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A member registered Aug 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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Woohoo for more Rpg gameplay! Story content, character development and lewd events are always nice, but I've been craving some more of this that separates a visual novel from a proper game, at least a little bit

It's amazing how far this game has come since the first release. I remember having high expectations after Raven's Quest was finished, and feeling a little disappointed in the short amount of content in comparison, but seeing the pacing of updates I had faith it would grow not only in quantity but also in quality. 

Now we're here, at the REAL starting line, and there's no doubt in my mind that if you keep up the effort and passion put into each update, WTE will end up being even more amazing than it's predecessor(s). 

BTW I just noticed that all of the girls so far have been sourced from videogames, was there ever the thought of including someone from anime/manga? 

Goddamn, the Archive.rpa got twice as big compared to last time. Took me 6 hours to download since Mega puts a hard limit on files bigger than 5GB...

I can see the potential and inspirations for this game. Unfortunately I tried to play the browser version on Android and got stuck in the "History" menu. I also noticed there are a couple of text errors, for example I gave a custom name to the ex-GF but the game semi-crashed into the store page, and after I restored it the Narrator called her by her original name anyways. 

Obviously these are somewhat expected happenings for a solo project that just released, with polish it could become a great demo. 

It's a shame you had to go through such a crisis. I know you said it's all over now, but I just wanted to tell you that, whatever you may think about your life choices, your making an excellent job with this game. I believe that in time this could become one of the top games in the H category of this platform. Just the gameplay alone is already worth it, but the story and character interactions also are organic and well developed. The H events are the cherry on top. Don't get discouraged, having and fixing bugs is a normal part of developing any game, as is having to take unexpected breaks in order to deal with other stuff. 

It may take some time, but some of them do finish. Look up "Once Upon a Time", for example. It's a great game as well btw

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I had hoped that this update fixed it, but it seems the game still has an issue on Android version, where a lot of texts go on beyond the screen limits or overlap one another (for example, in the quest log). Some icons (like inside the inventory) also seem a little displaced. My guess is that this is caused by the difference in resolution or aspect ratio between PC and Mobile, and the game assets not being designed for the latter. 

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Having gameplay before you reach the lewd content is what separates games from just a picture gallery search, I think it's important to keep at least some semblance of puzzles in the game. That being said, I'd much prefer the "one turn to checkmate" ones over the "two turns" ones, because the first is fun and accessible for everyone but the second requires either annoying trial and error or a more chess-savvy orientation. 

Also, the sandbox is cool and I'd love to see more content, but it does feel a bit grindy having to check every single room at every single time of every single day just to check if there's anything different. Perhaps adding something like a character map, or an event list with hints, or something to better and easily know if there's anything new to do at all in that specific weekday, would alleviate the experience and make it more streamlined like some of the pure sandbox games out there.

I really like HSDXD and I think this game has potential to be the best lewd tribute to it, so I'm really rooting for you. Keep doing mostly what you've been doing so far and it's going to be great. 

Of course! Here's a screenshot of Darkness' items and stats. I deduce it has to be something about her since the other characters could be attacked no problem

Welp, finally got some downtime available to check out the update, and it was going mostly well but I encountered a Game-breaking bug, not sure what exactly is causing it. What I did was the following:

After trying out the new bandits event at night in the alleys, I wanted to test more combat with a full party, so I went to the Brigand Camp since I had a couple of quests there anyway. My team is the basic MC+Aqua+Darkness+Megumin, everyone using the alternate skins (The blue one for Darkness, this might be relevant). Seems like it's going all well and dandy until I use Bolster Ranks with Darkness and the enemies attack. An array of seemingly infinite exception errors then ensue (ignore button doesn't help and rollback just sends me back to the map selection), apparently the engine unable to find some assets for what I can only guess is some special effect or something.

Darkness is equipped with the Thorns armor, Bolster Ranks is using the self-marking ability, resistance to de buffs and the Riposte buff. I have confirmed that other characters can be safely attacked without errors, but when Darkness is marked she taunts, and when she receives the next attack my guess is that the game doesn't expect her to apply Thorns and Riposte at the same time that she's Marked, or the issue might lie on the attack from a bandit causing a special debuff that doesn't mesh well with the buffs previously applied. 

