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Alvir Studio

A member registered Mar 19, 2022 · View creator page →

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Unfortunately, there is no android version that can be played reliably, I could create one, but the last time I tried that, there were some bugs that made playing the game a bit annoying. I'll definitely create a playable version, but unfortunately not immediately.

Thank you for reporting this bug!
I'll check it out and fix in the next version ^_^

Дякую за відгук ^_^
Після конкурсу постараюся виправити це ;)

Дякую за відгук ^_^
Були в мене ідеї на фонову мелодію, та по правилах згенеровану штучним інтелектом не можна було а підшукати безкоштовну якусь щось мені не вдалося, після конкурсу думаю доробити цю невеличку історію ;)

Дякую за відгук ^_^
Помилки врахую щоб надалі кращі проекти випускати ;)

Дякую за відгук ^_^

Дякую за відгук ^_^
Нажаль мені фонові зображення поганенько виходять (づ_ど)

Дякую за відгук! Цей сюжет давненько крутився в мене в голові і ця гра це як чорновий варіант ^_^
В повній версії сюжету за задумом це чи не єдине дерево що лишилося в цій місцевості, в місті більше їх немає, і за межами міста також нічого крім переораних земель та скелястих місцин немає, дерева в цьому світі це страшна рідкість.

Вже підкоригував ^_^

Дякую за відгук! Дуже приємно ^_^
Ті кнопочки я відкоригую і з текстом подивлюся як гарніше можна зробити ;)

Дякую за відгук ^_^

Thank you for reporting this bug!
It will be fixed in the 0.3.10 update ^_^

Don't worry about it, we all enter new games with some expectations ^_^

And yes, the evil path is planned but it's still some time away, it first needs the Obedience system update, and afterward, you will be able to do different nasty stuff and profit out of Brothels and other similar institutes. But~ It's all in the near future (I hope that I will be able to start working on that after a few updates).

I've made some adjustments and it should work now.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience. This game is in the early stages of development and may not be balanced appropriately yet.

1 - To stop the cleanliness decay you may turn on the auto cleaning in the management tab. It slightly heightens the upkeep but keeps the house clean.

2 - Money is easily earned if you and your protege work for a bit. Then as you raise your Skill Rank you earn even more,

3 - If the protege is refusing to do something - check the Joy level and love level. In *Intimacy* interaction, you need to improve your love level to unlock new actions.  Also, I plan to add alternative obedience requirements and methods to improve obedience. Another reason for the protege's inability to do something may be her low energy level, thus she gets exhausted and needs to restore her energy fully, one day of only resting should easily solve this.

Thank you for your feedback, I'll strive to make the game more enjoyable to play ^_^

Yep, unfortunately, due to being from Ukraine Paypal is not working as it should in here... That's why transactions are not completed. But you may subscribe on Patreon and get the game there ^_^

Done! At least it seems that I've found the bug and killed it,  I'll release a new fixed version tomorrow (need to sleep) ^_^

It's a very mysterious error as I was yet unable to replicate it. I'll need to experiment with it more. Is it appearing only in the intimacy action or in other parts of the game?

Thank you for sending this bug report, I'll work on it right away ^_^

I rarely visit Reddit, so I'm grateful that you took your time to post it here  ^_^

     Yep well-known characters were great, and I plan to add a custom character creator into the game with an option to edit your protege, so after finishing the first one you will be able to use the original one or create your own with any art that you would like too *_* (but this feature will appear much later, as I'm still working on expanding main mechanics)

Sound effects will appear 100% I just need to get to it (づ_ど)

Same with the mobile version, I plan on adding it when the game is a bit more fleshed up

And the font is customizable in newer versions! Yay ⸜( ˃ ᗜ ˂ )⸝  

Thanks for your review! I'll do my best (☆_☆)

Wow O_O It's hilarious how I've missed it all the time XD Thanks for noticing!

Yes, and even in the near future, but at first this will be a small event, full-fledged pregnancy mechanics will be developed further down the line.

XD I accidentally have deleted the file, I'll upload it right now, sorry for this inconvenience ^_^

Done v0.2.7b with the fix is uploaded on!

Thank you for your report! This issue is fixed in the next v0.2.8a patch!, I'll make a bugfix for the previous version right now ^_^

Does this lag happen when you open\close different screens? Screens and animations lag? Or the game, in general, is unresponsive?

Try redownloading from this link -

delete the previous installation, then extract this one and try a new game, if you continue having any problems, do not hesitate to write and I'll search for other causes of this unusual game behavior.

Thank you for trying out Noblesse Oblige! What version are you playing? Do you use full-screen mode or windowed?

I'll see what can be done about it ^_^

Anything else goes here~

Share your ideas for the game ^_^

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Feel free to share your favorite moments, memorable encounters, and any unexpected surprises you've come across. Are there any standout characters or factions that have captured your interest? Are there aspects you think could be improved? Your feedback is invaluable in shaping the future of the game.

Report all the bugs here~

Were you going with your MC to the office lady or with protege? As it depends on who is visiting her. To raise your protege skill rank she needs to visit the office lady.

Yes, every extreme act is avoidable and you will be able to roleplay as you wish. I additionally add warnings in dialogue choices and make every such encounter fully optional. No kink is forced upon the player ^_^

Не втручатися в чужі проблеми.... в мене рука не дозволяє натиснути цей вибір XD Не можна же проґавити таку можливість встрянути у вир пригод, інтриг та емоційних переживань пораючись у чужих проблемах XD

Чудова гра, отримав від неї велике задоволення! пройшов 3 способами, 4 чомусь інтуїція підказує пов'язаний із могутністю. Дуже приємні малюнки, чудово підібрані під сюжет. Особливо зрадів що сюжет пов'язаний із міфологією, сам нею захоплююсь і вельми радий був побачити українських міфологічних персонажів у такій чудовій хоч і трагічній історії. Трішки шкода що немає варіанту - спасти всіх (або він є і я просто його не знайшов ^_^' ). Надіюся ще побачу шедеври від вашого колективу!

Щастя, наснаги, та натхнення вам бажаю!

PS. Особливо порадував дизайн і історія Зоряна ^_^

She is in development, so you will be able to interact with her in a future update, maybe in version 0.2.

If I understand it right, it will give you acces only to current version of non-public, not to all future ones unfortunately.

On the other side, on the games page on patreon there is tier, where after subscribing and paying 10 usd, or its equivalent, you will get your personal key with access to all future updates even after you unsubscribe or lower your tier ^_^