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A member registered May 21, 2022 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Cool idea, but I think it's kind of "abstract" and difficult to follow, but maybe changing the way the limitations work could make it more fun, still, good work and congratulations!

It's such a cool idea, I could see myself spending a lot of time just answering this kind of "trivia" questions, I think some questions were a little unclear as to what to answer and felt unfair, also the font could use a rework given that it's such an important part of the experience and it's not very readable, but good game, good work and congratulations!

Great presentation and interesting idea, it's novel, but I think it lacks depth and overall challenge, the events like the alien were a nice incentive to keep going but having a more engaging gameplay can help to try and sleep for as long as possible while seeing interesting things happen around you, overall good work and congratulations!

(1 edit)

Cool concept and great presentation and sound design, but I sometimes  felt overwhelmed by the abilities and my ability to keep up with the farmer, I think with a little work towards making the abilities a little more meaningful to use (especially with the blowing clouds ability and the blocking cloud) and movement feel snappier could go a long way to make the game a really fun one, overall good work and congratulations!