I'd like to spend some time testing further for a more accurate assessment, but unfortunately I don't have the time for such luxury right now, so I wanted to report what I found so far. I'm playing on the latest free version on Android by the way. If you tell me how to do it, I could reproduce the bug and send you the error log, although as I said there are seemingly infinite of them, as when I keep pressing "ignore", new ones keep replacing it (actually, it seems to be the same log but varying some numbers which I guess are code addresses) 

Makes sense then. For normal enemies, usually a well built character will kill them with a few hits anyway, so it's easy to see why 30% might seem not appreciable enough.

I do see as well your concern over the cheesing. I saw you added a lot of new status effects that might tip the balance in the player's favor, although I assumed they'd count as "debuffs" and thus rendered useless by the bosses' resistance anyway. What I fear is that boss fights could get reduced to just a matter of having big damage numbers (and some way of surviving/reviving, which we get a lot of in this update as well), instead of a tactical puzzle of figuring out combinations of buffs and debuffs. I also fear that builds centered around DoTs would be discouraged, which I think would be a wasted opportunity to diversify the game's experience for players.

At the end of the day though, I also understand that the focus of this game isn't solely the combat system, and even without that feature it'd still be very great. Taking time to "perfectly" balance the game would be in detriment of further developing new content and polishing the existing one, specially for a single dev such as you. I don't wish my ideas and feedback to add pressure for anyone, specially when I still haven't even played the version myself, I'm just speaking out of the experience of having played a lot of games myself, which might prove to make for an insufficient insight. Thank you for taking your time to read me nonetheless, I feel quite passionate about your game and wish it nothing but success.

Aqua is now useful? This game is no longer canon friendly /j

Jokes aside, I'm very excited by the upgrade. Not only a lot of new content for the story, but also tons of updates for the combat system, which is one major attraction for this game.

That being said, even without testing I can already tell, 50% hp execution is way too high. Usually in other games the threshold is 30 or 20%, otherwise it's too strong against bosses and minibosses. 

But also, I fear that giving resistance for bosses against debuffs and DoTs will make their battles harder and at the same time, simpler. The combat is enjoyable precisely because it requires some strategy, and removing tools from the formula makes the strategies available be more straightforward. I do understand however that some strategies may be too effective as well, causing the exact same problem of being used repeatedly regardless of the situation, and that's hard to balance. I'll be able to tell better how this change affects the enjoyment of boss battles when it comes out to the public, for now I hope it's not full immunity for all bosses, and instead just that some bosses have different resistances to different de buffs. 


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The reason is very simple actually. Patreon doesn't allow for creators to develop games with incest in them, so they have to hide it. I'm not sure if Steam also has issues with that, but usually the situation is that a Dev can only rely on Patreon or Subscribestar (or similars) for stable income so they need to go out of their way to comply with their unreasonable requests

Well, a Threesome is, at its base, just an accord to have sex between three people, but how kinky it gets depends solely on the implicated parts. It could just be that they take turns, or it could imply doing it the three at the same time (without contact between the same-sex partners), or it could also be about them all having a small orgy together (implying bisexuality and incest in this case, which I agree would be kinky but I'm not sure if "too kinky" considering what other stuff there already is in the game). You can even go the extra length and have a Threesome combined with BDSM elements, the level of kinkiness is very variable and I'm sure the devs could find one that they feel comfortable with. 

That being said, I also agree that, while the idea of a Threesome is very appealing for a majority of people, it could very well not lead to it and instead just lead to a hook up, a "lending" so to speak (or "sharing", if the former word sounds too kinky), something which we already have in the game so it wouldn't be too unrealistic. 

BUT, just to be clear about something, I don't think this devs are planning to keep game purely vanilla forever. In their message, it seemed more like they were open and interested in knowing what our kinks are, so don't lose hope my friend.

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Some very interesting ideas here. If you'd let me, I'd like to elaborate further upon those. Keep in mind, these are the barebones ideas and specific dialogues or reasons as to why MC happens to listen to them could differ depending on previous choices and routes taken (Love vs Corruption). 

