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what is a 13 allowed to create?

A topic by Among the wolven stars created Mar 10, 2023 Views: 3,020 Replies: 92
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(3 edits) (+1)

im curious like can a 13-year-old make stuff with about adult consepts and can they make stuff with gore? (btw im kinda a logical person whos not very emotional, i am kinda a big thinker and ideas come easily to me, also i dont want to do stuff like dora the explorer, but i wanna do stuff on just random creatures lives  for context plus wanna make games like adapt, spore, paralives and sims 4)


You should probably ask your parents, not the community here.

(2 edits) (+1)

ehhh i prefur(yea i know its prefer but ehh I like using prefur besides I'm not really talking in a formal setting) the community as i plan on creating stuff and releasing to the community, my mom and dad sure but i already show what i am doing to my dad. my mom, she's just basically my boss not a friend(she  tries to do a mix of both and while i understand her, my body just cant accept her as someone i like spending time with no not an enemy more of a boss/ roommate who i have to live with) *also dident consider talking to my parents


It makes me very sad that a 13 year old is even thinking about creating adult content. It makes me sad that adults think about making such degenerate things.



Do you really want to be the face behind the furry R34 Twitter pages?

(1 edit)

also whats the furry R34 Twitter pages? i dont use social media really

(4 edits) (+1)

You seem like a well-meaning kid, so I'm going to not sugarcoat it. IMO it's better to have this stuff presented in a sanitized environment.

R34 means "rule 34." Basically, it's slang for anything that's sexual content of something, most typically some existing IP. Something like adult-oriented content of two characters from some cartoon.
(Protip: "Adult-oriented" is most often read as a clean way to say "sexual content." If you're not doing that, it's better to just explicitly say what you think is not child-friendly (i.e. graphic violence, vulgar language, traumatic themes, etc). This also has the side-benefit of warning users who might be sensitive to specific kinds of content.)

Furry has a lot of definitions, depending on how vulgar someone wants to paint it, but the most broad definition is "anything to do with humanized animal characters." In that sense, it can range from anything like Sonic the Hedgehog or Zootopia (stylized human/animal mixes) to Warrior Cats or Redwall (animals that just act like humans), but typically a lot of people take it to specifically mean a more humanized style found in a lot of internet subcultures (often animals with human bodies), or someone deep into these subcultures.

So combining the two, it's basically someone who makes really crappy adult-oriented art of something like the Alpha and Omega series (link is just a novel cover for reference).

Anyway, people gave you answers for Itch's policy, but if you want to make something in the meantime, it doesn't really take THAT much to do, but you should start with figuring out what specifically you want to do.

When it was 13 an idiot told me to search on Google r34 (back then I didn't know what it meant).

Im glad I didn't search.

(4 edits)

its more of im curious on what im allowed to curate im not saying i want to do this im giving an example of the most extreme, if this wording makes sence. also im not a very sexualm person infact i very idk about that stuff im fine with people doing that stuff but i am not interested in that at all (1. i dont want kids, 2 i am probly way to focused on making stories, 3 im just not into sex, im honestly not) also i want to create stories of creatures lives, i want to explore morality as not real and just as a consept(no good vs evil) also other consepts as well but im using this one as an example)


I would hope not. You said you're 13! If that's true, please wait for a few more years, and talk to a trusted adult. Please.

so just dont create anything online?


Not with that attitude.

Just do it. Make what you want. Nobody gives a shit who you are or how old you are. What they will care is if you make something worthwhile or not. If you want to make something, make something. Don't spend an entire sentence wasting people's time about how you prefer to misspell a word.  The only reason anyone would even know you are 13 is because you made a post about it (and also because your mode of speech betrays that just a bit). Just shut up and make something. If it's stupid, you'll find out. If it's worthwhile, the community will let you know. Whether you're 13, or interested in sex, or have a good relationship with your mom, or like to misspell words is completely meaningless compared to what you create.

