

r u a narc or sumthin

I have a few in mind, they are all so good and simple, perfect for playdate I think. But I really like clock turret, been having fun with that one on my phone, and roll hold tbh is a favorite.

Hey, I was hoping to port some of these games myself and am happy to see this one done. If you would like to work togethr at all please let me know.


Another thing I've noticed: your games (all three for PD) have the "Use the crank!" popup on when it doesnt need to be on. It would be better to hide this notification most of the time.

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This is a great and fun version of Hack*match! Just what I was hoping for. I have two issues: 1, when there is a match, the playdate has a framerate drop. It would be great to mitigate this. 2, the current system doesn't register blockings that are made of four that should auto-clear. This is a much-needed addition! Other than this I love the game and different play styles. Would really love an  "original" that moved down on its own, too. 

I did finally manage to fill that meter! I will try out this new build for sure, thanks for being receptive! It's a fantastic game, down to the animations-- they're classy and the music is gorgeous. I really love it, it has kept me hooked recently!

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Okay, that clarifies it a little, but I think that the meter needs to fill up faster and/or not deplete as fast. To use the boost you have to already be going fast enough and doing enough tricks that you don't really need to use it... I'm getting high scores, but I really can't fill that bar no matter how hard I try. As soon as I hit a snowbank and slow down I loose whatever I have saved up to start going again. I don't see how I'm supposed to avoid crashing into some snowbanks given I cant see the ground until it's directly in front of me--there isn't time to break, really if you have gotten air enough to do tricks. I love this game and the way it plays, but some of the mechanics feel at odds sometimes. I hope this makes sense. Perhaps cimmunicating this is the way the boost works before players spend their points on it would be helpful, too.

Okay, so on more playing I understand the input, strike my previous comment! But I am not entirely sure how the boost works. If it's black, does that mean I am not using the boost? I can't quite figure it out... All in all loving this game a LOT.

I ablosutely love this, more replayability than the other snowboarding game on device-- kudos! I jst wish trick-doing happened immediately instead of being put in a queue. It makes it dificult to actually land a como, unless there's something I'm missing

Not a game for the panic playdate

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This does make the game marginally better. I really would reccomend there being at least three sensitivities if you'd consider it-- one where we were, one where we are, and one a bit higher. I just think it's going to make people happier with the game if they can control that a bit. Right now it's a bit frustrating to continually crash into exterior walls and not be able to steer the car to a destination without reversing or going in a wider circle when I don't line up my drift parabola *just* right. Another idea is tighter car turn-radius being a upgrade...? I'm just spitballing here

It's like minesweeper. The tile on top is the sum of the numbers around it (below, though). With that knowledge, find the 0s and try to select no tiles that have numbers underneath.

Yeah, I really think the responsiveness needs to be upped.

u can reverse with down arrow but agreed that the steering needs to be a bit more responsive (or acceleration a bit faster, perhaps?). Crank controls would be great too

I love the music and the overall feel! I just wish the turning was a *bit* more responsive. This would make it a little easier to get used to the drift and get faster

This is cute and fun but not a game for the Panic Playdate

One more I would add is zoom out, so I can see the entire puzzle. This might make it too small for some, but navigation is a bit frustrating at times (just a bit though. Still loving this). It being able to recognize folder paths in the "Puzzles" folder would be great too, but not sure how realistic this is

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This is fantastic, just add crank to scroll through letters and it will be perfect

I second this! I would really love more difficulty, this is an awesome game.

This was partially a meme comment but I thank u for ur serious reply. I actually love this, I played it this morning, it is a great fun little solitare game. I think it's funny you made this not knowing they have these at every table at cracker barrel lol. Get urself some biscuts and nostalgic candy my friend.

so but it's that game from cracker barrel am I wrong

Thank you SO MUCH for the fixes, I wasn't  sure you were active but it is good to see you are :)

Will try this out today

After more playing, menu is buggy. Sometimes after starting a game the screen won't change the background, so you're playing a game you can't really see over the game-select screen. This has started to happen pretty frequently with me, and so I can't really reccommend the game to anyone considering buying it right now.

I love the game, but a few suggestions-- I would really like if the falling were implimented better. The falling now feels  slow, especally in tate mode. The original game had the pills falling much faster. Another big quality of life problem is the speed of the send-down for up. It should only do ONE per press. Right now if you hold it down for too long it will send multiple pills. This ruins the game if you press the button  for one second too long. Additionally, the way that works is a little jenky, as you can force a pill over another if you put it vertically and then horizontally as it falls. 

In support of this!

I would love a full version, or at least crank controls :)