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A member registered Oct 10, 2022

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A beautifully simple game of minigames, and a lot of fun to play! I will say some minigames get much too hard too quickly, and some are incredibly hard right off the  bat, such as the 'fly' and 'catch' sections.

Very well executed! The large numbers make getting a high score very addictive, and the multiplier is a fun addition!

That said, the screen seems to linger awkwardly for a few seconds at the end before kicking back to the main menu; a button that exits to the main menu at any point would be very useful.

A lot of fun, but it feels like an easier section first might let the player ease into the controls, and a reset option like triple clicking to move back to the last safe point would be useful for when the ball gets stuck in a wall.

A simple idea executed perfectly! I did find that it accelerated very quickly, to the point where an error of even a fraction of a second was enough to game over, so possibly a difficulty slider could be useful?

I loved it! The concept is easy to understand, new elements are introduced gradually, and the gameplay feels so smooth. As a recommendation, maybe increase the borders, as there were some moments where the constricting environment was more annoying than a fun gameplay element.

A lot of fun! I've found no problems myself, though I do wish the end had a different animation to dying.