Hello. I rated this game (written) a little over the year ago for class, and would like to replay and review on my youtube channel with your permission
Amythyst Willis
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Found this game for doing my hhomework assignment. Must say, for doing this within a 48 hour time span and how short game play is, story is great, as well as the audio and visuals.
My only thing at the time of critiquing that I mentioned was that it seemed more like a psychological thriller rather than horror. I now see that this is actually under simulation, but it still looks up with the horror tag.
Good Job, guys!
I just want to say, you did a great job. Not only was it refreshing to play an RPG that had an urban setting setting in the modern world, but the way you got abilities and use them is a very nice idea I haven't seen before. The theme melded perfectly. music was on point with the atmosphere. The story added up, especially in the end, though I won't say why, because spoilers, and I played both choices and I am a fan of both. Keep it up! Also.... Nice innuendo. I dunno about anyone else, but that's a plus for me.
I am really sorry about this. If you're still willing, here's the link. https://amythystmorris.itch.io/sammiches-in-space
That is the link. Thank you!