Me when e-mail notification: :0
When it's from Itch.io: >:0
When it's from Moss-Shadow account: >:D
So you can be mates with Duskfall, Dustfeather, Cottonwillow (I guess?), Nightwhisper and Breezesong. To be with Duskfall you have to be warrior and you have to be female or both. When you are warrior and he asks you do you want a training battle say no and when he asks you then, do you wanna hang out or smth like this, say yes. You have to go with him to the beach and ripple him until he will do *SOMETHING*. To get Dustfeather you have to just be female or both, be warrior and say no if he asks you for battle training. If he doesn't accept your request for being mates ask him again later. Now to get Breezesong you have to be female or both. When you are apprentices you have to keep talking with her, after you'll have 20 points of reputation, after that she will ask you to hang out. Then you have to do what you had to with Duskfall. And if you are warriors you can just ask her for being mates, lol. For Nightwhisper you gotta just ask her when you are a warrior. And you can be every gender. If its about Cottonwillow You have to be male(?) Or both and play with her in Guess My Number (GMN). You have to win tree time and loose ones (I guess). Fallenfeather sooo, you have to just talk with her until there will be "Ask for mate"
i claimed fair cat's life lol (if someone don't know how, i'm telling: you have to make ur sister leave the BrambleClan, when Sunfall come, you have to go to your sister and talk to her untill she says you maybe will stay in the fair - or something like this- and go to Aghata. YOU WILL CAN'T BACK TO THE BRAMBLECLAN! idk if you needed this)
Polak, co? ale to nie ważne. więc by zdobyć żółty kryształ musisz iść do rzeki (na lewym końcu mapy), biały przechodząc przez strumień (na prawo od wysokiego głazu), potem jako wojownik musisz wysłuchać historii od szarej kotki na polu z kwiatkami. potem idziesz do legowiska wojowników, bierzesz kulkę mchu i idziesz nad rzekę. klikasz na czerwony x i dajesz tam kulkę mchu. gdy następnym razem tam idzesz jest tam moss-shadow. zaprowadzasz go do wysokiego kamienia. by zostać potem przywódcą musisz mieć 80 punktów w tej łapce. idziesz do legowiska starszyzny, klikasz na żóltego kota, dostajesz rożowy kamień i idziesz do lewej jaskini w miejscu do polowania. mam nadzieje, że pomogłom :)