So, picture this. Since Noriko knows MC is doing Yasuka, but she's been shown to be a bit envious of this (in Yasuka's love route), we can infer it to make sense if Noriko could be the first one to suggest having a Threesome, as a way to try and spend more time with MC even if it is shared. Asami could also get winded up in Noriko's "Harem plan" (if you know the reference) and start having Threesomes with Noriko and MC as well, and maybe by accident discover a Noriko+Yasuka+MC situation. THEN, Asami starts wondering if it doesn't feel weird to have the mother involved, and asks upfront Noriko about it. To not let the plan fall apart, Noriko tries to convince Asami that it's normal for mothers to help their daughters with sex education or something, and that makes the seed of doubt sprout in Asami. 

At a parallel story arc, Sayuri and Yasuka also know each other and could even be on good terms (since this is a small town-city, makes sense that all the mothers meet often-ish, perhaps while buying groceries). This devolves into Sayuri asking Yasuka for help regarding one or both issues: a) how to deal with the loneliness since she takes care of Asami by herself nowadays; b) advice on making sure her daughter doesn't make mistakes with her new boyfriend/sexfriend (MC). This further devolves into Yasuka, after experiencing the Threesomes, suggesting/convincing Sayuri to try it as well, of course after talking with Asami first to see if she'd be cool with that. Since the relationship between Asami and Sayuri doesn't seem to be bad, and Asami already has the curiosity awoken in her (and also could believe that maybe this way her mother would stop trying to act all prim and proper and meddlesome), this can develop to the Asami+Sayuri+MC situation.

Of course, player agency is also important so his choices matter. When he hears about this development, he can either decide that this is not his thing, or follow two different paths, the Asami Top Sayuri Bottom Path (or DaughterDom Path) or the inverse (MotherDom Path). In DaughterDom, Asami takes the initiative to drag Sayuri into their relationship to see if that way she'd stop nagging her or if she can use this chance to establish a better power dynamic with her mother (maybe influenced by Noriko's advice). In MotherDom, Sayuri is the one that "accidentally" (or more directly) interferes in her daughter's eloping and manages to push the boundaries and take initiative, under the pretense of "teaching" or supervising that Asami and MC are doing it properly.

You can basically play around the scenes that cause the game to detect that desire goes down. When the girls ask you to have sex you can deny them without consequences, if you avoid peeking through the hole they won't masturbate at school, and if you end the day any way other than sleeping (for example, having a late night sexual encounter) you won't get the video where they masturbate at home. This way you can effectively hold all girls at max desire indefinitely

You could release a scaled down project to see if it clicks, and later on release patches or DLC for extra content

"QoL improvements" sounds a bit ambiguous. What kind of changes can we expect on this version?

Lots of QoL upgrades here. For me the most important would be being able to preview/try out clothes before buying. Before, I'd have to buy all clothes at least once to see how they looked like, and sometimes I'd forget which ones I'd already bought or even discarded, specially after long break times between play sessions.

Well, the game is so well constructed that it didn't even occur to me that it could be done by a single developer hahah. But that's also why I wanted to give a detailed feedback, so you know the effort is appreciated, and point out things that might have gone under the radar. Thank you for the reply and the continued polishing and development of the game, I hope it gets more visibility on this platform, it deserves it

Those are interesting ideas. I don't think changing from levels to pure XP would really matter much, but perhaps there's something there I'm not seeing right now. It did however make me think about a hypothetical scenario where the player is shown all the options implemented in the game, but with the ones costing more XP than they have being locked or greyed out. This way we could have a better understanding of what we're working towards unlocking, thus helping make the choice.

The extra sections for extended training would be beneficial as well, and it does seem to make sense placing them in periods of longer resting/peace. Like, if the character would have several days ahead without anything relevant happening, kind of time-skip-like. 

And regarding the last, if it's going to end with a single ejaculations, maybe it would work better with a pleasure meter system, rather than "choose to have sex > instant orgasm". Like, each option could increase in varying amounts how much pleasure both MC and the partner would get, and when it reaches maximum they achieve orgasm. This would be harder to implement, but I've seen it in a lot of other "training" games and works wonders. For the sake of realism it'd be better if the female can reach orgasm more times than a male, which would also work towards making sure that foreplay doesn't end things too soon, but I realize that this could conflict with choosing a female MC... Or maybe not, since the succubus is draining their energy after all, so it could make sense they get tired faster. But I'm digressing now.

