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Among the wolven stars

A member registered Jul 25, 2021 · View creator page →

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its just in 7th grade one learns how genitalia work and stuff and one thing is i dont really see the problem with it, im not religous anyways eather

because of innocence?

i wanna make games like spore and sims 4, like wolf life, parrot life, stuff like that

i know "baba is you", also i dont need help with coming up with ideas.

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i dont think im older, also my parents dont have a Nintendo and i dont need a Nintendo. i have a pc and a xbox plus a 360(welll the xbox  1 and 360 arnt really set up but still, a pc is fine for gaming besides i play wceu on roblox and its fun(i play it alot). 

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im a female not a male btw, also why 17+, im 13 almost 14 in a few mounths, Im not old enough to look at 17+

Its the end of the quarter and im working on an ad for an assignment, its on scratch for my account but i dont have time to work on my games

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well she and I have only aquantinces, no human friends, I have my kitties. I'm not really munch of an extrovert, I'm more towards the middle so I'm fine with just aquantinces

the adult content is used as an extreme if it's not clear

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But I do want to grow up and have made my company already, I do get I should focus on the present (god iv seen mlp do don't be in a rush to grow up and I forgot if Dora the explorer did one, I watched Dora when I was young and lived with my grandma(I  haven't had have electronics unless it was Dora till I was 7 or 8 I think) also what do you mean by innocence, like I understand what it means but I also kinda don't? I think

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I mean it wouldent ruin my life, besides i wouldn't have searched it

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Iv already learned about the reproductive genitalia in health class so its not really too big of a deal for example I know that men piss and release In the same body part

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well i dont do it alot during school due to late work(im a good student i just take a while to do things) actuly yesterday i was in the sun doing math work so i do go outside

so you want me to roleplay with sticks, jk  the whole time id eather be watching ants/other critters and roleplaying with sticks i know this because i have been outside before doing this stuff, i actuly do go outside from time to time(i love my walks exploring nature around our small lot(well medium but i cant explore most of it due to it being a slope thats not for children and lots and lots of blackberries)

THANK YOU, iv been looking for criticism. I mean I don't go showing my game(I show my clan Gen challenge  characters and show it on wceu discord)

oh I use scratches editor

huh dident know(for reverence i don't use social media really)

oh, it reads like a troll post? my dad does know of my account

oh thats not how i meant to say that

so just dont create anything online?

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ehhh i prefur(yea i know its prefer but ehh I like using prefur besides I'm not really talking in a formal setting) the community as i plan on creating stuff and releasing to the community, my mom and dad sure but i already show what i am doing to my dad. my mom, she's just basically my boss not a friend(she  tries to do a mix of both and while i understand her, my body just cant accept her as someone i like spending time with no not an enemy more of a boss/ roommate who i have to live with) *also dident consider talking to my parents

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also whats the furry R34 Twitter pages? i dont use social media really

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its more of im curious on what im allowed to curate im not saying i want to do this im giving an example of the most extreme, if this wording makes sence. also im not a very sexualm person infact i very idk about that stuff im fine with people doing that stuff but i am not interested in that at all (1. i dont want kids, 2 i am probly way to focused on making stories, 3 im just not into sex, im honestly not) also i want to create stories of creatures lives, i want to explore morality as not real and just as a consept(no good vs evil) also other consepts as well but im using this one as an example)

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make the player have zero feeling throught out the enitre game, make it not memberable, make it mediocor, dont do the its so bad its good, also i sugest look at Josh Strife Hayes or game dungeon. (both on youtube)

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im curious like can a 13-year-old make stuff with about adult consepts and can they make stuff with gore? (btw im kinda a logical person whos not very emotional, i am kinda a big thinker and ideas come easily to me, also i dont want to do stuff like dora the explorer, but i wanna do stuff on just random creatures lives  for context plus wanna make games like adapt, spore, paralives and sims 4)

me redoing

a game where you can make your own wolf and be a wolf! (Of corse your limited and it's not even close to done) it's mainly talking and there might be building options, but it won't be fully customizable (you'll have set areas where you can change the idem) but will be added in the future. Click here! (Wolf life game)


as soon as i get on this page it reminds me of scp 1562

honestly browser games let me play them at school


hi and welcome to dragon life. dragon life is a game about you living in a world of dragon comunitys where you chose how things go. it not a do what ever you want game because that would be imposable tho what this game aims to be is where you get to live as a dragon thought different cultures and please leave any feedback on anything in the game. dragon life by simulations ( 

needed feedback on:


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also that was my second match of this game and that was resent and currently the last game i played and my deer had a meat bone cause i wanted to see how meat bone works

lost in a verses with 6/5 lvl 2 heghog 4/6 lvl 1 and a half pufferfish 10/6 lvl 1 and a half croc 4/4 lvl 2 deer 4/6 lvl 1 and a half scunck in that order with 4 wins


like shapeshifting?

z and wasd

whos vsause?


yay its just you seemed not to be o at the time

it wont let me send the paperclip even though I have that type in stock

hey do you still exist?