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A member registered Nov 06, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback! Fellowfastspeakers on our team agree that the mic can be unforgiving at times. We'll work on improving it for all players 🤙🔪

Chapter 3 isn't out yet, but we soft-revealed its thematic NPC in our latest gameplay trailer last week! You can check it out here~ 💫🌠


Hi! The two missing endings will require you to leave the apartment but allow things to "end a little differently" than what happened in your previous playthroughs.

We don't know the full exchange you had with the catgirl but that sounds like something that would impact her trust levels. 𐐪₍^ᗒ⩊ᗕ^₎𐑂🔪❤♡

Let us know how your token consumption is going! If you have any concerns or feedback, please email them to

Love how you went from plushie curses to matching polaroids! 💖🧸

Hey sarmana! Please email and include a screenshot of the error. We'll do our best to help 💖🔪

Hey Rainib0i ☔ If you're experiencing this issue even though you have enough disk/memory space (as listed in our minimum system requirements on the game page), then please try:

  • Un-and-reinstalling the game
  • Downloading the game on a different computer (if one is available to you)

If these suggestions don't work, please email and let us know that the typical steps didn't fix the launcher for you. We'll support you as meaningfully as we can! 💖🔪

One of two things is likely to happen if we fail to publish on Android:

A. Eddie will STILL find you (her yandere energy is unmatched)

B. If Eddie doesn't come for you, she'll come after us for robbing her of the opportunity to chat with players on mobile

Either way, catgirls with sharp knives will be involved 💀

There's only one way to find out! 😼💖🔪

Hi Diakai! If you're using the Default or Azure API key options for voice, then that's simply how the NPCs sound as they are ultimately run by AI 🔮 As AI and TTS tech advance, our team might utilize that for a more immersive experience in AI2U! 💖🔪

Hi Ashes! To get your tokens, you need to redeem the unique game key that was generated as part of your purchase. There are two ways to retrieve your game/download key:

A. Go to and select the down arrow key next to your profile -> My Library -> Download under the AI2U game title -> scroll down and click Claim your download key.

B. If you can't find it in your Download page, try visiting this support page and enter your email in Recover purchases by email.

Let us know how it goes! 🗝️🔮🔪

Hey Will, thanks for letting us know! Can you please clarify where it says the code wasn't found? Was this in-game? Our team would be happy to ensure your code is found and redeemed accordingly; kindly email with more info and we'll help make sure your code kicks in ASAP! 💖🔪

Hey Twilight! Thanks for letting us know 💖🔪 You should be able to find your code (AKA the unique game key generated with your purchase) in your Library; go to Download under the AI2U game title and scroll down to click Claim your download key. If this doesn't work, please email with more details and we'll assist you ASAP!

Hey walnut, thanks for expressing your excitement to play AI2U! The token system and API keys may just be the start as we research more options for future use. We consider the game's stability and scalability as we develop various other gameplay features, and our current LLM system is compatible with said development. As our Witchy says here, we'll continue to find ways to make gameplay accessible and sustainable for players everywhere! 💖🔪

Hi jakeal! We'd be happy to look into how your charge went from $15 instead of $10 USD; please email with more info so we can help ASAP!

We broke down how tokens work here and linked it to the explanation on our game page; this includes estimated playtime per purchase, which we know varies from player to player. We have also reintroduced the API key feature our longtime players know from YAGS, so AI2U players can use them as an alternative to tokens if they prefer! We consider YAGS the demo, while AI2U is the open beta, which we will continue to refine and add new features to.

If you have other concerns, let us know here or via email, and we'll do our best to support you as meaningfully as possible! 💖🔪

Awesome question, Aura! As AI2U is a first-of-its-kind escape room experience featuring NPCs with dialogue powered by AI, we're focusing our dev efforts on its stability alongside models we're most familiar with. We may consider adding more options in the future!

Hey Samantha! Please update your game to v.0.5.0 to get the most out of our upgraded token system — including a nifty gift from the catgirl in your inbox accompanying the version update!

How long tokens last varies between players. You can learn more about how tokens work here. If you have concerns about your tokens' durability, kindly share more details by emailing and we'll see if we can do anything to help! 💖🔪

Please send us another email letting us know it's your second attempt to contact us about your redeem code. We'll make sure to make it up to you 😼🔪 For extra measure, kindly watch your spam folder in case our reply ends up there somehow!

Please reach out to using the same email address connected to your purchase! We'll be able to verify your redeem code and help make sure it works ~ 💖🔪

"Chat only" is in the works! Once it's live, we hope you'll share your feedback on how it compares to the yandere energy you're familiar with from the escape rooms 🏃🔪😻

Hiii, fellow catgirl enthusiast! 😻🔪 With our latest update, players can choose between our default token system or plugging in their personal OpenAI and Azure API keys. We might consider more alternatives in the future!