Im glad my feedback was of use, and I'm excited to see the future of this game. Casual Desires as well, but it's a more casual (hehe) experience and I really enjoy these more serious, fantasy stories. Godspeed, ionDivvy

It's not everyday that I stumble upon a game with such a rich Worldbuilding and engaging story and characters. Which is why I was left a little disappointed with how short it is (for now, at least). You made a great job of making me want more of those, so congrats.

If I had to say something I didn't like so much, is the contrast between the story progression and the sandbox sex scenes. See, the story advances even if you don't want to, you can't make the choice of where to go or when to sleep, it's very much Visual Novel style which in itself is all fine and works wonders (like in the other game, Casual Desires). However, the nights you spend with the succubus have much more meaningful approaches, since you can only do 4 actions per night and you need to grind experience and levels in order to unlock new positions. But you can't do that since your time is very limited. For players like me, that like to immerse themselves in the story and do things like they'd make sense for me, this means that spending each night doing a combination of foreplay, service, sex and spanking, switching around to experiment a little with anal, you end the game without having leveled a single one. Leveling progression is meant to be used with more sandbox gameplay, it doesn't work well with systems that limit your actions so much as this one does. Unless somehow unlocking new sex positions is going to be relevant for the story in any meaningful way, it doesn't make sense to hide them behind a level-wall like this. Well, it makes sense from the point of view that it's realistic, progressing towards more daring stuff as you keep doing lewd things, hence the "training" premise. But it doesn't make sense when you can't train effectively. Maybe this will be resolved as the story develops and more nights are added, but at the moment it feels unsatisfying. Personally, I'd change the limiter of actions per night to only account for number of times MC can cum, allowing for more free (and logical) use of the foreplay actions, as well as not end a night after only four spankings. Keeps it realistic, allows for some more meaningful choices (within the limited time constraints) and also gives the player more breathing room to experiment and immerse themselves on the action.

I'll be keeping an eye out for this one. It has potential, that's for sure. For now, it works better if you think of it as a Demo.

I'm going to be honest, I didn't expect to enjoy this one so much. But that I did, and thus I've come to sing praises (and give a little bit of constructive criticism). 

First of all, for those that came because you like Konosuba, rest assured that the story is very well kept in the essence of the show, even in the crossover sections, and the characters are very well written to keep in line with their original demeanor at all times. This game feels like a Konosuba/isekai-crossover fangame and a lot of passion and effort has been put into making sure of it.

Second, for the gamers. Octopath Traveler fighting system. I don't think I need to say more, but I will do it anyway. The fighting feels SO GOOD every time. It is challenging, but rewarding, and each new enemy and boss is a fresh experience of trying to figure out their pattern and weaknesses. Switching party members feel meaningful, allocating skill points correctly for the encounters is satisfying, managing resources like mana and items make strategizing all the more rewarding, and the pathfinding that allows you to choose carefully your encounters is just cherry on the top. The fact that different party combinations get different dialogues as well in some quests is very interesting, and I only wish those would replay when I revisit the zone later with different members, if only to see what else everyone has to say.

Third, for the degenerates. Admittedly the animations are not the best they could be, but they're decent and the writing makes up for the most of it. The characters still feel like themselves and the scenes are well placed to not interfere with the story. So far there are only one-on-ones and some characters have very few or none H-interactions, but I believe this will be improved in time. I also wonder if we'll ever get some group scenes for the main party, if only as succu-dream sequences, but at least for now you're able to keep a romance going with every character simultaneously if you so wish.

Now, for the developers. This is just my personal opinion, but I think there are some things that deserve a little rebalancing. First of all, the dialogue choices that change your personality stats; there are some that appear a lot and some that hardly appear at all. In fact, in the bandit quest I was asked to have 5 of an attribute that I didn't find enough of in the rest of the game (I was at 4 even which made it more aggravating). I'm not sure if this was intentional to force the player to choose the fighting route, or if it's taking into account future updates since it's only a secondary quest, but regardless I think the game could improve on this matter, giving more options to customize our personality, even if it doesn't make a difference in terms of gameplay or dialogues. It's just such a cool and unique mechanic (I believe it's called Paragon System?) to let it go to waste like that.