Just make something. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm trying to give you some motivation. Don't bother what people say you can create. That's not art. As soon as you care that somebody tells you that you aren't allowed to make something, you are no longer an artist. An artist creates because they have to... because they know no other way to exist. An artist will find a way to create even if no one will allow them. Hell, if you need a hand, let me know. If you are actually creating something of value and not just, as most of the people who responded seem to think based on what you've written, some meaningless juvenile crap, then it doesn't matter how old you are... what matters is that art deserves to get made.

So before you concern yourself with whether or not you can or should make something based on how old you are, the question should be this... does what you want to make deserve to get made? If so, then you would be OBLIGATED to make it, even if you were only 7. Just don't confuse what your juvenile mind thinks deserves to get made with what actually is worthwhile. Most people your age think they have a clear understanding of the universe, but that's only because everyone at every stage of life feels like what they think is the only thing that is correct. This is related to what's known as the Dunning-Kruger effect. People think that what they know is the height of knowledge because they don't actually know how much there actually is to know. Don't be upset if you pour your heart and soul into some game, call it "adult concepts," and have adults snub it. If you are 13 years old, you will probably have a much better time making things that are meant to show your own point of view from your perspective rather than trying to make something you think will be deep for everyone. An adult would enjoy your game more if they knew they were spending some time looking at things from your perspective, rather than having you say "I'm thirteen and I think this is deep," because that will result, most likely, in scorn before people even bother to play the game... they simply will not believe that what you think is deep is worth their time. 

It's all about perspective. 

Someone fell for the bait.


You asked specifically about creating adult stuff.

oh thats not how i meant to say that

R34 furries in twitte--


Me too.

I hate adult content whether kids make it or adults make it.

That type of content just makes me sick.



Deleted 1 year ago

Actually, you cannot publish anything. Not on itch as a 13yo, you can't. 

"Users must be 13 or older. Publishers must be at least 18 or have the legal right to enter into this agreement."

"If you register an account to sell, distribute, or publish games or other content on, you agree to be bound to the terms of this Agreement as a platform publisher (“Publisher”). Publishers affirm that they are either more than 18 years of age, or possess legal parental or guardian consent, and are fully able and competent to enter into the terms, conditions, obligations, affirmations, representations and warranties set forth in this Agreement."

If I read that correctly,  you might publish with  consent of your  parents.   That your parents know what  you draw is not the same as  them allowing you to  be a publisher.

What type of content you can publish would be dependent on the legality. If you can legally view your own content (yes, that is as stupid as it   sounds), I do not see any problems. Itch has not really any restrictions, other than the legal stuff. If your comic book violence and "adult" stuff is legal for you, and your parents allow you to be exposed on the internet, my opinion as one of these strangers you should  not talk to, is, go for it.

And my 2 cents about the reasoning behind this is really that thing with the exposure. If you publish, you might get contact to    people that will be not very nice to you. Especially, if you flaunt your age. They might not believe you, or try to goad you. And to be honest, your post reads like a troll post. 

oh, it reads like a troll post? my dad does know of my account


Yes, it does.     It is similar to   a coincidentally 13yo meme about "kids" proclaiming their age and asking  adult related stuff. 

huh dident know(for reverence i don't use social media really)

I suppose that I will make some rules with the rembering 2 rules:

1. no nsfw content and

2. In this community its positive or be positive


Depends on who's asking? I'm now 14, but used to be 13.... I think you shouldn't go into adult related stuff like gore and erotica .. For now, you can create art (maybe pixel art) and fine tune your skills until you're not a minor anymore. Then do what ever you wish. 

oh I use scratches editor


i saw your game and your art... i think your art is good but there is room for improvement. Use better shading, give realistic shapes and draw fluidic animations and walk cycles. If you still ignore and try to practice gore. I'm sure it wouldn't look great. Until you're an adult, improve your skills.


