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Alexander Daniels

A member registered Dec 12, 2018 · View creator page →

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where did you encounter an enemy spawning on you?

i unfortunately encountered a lot of issues while playing, the most backbreaking of which is that enemy projectiles appear to just hang around in the air forever, making it very quickly impossible to return to an area that has been shot at.

Since some of your turtle facts are very specific, you could also add a hint system, (say get a hint for getting 2 correct answers in a row or maybe just a limited number of hints per board) that reveal which card is the 'bad' answer. also often all three answers were fairly similar so even knowing the fact it wasn't clear which answer would send you back and which one would let you retry

audio only plays in one ear and just ends instead of looping after a bit. also the camera turns very fast, could probably tone that down.

outside of that, a win condition probably should have been implemented, since it seems no-one could finish

the black popup text appearing did not stand out very well from the mostly grey background. perhaps a different colour or an outline would have helped

a volume slider would have been nice, as the music is very loud.
giving the player the ability to move backwards would also have been helpful in collecting the insects, as picking them up was very finicky

prompts warning you about cold seem to pop up at random, and at least for me, usually while i was inside, leading to confusion as to what was supposed to be shelter. the prompt also pops up very frequently. 

having to press space to start turns seems unnecessary when you could have set it to any key to achieve the same effect of letting players have control over the timer without the awkwardness of needing to hit a specific key. this would also have allowed players to play completely without a keyboard

i probably uploaded this wrong but here build you play good time.

die lot for my amoozmnt - Alex