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A member registered Jan 15, 2021

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(2 edits)

Annoyingly, SubscriberStar demands your credit card details, something that I'm not comfortable handing over without an intermediary.

...........damn it all, I'll make a larger one-time donation through itch and paypal, and try to remember to make another one at some point. At least as much as I'd pay to get the game in a store. Hopefully at some point, an option for monthly payments will emerge that will be friendier to paranoid scaredy-cats like me.

EDIT: The current exchange rate between my country and the USA was not kind to my wallet :(


Video games are a method for experiencing things that you might not in the real world. For better or worse, we now know what it feels like to read the texts of someone getting raped over and over again. Worse still, we get the option to call the police right from the start. By refusing to do so, we have become complicit in the crime unfolding before us.

Masterfully done, Aason. You've made us all monsters. Thank god this is fictional.

Two bugs that I have noticed.

1) When Dazed, the meditation card is non-functional. I cannot tell if this is a bug or intentional, but it should be flagged, regardless.

2) When crafting items, I keep ending up with duplicates. Pretty certain that this is unintentional, as it only requires reselling the spare to get your money back, and selling both effectively doubles your income.

(1 edit)

I literally had a discussion about this staircase in a local writing server back in 2020 (a few months before Rowling decided to stop being a good person). We discussed everything from its utter failure to prevent lesbian relationships, to how many health and safety regulations a staircase like that violates (too many, some kid is going to break their neck!)

Although, now that I'm considering the trans aspect of the enchantment, how does it determine gender anyway? Is it sex-based, or identity based? If the trans person doesn't know that they're trans, will it still trigger? And if it doesn't, then it must be reading their minds or something to figure that out (or going purely off gender expression, in which case, can cross-dressing fool the spell? That seems like a massive oversight...)

Welp, as with most of the HP worldbuilding, the details only leave more questions. I'm half-tempted to say that a spell like could be useful for speeding up the transgender questioning process, but given the complexity of that topic, I have a suspicion that any Magic Stone of Validation would just explode before giving a straight answer :/

Alice seems to be active in the garden, living room, and front door a lot more than the days listed... sometimes at the same time. She's entire teleporting or duplicating, take your pick.

In space, no one suffers from lower back pain.

You need to free Morati. As soon as you can make progress towards that, you'll be able to harvest the ears of her kin.

I am also a tad stuck here. The red and blue flames clearly refer to addition and subtraction, but I'm not sure what the green flame represents (beside maybe skip?). Best I can figure, the statues on the far shore are suppose to a maths equation, with each colour being a different variable of that equation. Determine the variables, solve the puzzle. Basic Algebra.

Unfortunately, I suck at Algebra :/

(although... there is a way to cheat... Go to the mountain/twilight to grind black souls until you unlock all the teleport spells. Then use Dimension Hop to teleport to the far shore, skipping Salvana's puzzle.

You'd think that, since she gave you these powers and the number of characters that can leap or fly or also teleport, she'd have a countermeasure or something in place, huh :P )

Following up on this, it seems that when you choose an option, that option is gone from the list. This isn't an issue during a single run, but it persists after a restart.

My amateur guess is that the variables isn't being reset between runs of the game. 

A question (and a bug report). Is there a way to reset the progress of Quest 19: The Young Warrior?

It was one of the first quests that I picked up in the game, and I progressed it all the way until it suggested that I talk to Mirina. I couldn't find Mirina anywhere, and upon realising that I'd started the nineteenth quest before any of the others, I concluded that Mirina was someone who I hadn't met yet and I had done things out of order.

I have since played everything that the free version of the game had to offer, and I finally know who Mirina is and she has progressed to the point where she should be able to help with the quest. However, I still do not have access to an option to continue.

I suspect the either the next stage of the quest didn't apply properly because I started it too early, or the relevant flag to trigger the next step is locked in the paid version. My best suggestion for the former is to lock it off from starting at all until all the prerequisites are in place, or find a way to maintain that variable until the prerequisites are in place.