Here is info about game updates.
A story about person who named "Gunslinger" · By
v1.0 | Hotfix 2
Small fixes for options system and translations, no need to start a new game, and saves can be loaded by v1.0 version.
- Fixed bug with options master volume.
- Now we can change game font in assets folder.
- Added support for Chinese and Japanese languages. Chinese translation already included. Thanks for PastaAnchovy and MPB-TDOA
Picnic in the Oblivion ver. 1.1
Hello, stalkers!
I saw a few videos on YouTube with my game and I figured out, that players need some kind of tutorial.
Warning, this update can't load saves from 1.0 game, so if you want install this game version, you'll ned to start new game.
+ Added a help button in the skills window with skills descriptions.
+ Added tutorials at the first levels of the game.
- Changed a little door trigger position at the "Find Red's friend Whistler in the sewer" level.
- Some cosmetics change at the same level.
HOTFIX 2 is here!
What we have here:
+ Fixed bug with a final cutscene, when the player press the SPACE button and then it turns on the player's control and now we can shoot and use all gameplay features. In cutscene, bruh...
+ Some changes in the camera's sway effect.
+ Added more modding possibilities, such as: on_item_used(item) callback, that calls in script when any item was used, returns used item object data. Custom UI creation, for now, it's UI.CreateLabel, UI.CreateButton and UI.CreateImage
+ Changed radiation and anomaly resistance percentage when upgrading skill from 2% to 5% for a 1 point.
+ Fixed Hootalin dialogue, after dialogue he will give to player 1 skill point.
Version 1.2 update 4 ( v1.2.0.4 )
+ Small scripting/modding update, fixed some bug with moddable custom UI button text creation.
+ And now all outside *.gd scripts will be able to call _ready(), _process(delta), _input(event), _unhandled_input(event) after connecting them in _ready() function in script.