THANK YOU, iv been looking for criticism. I mean I don't go showing my game(I show my clan Gen challenge  characters and show it on wceu discord)

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where? (Gore isn't good for kids)

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Don't do gore and other stuff until you're 18, until then you can still use your current art skills to make stuff like ONEYNG(Chris O'Neill)... search bout him .. you probably have better art skills than him.... LOL

(1 edit)

I had ideas for making horror games for ages 16+ when I was 13

And I don't know what gore means 

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Gore means brutal stuff, these games contains Gore : Mortal Kombat, People playground, melon playground etc


Then it's not good for kids

It is not even for adults ;-)

For games it typcially adds nothing to the game play. There are cases where one can argue that  it adds to realism, to set the style and atmosphere etc. Or even make the violence extra outlandish and unreal.

(Gore basically means blood. Lots of it.   Not necessarily violence. A murder mystery with a big pool of dried blood  would be gore without onscreen violence. And when I think about those Jason Bourne movies, there were some ultra violent close combat fighting scenes, but there was no gore.)

You're right 👍

17+ and 18+ games show a lot of that stuff and should be banned by the government as it has negative impacts on people.

It's okay in some cases though like if a player is exploring a haunted house and there is blood on the walls and floors 

Life should be banned too, because it does have a lot of that stuff as well and has a negative impact on people ;-)

But seriously, for kids it is kinda banned. That is what those rating systems are for. And adults would have their mature content filtering (Steam has such, Itch not so much). But once you are legally an adult, "the" gov should have no business telling people what they can or cannot view, play or create. The thing is, what is frowned upon  is different for every country.    It is arbitrary  and even changes with  time. The US for example is rather strict on nudity and profanity (swearing), while violence  seems ok. In Europe it is the other way around.  

And for games, like in: fictional stuff, the discussion would have an additional layer of abstraction.   Yeah, some non-players regularily claim that eg playing ego shooters makes people violent. They got it backward.   Violent people might be interested in such games, but that is the same as having an interest in sport cars and  playing racing games. I  do not like to drive a kart, just because I played mario kart.

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Some times Gore is good too, as it scares many people from actually commiting Gore. Before the advent of Gore games, there used to be many psycho killers and maniacs. Nowadays, maniacs and psychos plays brutal game games like PPG, mortal Kombat etc, Hence many psycho killers are gone. Everything has a reason. Government is no fool for not banning it. 

But they should ban other bad content.

Like many 18+ games feature content in which people are gambling and drinking and swearing.

And also when games feature senseless violence. That your character just has to kill people for no reason (A game of Chucky the doll was banned for that reason)

You want arbitrary censorship? By what standards? We are talking about banning stuff for adults. On what grounds? Restricting access to minors is all good and fine.  

But   if the activity is legal, why should a game or a movie be banned for adults?   Swearing, gambling, drinking is all legal for adults.

And even for illegal activities, games and movies are not the real thing. Murder is illegal. So every   crime series should be banned, because there is murder in it.

Know that Alien vs. Predator games? You can play as an Alien or Predator there, killing Humans.

Your wording is problematic.   "your character just has to kill people for no reason". It is self contradictory.   If the char "has"  to do that, that implies a reason, but you state that there is no reason. So why "has" the char to do it?

For the USA, you basically cannot ban a game for its content, as it falls under free speech.   There is that    AO, Adults Only    rating, but again, that falls under protection of minors. You will not find such a game in most stores, but that is not a ban.

Once you have the govs ban stuff, you will have countries  ban games on grounds  like "contains homosexuality".  Or "has Winnie the Pooh in it" ( I kid you not).  The "price" of freedom is to allow stuff (at least for adults), even if it violates your  sense of morale,  fashion,   taste or whatever. 

Its the ugly reality 😟

But the government does not care what type of content games contain. They just ban games when they think they can charge money from the developers to unban it

Uhm. That would be quite a corrupt country.   If they acutally ban something, the reason for the ban does not cease to exist, just because the devs pay some   ransom.

