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Hi Arcturus,
Ah! no worries. I am using the Slade Editor v3.1.13 for editing. It does allow me to view the scripts and edit map info and add textures. Adding water and 3D floors for example are fine. I am wondering if Slade doesn't allow for certain edits, or to view certain files. If you have info about Slade, or like you say, can show me how to access the music then please let me know. I'll check out Ultimate Doom Builder too. I've used Doom Builder 64 and Doom Builder 2.0 in the past. Thanks for the help, most appreciated.
Kind Regards,
Hi Arcturus,
Thanks for the info. Still abit confused. The ACS code inside the current maps? are we talking about the ZMAPINFO file or the following file acs/osiris.ocs file? or do I have to add the include entry into the ZSCRIPT file? Is the ACS code for the maps in the ZMAPINFO file? For example, I cannot do this for it to work?
Map MAP18 "$MAP18_NAME"
#include "acs/osiris.acs"
LevelNum = 18
Cluster = 1
Music = "music/cd02.ogg"
Sky1 = "ASKY1"
Next = "MAP19"
#include "acs/osiris.acs"
LevelNum = 18
Cluster = 1
AB3DMusicChange 0, cd02
Music = ""
Sky1 = "ASKY1"
Next = "MAP19"
All the music entries in the ZMAPINFO file are like this "" so I am trying to understand where the game is actually taking the music from when the level is loaded. I have looked at your TEST map which I see you can trigger music and wind sounds etc.. It seems to pull it from a script number, but I cannot see the info for the script. I would prefer to be able to use both, trigger music when entering a new level and also to have no music, but trigger it in game for dramatic effect like in your TEST map for example.
In terms of the maps , I am making an expansion so the maps are starting from MAP18 onwards.
Kind Regards,
Hi ArcturusDeluxe, I've gotta say love your work here. Really good is v1.0.3. So good I've been creating some levels for it. One question though, how do I make a level start with music or add it using the (80) ACS Execute Script? I've noticed you use alot of them, triggering the music when a player crosses a linedef, but how do I add it so it plays, is it a library file it pulls the script info from? It always comes back unknown script when I try and play the CD32 ogg file or remake soundtrack in the game? Any help is appreciated.