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A member registered May 18, 2019

Recent community posts

Great game. Casual was fun. I could play and beat it in a single sitting. Great because there's no save.

Whew. Good, because your apps and programs make TTRPGs easier. You always come up with some small, neat, useful little app. You're one of the best.

This is a fantastic, and underrated tool, for anyone. Before you stop working on the project, is there any chance you could make it so we could select the number of floors to generate? Or the size in case we need something manor sized? This is the best tool for the job.

HELL, it's the ONLY tool for the job.

What this guy said. I agree with him 100%. Keep up the great work.

Any chance of a mobile or linux version?

Thank you for making a desktop version. I have this on my Android tablet.

I'm sorry to hear that. I love the look of the game.

I'm getting:
Error: Could not find or load main class DOS Trader.jar

Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: DOS Trader.jar

I'm using the latest version of Java. I'm running Pop!_OS (It's an Ubuntu distro).

Please make a downloadable copy of this game, as well as an endless version. Or at least a version where you can set the win conditions. I love how casual this game is, and how relaxing. Please expand on this. If you can, could you make it multiplatform? I'm running Linux.

Please, oh please, make a linux version. Debian/Ubuntu.

Thank you. I'm lucky enough to have one every once in a while

You know, if you collected all of these projects into a single program it'd be one of the greatest RPG tools ever created. All that's missing is a map generator, that lets you edit the map afterwards. Sort of a get started generator, then edit to your needs.

How are you supposed to understand what any of it means?

Ah. Okay.

Is there any chance for a Linux (AppImage) or MacOS version?

Since you've also made it a progressive web app (PWA) it makes it infinitely more accessible for me as all I have is a Chromebook. Love the new look. It loads almost instantly on my Chromebook (1.1Ghz Dual Core Intel, 4Gigs of RAM). I do hope someday you make a fully offline version with a Windows, Mac, and Linux (Look into AppImage for maximum accessibility) release.

It's an all day stream.

I've served in the US Air Force, and I've been looking at various game development platforms for people with zero programming experience. It's something I'd like to dabble in. I noticed that the pro licence can use C Extensions. I'd like to try this. I also qualify for another condition, but I don't want to put it out there for the public.

Perhaps this can help:

Is there any chance you could make a linux version? Perhaps an AppImage?

Yeah, for a birthday stream on Twitch I got a friend to stream using your Launcher. He's been converted.

I hope everything turns out okay.

Man, your launcher keeps getting better and better.

This is amazing. I can use this for Warhammer 40K. All that's missing is the ability to download this tool as an app. Even if it's an HTML5 file.

That would be amazing. I'd be more than happy to test it out. I've got developer mode enabled by default.

Honestly, if I knew how to program I'd do it in a heartbeat. I'll keep my ear open for a possibility. I've used DM Helper when I had a Windows Machine. That's why I wish it was on Linux, I'm running with a Chromebook right now. I loved it and I am REALLY looking forward to the newest release.

Is there any chance you could make a Linux release? Perhaps as an AppImage?

I know that the program Node Wizardry here on Itch uses Godot and uses an AppImage for Linux users

Any chance you could make an AppImage version for us linux users?

I'm currently running Debian Linux via terminal on my Chromebook and the Ubuntu AppImage works just fine.

I'm running the Linux version. FOr some reason when I view the archive with Archive Manager (Debian 11) I get a massive list of files and folders. When I extract the archive all I get is AstralFantasy_Data and AstralFantasy.x86.

Yet another outstanding project by Watabou.

I'll let you know how it works.

Could I try?

This is awesome stuff. I love doom. I was wondering if you could release a cart for it as I have a portable Pico8 emulator and I would LOVE to be able to play this on the go.

No apologies necessary. I really appreciate you doing this for me. It'll ALWAYS be useful.  

Pixel Dungeon remains my roguelike arch-nemesis.

You keep giving us awesome stuff. Is it even possible for you to NOT be awesome at this?

Thank you so much. Between you and Deep-Fold I'm getting everything I need for any sci-fi campaign I ever run.

I'm really looking forward to seeing what you make next.