But maybe you are using the word ban differently than me.   Adults Only for example is not a ban. And Steam delisting something is also not a ban, at least not a government ban. A government ban would be for something that is against the law. And only that. Because the gov is all about law. If it does not concern laws, the gov has no say in it. You have to break a law with the game. And that is very hard to do, if it is hand drawn.   Stuff has been taken down for copyright issues. Or there is a famous example with some nudity of real life women, but the woman in question was 17 at the time of  filming. They used real images in the game. If you do that, you have all the problems with that, including privacy issues. Some games could be classified as hate speech, or be meant to incite   real actions that are illegal. If you make a game showing how to kill your teacher at your school, that is the kind of stuff that the gov would be interested in.

But banning for content you deem  bad ...  nah. That is censorship. And what is bad changes with time and place. In some arabic countries they really do ban games containing homosexuality, but tbf,  I think that is illegal irl there too. wich would bring me back to the gta game  example of depicting illegal acts in general. it is a game, not a manual or instruction to replicate this. 

So protecting impressionable minors from the "bad influence" , all good. Protecting adults, nah, that is censorship. On itch you have to explicitly click a button to see adult stuff.

Psycho killers and maniacs used to be, but now play games instead? Seriously?

That is like claiming people stopped doing lewd stuff, but now play  lewd games instead.

Admittedly, there is a rise and fall in statistics with serial killers, but  I would not attribute that to games or lack thereof.   The advancement in forensics allowed to identify murders as being serial murders in the first place. Not everything is as clear cut as Jack the Ripper cases. But that same advancements allowed to catch murderers before they became serial. Or even deter them or drive them to use methods that are again not detectable as serial cases.

If the gov would be really interested in effectifly reducing stuff like killing sprees by banning or not banning stuff, they should ban the news. No other thing inspires wannabe killers more.

If you want to hear a plausible idea, it may be due to leaded gasoline. Lead  poisoning increases aggression.   Leaded gasoline was introduced in the 1920s and   banned  around the  1990s. 

Deleted 1 year ago

Would you care not to mention stuff like that in a thread created by a kid?   At least you edited out the sources of your "research".

(1 edit)

Iv already learned about the reproductive genitalia in health class so its not really too big of a deal for example I know that men piss and release In the same body part

Undertale has gr if your choices dont matter

do not play genocide and be kind to others because

sans would more likely eliminate you

Deleted 237 days ago

nut not horrifying as sans ketchup


better yet go outside and play the game of real life 


so you want me to roleplay with sticks, jk  the whole time id eather be watching ants/other critters and roleplaying with sticks i know this because i have been outside before doing this stuff, i actuly do go outside from time to time(i love my walks exploring nature around our small lot(well medium but i cant explore most of it due to it being a slope thats not for children and lots and lots of blackberries)

I use plungers to eliminate cockroaches.

(1 edit) (+1)

well i dont do it alot during school due to late work(im a good student i just take a while to do things) actuly yesterday i was in the sun doing math work so i do go outside


That's good mate. I'd love to be 13 again. Take my advice don't be in too much of a hurry to grow up. Make adult content once you are old enough. Enjoy your teenage years in innocence.

(3 edits)

But I do want to grow up and have made my company already, I do get I should focus on the present (god iv seen mlp do don't be in a rush to grow up and I forgot if Dora the explorer did one, I watched Dora when I was young and lived with my grandma(I  haven't had have electronics unless it was Dora till I was 7 or 8 I think) also what do you mean by innocence, like I understand what it means but I also kinda don't? I think

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You can create artworks like the Nyan cat, or better, try making nursery rhymes(you'll need to have a good voice or someone who'll sing for you), learn 3D modelling and animation (using blender, FOSS). Remember adult stuff isn't as famous as Baby shark 😂 (11B views I guess). Make content for your age group or lower. Never aim for Adults as People loving adult stuff (Not specifying) are mean, and callous. They'll use u, they'll stalk you and even force you to make adult content (art) in a worse or dirtier way. Adult industry (art and game) is quite limited. Try my suggestions. 

the adult content is used as an extreme if it's not clear

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Innocence is a godly gift, preserve it. If you lose your innocence, World won't look the same. (You'll get to know, how worse the world has become)It is different from the world described in Cartoons books and games or as told by teachers or friends.

