Hi Arcturus,
Thanks for the info. Still abit confused. The ACS code inside the current maps? are we talking about the ZMAPINFO file or the following file acs/osiris.ocs file? or do I have to add the include entry into the ZSCRIPT file? Is the ACS code for the maps in the ZMAPINFO file? For example, I cannot do this for it to work?
Map MAP18 "$MAP18_NAME"
#include "acs/osiris.acs"
LevelNum = 18
Cluster = 1
Music = "music/cd02.ogg"
Sky1 = "ASKY1"
Next = "MAP19"
#include "acs/osiris.acs"
LevelNum = 18
Cluster = 1
AB3DMusicChange 0, cd02
Music = ""
Sky1 = "ASKY1"
Next = "MAP19"
All the music entries in the ZMAPINFO file are like this "" so I am trying to understand where the game is actually taking the music from when the level is loaded. I have looked at your TEST map which I see you can trigger music and wind sounds etc.. It seems to pull it from a script number, but I cannot see the info for the script. I would prefer to be able to use both, trigger music when entering a new level and also to have no music, but trigger it in game for dramatic effect like in your TEST map for example.
In terms of the maps , I am making an expansion so the maps are starting from MAP18 onwards.
Kind Regards,