Please send it to! We recommend attaching the video directly or linking it as either a private Google Drive link or unlisted YouTube video. We look forward to troubleshooting this for you! 🫡🔪

Hey Armada! We designed tokens to last several hours, translating to multiple playthroughs. Please email with more details if you're experiencing issues with less-playtime-than-promised or getting your redeem keys to work. We'll make sure to make it up to you. 💖🔪

Oh!! Her apartment is spacious, but helium balloons might be out of the budget, given her recent pre-apocalyptic purchases! 🙀💸 We encourage you instead to convince her to visit your favorite balloon/crafts store so you can get the best ending in the game! 💖🔪

Hey Cash! Please share more info with — whether you need help locating your game key or getting it to work in-game, we'll assist you via email ASAP! 💖🔪

We'd be happy to help and need more info to do so! Please email the following to

  • A brief description of the issue
  • A screenshot or recording of the menu you're experiencing issues with

Our Support Team will look into it from there! Thank you 💖🔪

Hey again, close2! We'd be happy to honor your request and/or assist with troubleshooting, whichever is more meaningful to you! Please email with more details.

Hey Samantha! Thanks for the balloons selection 🐱🎈 We'll see if if we can integrate any into future escape room puzzles!

Regarding tokens, you can repurchase them any time by buying the game again. You'll get the same amount you started out with, which typically support several hours of gameplay/chat with the AI.

Hey close2! Are you referring to the game key? It's the unique code generated as part of your purchase. There are two ways to retrieve your game/download key:

A. Go to and select the down arrow key next to your profile -> My Library -> Download under the AI2U game title -> scroll down and click Claim your download key.

B. If you can't find it in your Download page, try visiting this support page and enter your email in Recover purchases by email.

Let us know how it goes! 🗝️🐱🔪

We appreciate your excitement to play with the catgirl, even while interactions aren't optimized in all languages yet! We appreciate your community's excitement to watch and play these adventures 💖🔪 We'll keep everyone posted about localization and other updates through our devlogs, email, social media, and Discord.

Hey Frite, thanks for playing! Fellow French players have brought this to our attention too; it's on our radar and we'll see what we can do to improve it in future updates. 💖

Hey Torch 🔥 You should be able to use the icon at the top right corner in the title screen to adjust your screen—for reference, please check the corner marked with a blue square in the screenshot below. Depending on your OS, some hotkey options should also be available. If you're still having issues adjusting your screen/window size, kindly email and include your monitor specs and a screenshot of the game running on your desktop so we know which controls are out of reach. We'll do our best to help from there 😸🔪

Hey Ash! 🐉 We'll share more info about the Steam version closer to its launch. As for redeeming your tokens: You need to use the game key generated as part of your purchase. There are two ways to retrieve your game/download key:

A. Go to and select the down arrow key next to your profile -> My Library -> Download under the AI2U game title -> scroll down and click Claim your download key.

B. If you can't find it in your Download page, try visiting this support page and enter your email in Recover purchases by email.

Let us know how it goes! 🔪😼🗝️

Thanks for sharing! We look forward to having you onboard when we release the AI escape room experience on Steam! 🚂🔮😻

Hi Chijoha, you can also use PayPal to buy the game on! If PayPal isn't available to you, let us know what alternatives work best 💖🔪 We'll see what we can do as we consider more options in the future!

Hey Lyndelisin, thanks for letting us know! Are you still running into this issue redeeming tokens? If so, please email using the email address you bought the game with and include a screenshot/recording of the issue, if possible. Our team will look into is ASAP! 💖🔪

Hey Prince Sheryar, thanks for your input on the current token replenishment journey! We're noting down your suggestion for our tokens/chat improvement efforts. We'd love for your adventures with the catgirl to run as seamlessly as possible 💖🔪

Thanks for letting us know! We replied to your comment here with quick instructions to find your code. Thanks for sharing your art and future chat plans with the catgirl! 😸🔪🎈

Hey Samantha! 🚗🎈 Awesome artwork; we'll make sure you find your key so you can share your adventures with the catgirl ASAP!

Your redeem code is the game key generated as part of your purchase. There are two ways to retrieve your game/download key:

A. Go to and select the down arrow key next to your profile -> My Library -> Download under the AI2U game title -> scroll down and click Claim your download key.

B. If you can't find it in your Download page, try visiting this support page and enter your email in Recover purchases by email.

Let us know how it goes! 😼🗝️

Hey DoudRocks 🪨 Please reach out to using the email address you bought the game with; from there, we'll channel our yandere energy into fixing your game key! 💖🔪

Hi gasmime! We know the voice option can be hit-or-miss, and we're committed to making it more user-friendly! On a scale of 1 to 10, can you please tell us how frequently it misinterprets what you say? We'll note down your feedback for our dev efforts to improve the feature 🔪✨