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A member registered Dec 06, 2019 · View creator page →

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Well that’s due to forgetting about them at the end, and that as noticed when lunching the game that it’s runs slow that is due to all lamps/torches being rendered, so we have some rendering issues and that is to be taken care of. As of right now a new release is pending but due to the jam it cant be submitted until latter.

That is unrestrainable, due to how things are checked the enemies might have died but it was still “existing” when the game did the check to try to attack you.

Death can be a win yes. depends on you look at it, although what ground traps?

Yes, that is true. We thought that since we used standard W, A, S, D for movement and space/enter for attack, it would be apparent. But I will at least add that to the Itch page.

Yes, That is a know issue and is due to WFC. This is to be fixed but we had a bit of a time crunch. The doors “exists” just not used due to lack of asset and not fully working, as for the exit its a not that easily visible ladder. Also lack of a good asset but we needed something :/

PROCJAM 2020 community · Created a new topic question?
(1 edit)

can i make a program that makes a program and the secund program is a game?

sejs i början av spelet "made whit unity" alltså unity

I know but I can't open it that way

how do I start the gam

how do I open it om my Mac is say that I can't be open when I tray to open it

(1 edit)

I can't start the game when I have it downloaded

I'm on Mac OS