You a great artist never underestimate yourself. (All the best for your art) 


And a kid of this age should especially stay away from bad friends who might spoil him.

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He surely is safe but still bad kids are not as bad as the world outside (You know what I mean)

(1 edit)

well she and I have only aquantinces, no human friends, I have my kitties. I'm not really munch of an extrovert, I'm more towards the middle so I'm fine with just aquantinces

That's good.

Btw what type of content do you want to make for your game?

i wanna make games like spore and sims 4, like wolf life, parrot life, stuff like that

(1 edit)

So what type of age restricted content does it include?

If it's violence it's fine if it's something like mild violence or cartoon voilence but too much voilence is not good for a 13 yo especially senseless violence. By that I mean the kind of games where you have to kill people for no reason like for example PUBG which is I think rated for 12+ but played by kids under that age.

Gore. Try to do minimum blood and gore effects as some people don't like it and young and sentimental people get scared. Also it is not good for kids.

Don't include bad practices in your games like gambling smoking drinking and drug use.

As for other exclusive 'adult' stuff don't even think of using it because it's also very bad of adults to include it in their game. I think you get what I'm trying to say.

Hope you found this advice useful.

Little boy, if you don't know why you must stay far away from places on the internet that says 13+ or 17+, ask to your parents. (i guarantee you that they won't take your PC away from you).

(1 edit) (+1)

im a female not a male btw, also why 17+, im 13 almost 14 in a few mounths, Im not old enough to look at 17+




"btw im kinda a logical person whos not very emotional, i am kinda a big thinker and ideas come easily to me."

Girl, listen to those older than you. Don't cross this line just because you think you older. Enjoy your young life is more better. Nintendo builds their industry on what children's love.

Yes 👍

(1 edit)

i dont think im older, also my parents dont have a Nintendo and i dont need a Nintendo. i have a pc and a xbox plus a 360(welll the xbox  1 and 360 arnt really set up but still, a pc is fine for gaming besides i play wceu on roblox and its fun(i play it alot). 

You did not get it! Make adult things doesn't mean you will get success. Example "Nintendo". Is good to trust yourself, but it could fool you. Girl, take a step back, think about yourself. Listen to what people said. If you want to make something new and asking for ideas, take these examples and be creative "Limbo/Fez/Baba Is You".

Good Luck.

i know "baba is you", also i dont need help with coming up with ideas.

baba is you is a sokoban game by gdevelop.

Fez, IDK

Limbo, that game is dangerous for new players because it needs memorixing

heres a sneak peek


A 13 year old shouldn't make this kind of content.

because of innocence?


Because dealing with adult stuff has effects on the mind and body, and you're too young. It wouldn't be healthy. You first have to be old enough to understand what you're getting into. Please be responsible. Use the next few years to educate yourself from a trusted source.

I agree.

The reason adult stuff is called 'adult' stuff is that it's for adults. Adult content can also cause psychological problems in both children and adults 


Deleted 308 days ago

what about you try and see?

The concept of "adult" stuff is  a misnomer in this context. Because for content it is bascially defined as stuff that is forbidden for kids. So of course, the response will be, that yeah, kids should not do "adult" stuff.

But why should a 13yo dabble with stuff aimed at 6yo. Guess the age of the average reader of Twilight or Harry Potter. If you think about what concepts happen in these books... that ain't dora the explorer. 

Sophisticated might be a better word. 

Let's have a look at the popular Civilisation series. Part VI has this rating:

ESRB Everyone  10+,Drug Reference, Language, Mild Violence, Suggestive Themes     

That game deals with WAR, for crying out loud. You literally send your troops to death in the meat grinder of war. You slaughter barbarians. But yeah, it is ok for 10yo. "Mild violence". Yeah. Snort.

tl;dr Asking about concepts is the wrong  question. In the context of video games it is about presentation.  