Another thing that could use a little improvement is the drop rate of construction materials. Just for farming I spent like 60+ in-game days doing nothing except visiting the alleyways both morning and night, and I think in total I got... 1 material. That's a lot of clicking and resource spending (yes, days until prison are also a resource to manage) for so little reward. And it wouldn't be so aggravating if you didn't need so many materials in order to upgrade the Guild Hall enough to max out number and quality of adventurers available, just so MAYBE one of them will have stealth in order to progress main story quests... So I was thinking, with all the time we spend working on the construction (for the gold and HP increase, because it doesn't give extra days until prison, like it said it should), wouldn't it be cool if maybe 1-in-a-5 times we get construction materials item out of it? It would make sense to find those in that workplace, and it would make for a reason to even work there once you've maxed out your HP gain. 

I think those are the only glaring issues that kinda rained on my parade while playing. The gold gain is pretty low and prices are very high, making it a bit grindy, but it made sense considering the setting of the story and MC. And it also provided an excuse to go out adventuring and enjoying the marvelous combat system, so it's okay.

One last note, keep in mind I'm playing on Android and the last free version (0.1.8c), so in the Patron or future versions this might have been all fixed/improved. Which would mean that the game is even better than what I'm writing right now. But even if it isn't, it's still very much worth the time to play. 

I have almost only good things to say about this game. The story is interesting, the characters are very well fleshed out, the music is very appropriate and there's one so relaxing I even use it to sleep better. The animations are the best I've seen in this platform (and I have seen a lot), very fluid and detailed, I usually don't like 3D art much because of the poor koikatsu-based animations, but this game finally proved the potential this medium holds. It's quickly becoming one of my favorite ero-games. 

That being said, the woodcutting and fishing minigames feel a little grindy compared to the amount of resources needed for some quests. The woodcutting advances daytime too fast for the little reward, forcing the player to reset the day over and over a lot which gets tiring, and is very RNG reliant to get the red marks to spawn in order to not end with only 4 logs per try, but I think the issue is just how much minigame time it cuts on successful hits; if hitting the mark didn't cut on the timer and thus allowed for more wood to be recollected each try, in turn more wood per day reset, it'd feel much more satisfying without changing the amount of time IRL spent farming. Fishing however suffers from the opposite, you can spend a lot of IRL time trying to catch some fish, specially the harder ones, but the gold provided in the end seems so little that it just doesn't seem fun, making the player rather farm gold via selling wood since it's more comfortable; the risk/effort and reward are not very balanced, and there is currently no way to make the fishing any easier (like a better rod or bait), I think the fish could do with a little bump on market prices (specially if you're going to require to buy a basket for 50 gold each single time you want to go on a date with Shika).

I don't want to end this review on a bitter tone, because like I said the game is VERY good even despite it's shortcomings, so I'll say that it deserves to be more popular than it is right now. For less lewd players the story and characterization should prove interesting once it gets going, and for the degenerates like me just the animations alone are more than worth the time.

Thanks for keeping it free and very good job done. 

The game shows potential. The art is kinda cute, the story is very lightweight and more wholesome/comedy focused which is a breath of fresh air, and each character feels unique and charming. I can definitely see myself enjoying a full playthrough once it's finished. 

That being said, it needs a lot of development to really shine, as it's on the shorter side on the moment. The progression is very linear and there is little interactivity, although the groundwork for increasing it has been laid so I'm holding my hopes up. It could also do with a heavy revision on grammar and typos, I was constantly finding little mistakes or spaces for improvement. Speaking of writing, Lilith sounds way too cheerful in some parts, specially in the introduction, which contrasts with her appearance: the use of exclamations and chuckles don't make much sense when her sprite never smiles and just looks tired all the time, I think her dialogue should reflect this better, maybe end more sentences with "..." and adding a yawn or two (as her sprite actually does), as well as removing several exclamation marks to make her speak in a more calm manner. 

Something else I noticed was a severe lack of music. 90% of my time I spent it in silence, and my volume was not the issue. There is a lack of ambience, with only ocassional quirky tones in very specific comedic moments. This could be either a bug preventing the tracks to be played, or a straight lack of said tracks altogether, but either way it's something that should be noted and fixed. 

