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A member registered Mar 09, 2017

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ah okay, will i have to download another update file? Or will it automatically do it in my game?


it does! I never had this problem before the update!

Just updated to 73. Started a new game, and i've had zero customers. The game looks and runs better, but now i have no customers. I think the changes are really cool, I especially like the fan as opposed to the button. Very nice touch. Any ideas as to why i'm not getting any business?

Ah, so if I say, stored them in my bedroom, it would work? Also, is this an intentional thing? Or something that will be patched?

Good to hear your working on solutions! One more quick question! Is the game programmed so that customers will only buy products you make while they're in your shop? Or can you have some stock prepared and sell that to them? I ask because my first customer asked for a one-handed hammer. I had one ready so i tried to give it to them, but they wouldn't take it. I dunno if maybe i didn't do it right? Or if you can't sell pre-made things.

Hey there! So i think this game could definitely be super super fun once it's patched up, and greatly hope it's continually worked on!

My biggest gripe so far is that, every time i load up my game, anything i had previously crafted was broken, BECAUSE, when i load up the game, anything that was made on the anvil and cooled in the water, was magically heated again. It would be on the shelf where i placed it, but it would be heated, and I have to cool everything again and reattach it all. This happens to items not attached to weapons as well.

Every time i load up the game, it's pitch black and i have to reset the graphics. This isn't a HUGE deal for me, as i don't mind taking the 3 seconds to fix it all, but it should be fixed.

Also, the controls for rotating things in your hand do not work. They just, do nothing. I can't rotate items other than bashing them around.

I seriously hope these things get fixed because i think i could really put a lot of hours into this game! Fantastic idea and would love to see it turn into something amazing!