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A member registered Dec 24, 2022 · View creator page →

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PS1 Jam community · Created a new topic Pre-rendered

hey hey! I have a question,

A lot of the PS1 games used pre-rendered backgrounds, can we use that for the jam? 

Can we also make something pseudo 3D? (Something that looks 3D but is actually 2D). I thought it would be fun to make a game using that technique, but the rules make me question if it’s allowed to use it. 
Thank you for hosting the jam!

Awh thanks!

Awh thank you so much! It does indeed have a bit of inspiration from the OG tamagotchi!

Awh thank you so much!

Awhhhh thanks!

Sadly GB Studio wouldnt work with at least my spacebar, hopefully we get support for it soon though or another methode... Thanks for playing though!

Thanks for the compliments and thanks for making a video on my game! I feel really honoured that you did that, also good job on that time!

Thanks for playing! I don’t know if GB Studio supports other hitboxes than just square but its worth looking into it, thanks for the feedback and that you enjoyed the game!

I do have to say that this game is hard and not easy, so dont be too defeated. Thanks for playing the game though! I really do appreciate it

Thanks for the feedback and the compliments, this game is indeed hard and by no means that easy. Thanks for reporting about the hitbox, i'll definitely keep it in mind!

Thank you! The fog did indeed help a lot for the ambience, thanks for noticing!

Thank you, the music however isn't mine and its actually by someone else... 

If you want to check them out, here's the link!

Thank you, and im glad I used a different ghost texture. The prototype one was kind of foolish! Glad you enjoyed the game

Thank youuu!
The fog effect was created by adding an effect to a layer

If you want to add it, you go to your layers tab, find an icon that kind of looks like a sun, then you click on that sun and click on “add a 3D effect” and then add the fog effect and adjust it! That’s how I basically added fog to the game

Thank you!

That is indeed very lucky! The exits are randomized so you definitely did get lucky

Awh thank you! I also had a bit of a struggle with the health mechanics, but in the end I did get there and im very pleased with the results

Thank you! And this game is indeed a tiny bit easy

yup, I mean when you know how it works its kind of like every other game engine

Thank you! I used as engine turbowarp which is an mod of the original scratch, so for example in Turbowarp I can make the screen 84x48 but in the original Scratch I can't. 

I kind of ran out of time to make a restart button or a return to main menu button so I chose the flag option which is an common thing to do if you use Scratch (because its mostly the easiest way). So thats why!

Thank you! I slowed the movement down a bit since I didn't thought that the Nokia would be able for very smooth (and faster) movement, I used the game Snake 2 as an example for that. In Snake 2 is the movement also a bit more pixelated and less smooth, but thanks for the feedback!!!

I used the engine “turbowarp”, it’s a scratch like mod which is more flexible then scratch.  That’s  why I was able to make the screen 84 x 48 pixels

Thank you! Really useful

Hello, I have a question about the colour palletes that you can use in the game jam...

Can you use them all in the game or can you only pick one? (so like only harsh or gray or can you pick both harsh and gray and use them in the same sprite or scene?)

Where can I find the font thats being used on the game jam page? Because its so prettyyyy I need it :3

Thank youuuu!!!

I am not talking about the converting process… I am talking about using the engine for making the submission

Best who ever is reading this,

I am here once again to ask, may you use turbowarp and similar things??? Mostly scratch isnt that flexible compared to even turbowarp...

Thank you.

It looks and works the same, but its not the actual same, if you want to test it out for yourself:

I am here (once again (I think) ) to ask: "Can you use Turbowarp (and/or other scratch related programs)???" 

Thats it... Thank you

Hi! I want to know, for what model the game needs to be made (and then I mean, does it need to be for: the original Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance (SP) )

This is important because of the graphics, the original Game Boy has different graphics then the Game Boy color! So it's mostly for the color schemes!

Thank you


I really love the look of this asset pack, so my question is... Can you use this in game jams???

I know it's not the scratch website itself BUT it's the scratch coding language... Only with some minor adjustments, like 60 fps instead of 30, plus you can export your scratch games easier and a bunch more!

Here the website to see for yourself:

Thank you for reading

oh okay

I have not joined yet but I am interested... Can you use any game engine because you guys had a beautiful picture of a cat and then with the game engines; Unity, Game maker and Gobot... I use a different engine. is that ok?

Happy new year people! Looking forward to what 2023 brings us!

I like the game! It's simple yet so fun!

I like this game! It looks cool and I love the gameplay even tho it's very simple... Maybe a main menu would be cool to see.