Another thing I found a little annoying (but this might be just on my end) is the resolution doesn't work well with the mobile version. Most borders are cropped and some character names get cut, showing only the latter half of it. Quests' text gets jumbled around and is hard to read sometimes as well. I wouldn't say my phone's screen is precisely small, but it seemed as if the game was only optimized for bigger resolutions.

All in all, I think this game deserves some time to be polished, as well as enough attention to be on people's radar. It is clearly on early stages of development but current state would make for a fine Demo, should it in the future be locked behind a paywall. 

I'm having the same issue, I already did every event and max affection for all the other girls, but Alice never shows up

That's the problem, I have improved the relationship up to the point where the game says "You have unlocked Pixel as an alarm. You can now sleep with Pixel". But the options don't appear

I seem to have encountered a bug where there are not options to sleep with any girls, even after doing the Android event that specifically states I've unlocked her. Can't set any alarms besides Lin either. It's not that the option is greyed out, they outright don't exist. Playing on latest Windows version

Always remember Cyberpunk 2077. We learned our lesson: better to wait for a polished product than expect a rushed one

I think the "why" has to do with trust and potential. Since the author is very transparent about progress and intentions, the public content keeps a consistent good quality update after update, and frankly speaking, the competition isn't exactly perfect either since most games here are indie developments made by people with no prior experience.

People are willing to invest in this game precisely because they trust that it's only going to get better, and even with the current content it might not be much, but it's entertaining and a feast for the eyes. 

Also, maybe we have differing opinions in what constitutes a "bleak" story, and that perfectly fine! But from my perspective this game delivers certain amount of finality and satisfaction to the problems MC encounters. He's not the type to sit around doing nothing anymore, so it feels kind of good when we see him prevail and protect his girls, specially since the choices we make matter more than it does in other similar games, you can actually feel and see the consequences along the routes, which is pretty dope if you ask me. 

Thanks for new content, it's great!

The only thing I would think needs improvement, is the transition at the end of chapter 5 if you choose to "Handle it yourself". It's a little rough and doesn't really explain why Raynare dissapears the same way as if Rias destroys her.

 Perhaps a couple of extra frames and/or dialogue in that choice, before the cloud of feathers, would smooth it out and make it feel more natural. Even a black screen with some text that says something like, "After that, I was ready to move on and killed Raynare with my own hands", it'd at least explain why she dies. Or some extra line during the deed that says that "devil cum is as poisonous to fallen angels as light spears are for devils" (although that would raise some questions about Akeno, so maybe not exactly that).

Other than that, the rest of the update is very organic and feels like it's following the nature of the characters. I'm digging the new sandbox mode as it makes for an experience more similar to classic dating sims, and it seems like it'll be a great way to implement more content for other girls in the future (maybe we get a school location and some student council fun?). Endless possibilities, I'm really excited about it. Thanks again, and specially for providing it for free

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To be completely honest, the Novels were great and that's basically all story with little to no art. Anime adaptations (specially at that point in time) weren't known for being all that accurate, so I think the show did lack on some aspects, but still second season kinda picked the pace up. A shame it went downwards after that.

My point being: yes, the story is enjoyable and lighthearted, no need to nitpick on the power scaling when it never was the focus of the series. There are far worse contenders even in modern times, but I do agree the anime could be better adapted

Are chests going to respawn/be farmable, or more like a one time boost thing each?

Quality takes time! And I'd rather wait for a good product than receive a rushed mediocrity, so don't worry about how much it took you to learn good coding and making good animations. I'm just glad you did well on your exams, and good luck with the thesis!

Thank you for the information. I had heard some rumors but wasn't really deep on the loop due to personal circumstances, now I understand what the fuss is about. The graph helped a lot, thanks for taking the time to draw it

Ah, that would make sense. I've been holding from downloading more updates until the combat system was finished, but I was wondering if trying the challenge could be fun. Maybe I should refrain from taking it too seriously tho, since I lack prior experience

When you say "Defeat her using SHATTER!", so you mean only using shatter, or finishing off with shatter? My guess would be the first, but just in case

Seems like our hunter got surprised by the prey, but the boy came in to save the day gaining just enough time for the hunter to draw his sword. At least that's what it looks like, but I think that would be too simple an answer for a game like this that keeps surprising me every time, so I'm looking forward to the actual solution