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A member registered Jul 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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This will help a lot with sorting things, thanks!

damn that looks hella good

will check it out!

Hope you finish it someday

I really like this one

Really cool

I agree, Mark of Rogues look great! Shame it wasn't submitted yet when I made the thread, gonna play it now!

Thank you for the comment, Swordmy! Appreciate it!

This sounds really cool, can't wait to see the final result

Casual game about a boot.

Thank you for trying the game out!

Thanks, I'm really happy you found it fun!

That was pretty nice, I liked the simplicity of it all

There's a tag here on, you can put the RNDGAME2021 tag there.

We got a bunch of games already submitted, and that's cool. I played  Personally I love AcidicDuck's Sticky Vision. I had a lot of fun playing Big Dave's submission too! What about you, which one's your favorites?

I'm glad you had fun, thanks for commenting!

Thank you! :D

Are you still updating this?

Lost a building :(

This game really makes you feel like a cat 10/1

Pretty good!

I really loved this! Solid platformer.

Wow this is... unbelievable

Fun game

The road is moving in the wrong direction I think. By the way, what name did you get?

(1 edit)

Great work! It was fun

When you hold the movement button you become the flash 10/10

Good job on finishing the game! I do hope you could smoothen the movement a bit, but good job!