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Alex Walton up2150645

A member registered Oct 07, 2022 · View creator page →

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Unfortunately there was no executable file so I was unable to play the game. The art within the files looks well put togeher.

Team Astral Pirates

Very cute art style with simple and usable controls. The game is, however, more like a platformer, with no death/re spawn on falling within the initial build.

Team Astral Pirates

A very simple and fun game, the art style is funny and the animations are very smooth so it is clear that a lot of work and time has been put into the sprite sheets. In fact it's clear that the art has had a lot of work put into it, from the background/environment to the title, it's very crisp.

The transform function is a nice tough, which leads to slightly varied game play, however it would be nice to see more abilities, between the two forms.

My only suggestion would be to reassign the transform and attack buttons to something a little more intuitive like the 'Q', 'E' or 'R' keys.

Team Astral Pirates

The concept of a deck based fighting game is very unique, fun and more tactical than some of the other submissions, and is a fun take on combat. However, this game moves further away from the 'Fighting Game' genre, which is probably defined more by real time reactive game play, whereas Deck Duel Dojo has the player submit a lineup of 3 cards before the game begins simply hoping that they picked better than the opponent..

The animations are very smooth, and the art style has a lot of charm. It would be nice to see the animated player models move together as they clash, to add to the believably of this fight. A slight improvement could be seeing the cards physically be played so the player better understands that their move is happening or what their enemy played.