Deleted post

its just in 7th grade one learns how genitalia work and stuff and one thing is i dont really see the problem with it, im not religous anyways eather

Deleted 1 year ago
Moderator (1 edit) (+1)

That's a good start, but it's only the 101, and then in theory. Real-life isn't so clinical, and then there are the social issues (not just religion). Please take it step by step, and talk to trusted adults.

Edit: actually, I have an idea. Make the games you want to make, but keep them private for a few years. You can decide later.

Good thing I didn't study that weird stuff in 7th grade


Deleted 308 days ago



As noted above: A 13-year-old needs parental/guardian permission to set up a publisher account. If the games cost money, that involves a bank account somewhere, which also means needing adult support. 

Content restrictions for 13-year-olds are "whatever the law allows in your area." In the US, that's pretty broad as long as they're not dealing with photos of minors. (I don't just mean sexy photos; there are privacy laws involved.) If they stay away from sexual content, there may not be any limits.

But for the practical side of things: NEVER TELL ANYONE ONLINE YOU ARE UNDER 18. Because there are predators online who look for young people who don't know how to spot them. The predators are not the ones who will reply with "kids should not be making this kind of content" or "I guess it's okay if your parents agree." Predators will say "oh that's great - let me help you! I turned 18 two months ago and everyone was mean to me when I was thirteen; let me show you where you can host files that your parents can't find them; I'll help you set up a bank account - I'll be the co-signer and pretend to be your parent, okay? What's your address? Oh, and your birthday and social security number; we need those."

Make the content you want to make. As far as sharing it goes - Find a trusted adult who understands internet safety and talk to them about it. Not "someone who can lecture you about creepy predators" but "someone who knows how you can avoid doing something now, that you won't care about for several years but could mess up your chances to get into the college program you want." The dangers aren't limited to "some jerk tries to scam you or get creepy at you." 

(Would a gore-fest video game mess up your college chances? I have no idea. I don't think so. But I'm long past caring what other people think of my hobbies - and am not in a position where people can use them against me.) 

Will your high school teachers be able to find this post in three years? You don't know! doesn't even know; they have no idea what forum software they'll be using in three years, or how searchable their old archives will be.

If you are going to a forum full of strangers to say "I'm 13; please help me figure out what to do" - the answer is going to be "talk to your parents, and please keep yourself hidden for another few years." Because you obviously don't know what the risks are, so you don't know how to keep yourself safe.

Good advice. I also think the real reason is the exposure to the intenet. Not only because of predators, but because of interaction with strangers in general. Actually, if you look closely at released games with age ratings, the online interactions with other players is usually not rated, like this:  Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB (PC).

And those stranges do not even need to be adults. Kids can be cruel. Taking abuse from a fellow player is another thing than getting bad comments and ratings on your game and art. This is hard for adults too.

Good point there.

These days it is common for kids to insult and swear at each other while playing multiplayer games.

But mostly kids are threatened by adults who are looking for innocent kids they can fool.

Like for example a 13 yo makes a game. The predator will praise the game and say something like 'Its awesome how do you make such games I am only 11 years old and just learned game development. Can you please try my games and tell how is it and what changes should be made in it'.  The poor kid gets fooled and he opens the game and boom. He's hacked.

Or maybe some hacker will ask a kid to join his discord server and give him a link. Now the link will lead to a fake discord with an a similar url and identical page. It will ask the kid to tell his discord Id and password. When he enters it, the fake website will send it to the hacker who will be able to login the kids discord. Then simply the kid is doomed.

But this not only happens with kids. It happens with adults as well as you said like getting bad comments.

The same way adults can end up installing trojan horses and suffer from malware such as ransomware.

I think I've made a pretty long speech here 😅

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