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Alx Frsh

A member registered Oct 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you!

Thanks for giving it a shot!

nice one

Glad you liked it. Thanks for playing!

Absolutely loved the story line of this one. Makes me curious what will happen next. Atmosphere was also super unsettling.

Hey man,

I tried to replicate the issue with the interaction. It could be due to the colliders being a bit small, causing the player having to be quite colse to the object. Going to look into it later.

Thank you very much for the review :)

Thank you!

Happy you enjoyed it. Yeah i did watch a playthrough prior to making this, so certain parts are inspired by it :)

Thanks man!

Exhausted from a hard day of work, you finally fall asleep. When you wake up, you find yourself trapped in the heart of a grim, dark industrial complex. Unsure if this is a nightmare or reality, you struggle to find your way out. However, you are not alone. Something—or someone— seems to be moving in the darkness.

Play it for free:

A little teaser:

Thank you!

PITCH BLACK is a short first-person horror survival game set inside an interplanetary space vessel. You, a worker on the spaceship, wake up disoriented after an unknown incident has occurred, causing a major power failure that left most of its corridors in complete darkness. Lacking a proper light source, your only means of navigation is the instructions a colleague gives you through a radio, as well as a laser pointer mounted to the gun you found. Additionally, you can make use of a motion sensor on your workpad, which can be used to identify potential threats lurking in the darkness.

This game attempts to emulate the dread felt when knowing and hearing potential disaster approaching you while being unable to identify it, as you have nothing but an inky black void before your eyes.

The game is free to play in a browser. 


(2 edits)

This was the first flappy bird version I didn't suck at

I quit my job becuase of this

In my endeavor to learn new skills, I experimented with some FPS mechanics, resulting in this short sci-fi shooter.


    -First Person

    -Approx. 10 minutes of playtime

    -Fight your way through a post-apocalyptic city

    -Kill biomechanical alien robots with stealth capabilities

    -Find and collect ammo

    -Overcome lava pits, atomic waste etc...

Wow, that was super dark. Especially the ending caught me off-guard. Great job!

I know, i know :) thanks!

Howdy. Thanks for giving it a shot! Bye.

(2 edits)

Nice little game, impressive you made it in such a small amount of time!

nice one!

I refuse to testify about the monster design ;) Thanks for your feedback!

hehe thanks

Howdy, thank you very much for your input! I agree, one could make more out of this. 

I'll probaby do some kind of remake of the game once I have aquiered better skills for myself. Theres a lot of stuff I'd like to have included in it but simply couldn't.

Thanks for playing

Thanks for giving it a shot!

Thank you!

Thanks for the kind feedback :) Cheers!

Dude got his coffee but his life still turned into a nightmare. Loved it, that creature really creeped me out!

It has a unsettling atmosphere, a nice world design and kept me excited to whole time. Couldn't pick up the key on the desk tho. But enjoyed it anyway.

Hey man, thanks for giving the game a shot! Enjoyed watching your playthrough.

Thank you. The structure, like walls, pipes, colums and also the monster were created in Blender. Some of the smaller stuff like the barrels or palets come from a free asset pack for unity.

- killed lots of bad guys

- saved the president

- diapers stayed clean


(1 edit)

I created this mainly to put into practice things I learned from tutorials. I will leave it as it is for now in order to learn more and create better games in the future. Not going to abandon it completely, as I really like the concept. I might pick it up later in the form of a sequel or something.

Creating an environment where orientating oneself becomes a challenge was a goal of mine. Seems like I overdid it a bit (:

Thank you for the feedback!

Hey Stella, glad you enjoyed it.


Enjoyed it, especially the sound design.

love the art style


So cool seeing someone else playing the game :) Thank you!

Thank you for the feedback!