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A member registered Apr 02, 2016 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

I take this, for my inspiration *grabs the game atmosphere* hehe :)
Piece of art, indeed!

Contact me in discord, I will help with exporting, no need for source code stuff in build export folder.

Discord: (1 week link)

Found a few bugs!

Doctor don't have name translation, only language key

If enemies hiding behind cover, use sit_ type of animation as start_animation

Don't export source code with build game exe, just "assets" folder and *.exe file.

What to do after Cat dialogue?

Added new modding tutorial "How to add new enemy"

(2 edits)

Added new modding tutorials:

  1. How to add PDA markers
  2. How to change in-game SFX
  3. How to add ambient sounds to level
  4. How to add new dialogue
  5. How to change player data
(2 edits)

Version 1.2 update 4 ( v1.2.0.4 )

+ Small scripting/modding update, fixed some bug with moddable custom UI button text creation.

+ And now all outside *.gd scripts will be able to call _ready()_process(delta)_input(event), _unhandled_input(event) after connecting them in _ready() function in script.

Added new modding tutorial "How to add new quest"

(2 edits)

Added new modding tutorials:

  1. How to add new weapon and ammo
  2. How to edit traders
  3. How to add language


Added new modding tutorial "How to add weapon HUD image"!

Tutorial helps to achieve original visuals for weapons HUD images.

Added new modding tutorials:

  1. How to add new stashes
  2. How to add new tutorial message

Added new modding tutorial "How to add new events"!
There I describe how to create event keys with NPC spawning.

(2 edits)

Oh, interesting!

If needs some help, don’t hesitate to ask 👍

Any screenshots from the mod?

Hello, you can you now dialogue editor. Can be downloaded at main game page!

Here is some information of the game at my gitbook pages:

1. Modding
2. Assets description (not finished)
3. Level Editor
4. Source Code scripts descriptions (not finished)

So all good? All works?
If have questions, contact me via discord - leksii

I forgot to write it in export instruction. Assets folder must be copied from source code folder or from the last official build. Game will get assets from it. Also don't rename picnic.exe into something else.

Do you have “assets” folder near exported exe file? If no - you can copy it from the last playable build

Hello, can you describe more details? Show me your dialogue file and how you try to show it in game?

If I will release android version, I’ll make post about it.

Nope, I don’t have a normal phone to test it properly, my old Samsung J730F lag as f and has 8-12 fps, so for now I don’t want port it to android until I figure out how to make it run smoothly on that phone.

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I can't understand how to get a box drawing. I imported this font into Godot and need to set the range of decimal symbols for that font, letters and numbers work perfectly in the decimal range 0-127 but in 128-255, there are no box drawing glyphs :(

I'm a newbie in font things.

Version 1.2 hotfix 2

+ Fixed bug, when artifact was equipped and can be transfered to quest NPC while its on the belt. So then artifact still on the belt and still affect on player stats.

So if you want to give quest NPC artifact, please unequip it before talk.

(3 edits)

Hot to install:

Please, put script file in "assets/scripts/ folder". After open script and connect mod to the game by searching _ready() function and typing there this:


Final look of function must be like this:

# Called when gameplay init completed and game starts play
func _ready():

- Possibility to unequip items by clicking once on slots when item there is equipped.
- Equipped item highlight while hovering slot by mouse


Exporting to android is hard to do cause game must be rewritten in some case, I’m doing it but stop till godot will release 4.3 version. 

Vanilla version will doesn’t work on android.

Всё, что связано с текстами в игре - лежит в файлах *_lang.json по пути assets/texts/

It's the Zone, stalker xD maybe some sort of anomaly haha

Maybe I hardcoded something and mp5 was fixed, but not other weapons.

Yeah, I know about this bug, keep it as a feature, cause it's the Zone xD

Uhh.. Sadly I can't buy this pack, but... It's. So. Stunning. And atmospheric.

This is a remake of the original mobile java game S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Mobile 3D (phone trailer) from 2007-2008 years developed by QPlaze. All rights for assets - QPlaze, GSC, Nomoc!

"At first I wanted to survive only. Then I considered that it's possible to escape from here. But now it is time to learn who and what for did it. The Zone has heart, there is a founder - and I will find it, sooner or later."

"After thousands of hours spent here, I who achieved everything that wished once - the round sum on bank accounts in three countries of the world - understand that I will not leave from here so simply. I look at beginners - and I see myself, I have lost here more friends than have had in life, I have killed here more people, than once in Afghanistan, and even the nickname of Gunslinger became more native than my name."


  • RPG systems: Dialogues, Inventory, Skills, Experience, Quests;
  • Set of familiar artefacts differently influencing the characteristics of the player;
  • Dialogue and trade with friendly characters, atmospheric dialogues, plot, collateral and casual missions and tasks.
  • Rail movement mechanics (looks like at old arcade 3D stations)

Game Page:

In this small tutorial you will learn how to change standard Picnic in the Oblivion logo in main menu.

First of all, you need a new logo in PNG format, it can be any image. Then place it in UI/ folder inside assets/ folder. It must be like assets/ui/your_image.png.
Then go to assets/scripts/, this is a main menu script file, there is a _menu_init(mm) function, in the end of this function put this code:

That's all, now you can start the game and see that your menu background is changed!

HOTFIX 2 is here!

What we have here:

+ Fixed bug with a final cutscene, when the player press the SPACE button and then it turns on the player's control and now we can shoot and use all gameplay features. In cutscene, bruh...

+ Some changes in the camera's sway effect.

+ Added more modding possibilities, such as: on_item_used(item) callback, that calls in script when any item was used, returns used item object data. Custom UI creation, for now, it's UI.CreateLabel, UI.CreateButton and UI.CreateImage

+ Changed radiation and anomaly resistance percentage when upgrading skill from 2% to 5% for a 1 point.

+ Fixed Hootalin dialogue, after dialogue he will give to player 1 skill point.

(1 edit)

Picnic in the Oblivion ver. 1.1

Hello, stalkers!

I saw a few videos on YouTube with my game and I figured out, that players need some kind of tutorial.
Warning, this update can't load saves from 1.0 game, so if you want install this game version, you'll ned to start new game.

+ Added a help button in the skills window with skills descriptions. + Added tutorials at the first levels of the game.

- Changed a little door trigger position at the "Find Red's friend Whistler in the sewer" level.
- Some cosmetics change at the same level.