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A member registered Sep 24, 2020

Recent community posts

(1 edit)

I really have to commend the fast response to feedback from you guys. I'm looking forward for all of these updates, especially the new map! Speaking of feedback, I know that the chances of you guys reading this are really small, but I'll just ask the same questions from the last post anyway:

  • Somewhere during interviews you guys confirmed that we are indeed getting an expansion on lobbies, which is pretty awesome! I know that a lot of people, including myself, wanted this. Any Idea as to when or how many more players will be able to join?
  • Secondly, I know that this one may be a little harder, but, is there any chance that we get a South America server? There's a decent amount of people playing here, and although the latest server updates actually did enhance our experience with latency, I still feel like this is important for us, but I understand if it's not possible.

Once again, great work, and good luck with all of the future updates!

Actually, you're right! What I meant was that it was harder to recode the entire thing, which is the route that they'll take for these updates. I got the wording mixed up, because English is not my main language. Sorry about that, will edit for clarity xD

I Agree with you but I feel like it's important to get the message across nevertheless. There are comments with constructive feedback among those suggestions, so maybe they look for a thing or two, even though they already know where the game is going to go. That's what indie devs excel on after all, they listen to their players way more than the other companies on the market.

(2 edits)

Just made an account to say that this is a really bold move. From my knowledge, fixing the codebase from the ground up is way harder than actually writing a new one with these expansions in mind. I Still feel like you should proceed with the sequel, but I respect that decision. There is a really large playerbase currently enjoying the game today. To be able to continue to provide for them is smart, and I like all of the things proposed here. However, there's two things that I feel that it would be nice if you guys could take a look into:

  • In the blog post which you announced the sequel, you said that the maximum player count would be raised to 15. Is it still planned to happen? Some groups are getting really crowded, and it would be nice to not keep people waiting for a chance to play. That would also enable 3 impostor games to happen in a somewhat balanced way.
  • I Know that this one may be a little harder, but, is there any chance that we get a South America server? There's a decent amount of people playing here, especially in Brazil, which is where I'm from. With enough luck we can create lobbies in NA, but for the majority of time we have to resort to play in Europe, or Asia, where the latency is even higher than the usual. While it doesn't really hinder our experience as a whole, I still feel like this is important for us, but I understand if it's not possible.

Best of luck in expanding the game, and I look forward for the updates!