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non, tu ne peux pas savoir , mais dans le cas d'une collision, tu ne peux pas justement récupérer le sys_pain 9
si tu as du Palp entre deux, il va te renvoyer les degat de palp, et non le Collide
Donc je peux pas récupérer le sys_pain 9 , il me donnera forcement le 11
dans cet exemple, tu peux pas le récupérer, tu aura que le Palp, donc 11
for exemple :
you have an actor named "Map" with tilemap Renderer , and one layer
First , you need to get the tileMap with
let map = Sup.getActor("Map").tileMapRenderer.getTileMap()
after that, you can get the TileID from your position with :
let tileID = map.getTileAt(0, Math.floor(, Math.floor(
It's just an exemple
with Superpowers v0.19 , Electron have a probleme in 64bits in all platforms.
If you want to continue use this version, download the 32bits.
or download the last release , Superpowers lates version
For exemple , to use Kongregate with your export project :
Put this link into the Index.html after export;
<script src=''></script>
And in Superpowers, you can directly use :
declare let window;
let kongregate = window.kongregateAPI.getAPI();;
declare let window; let kongregate = window["kongregateAPI"]["getAPI"](); kongregate["services"]["connect"]();
Mouse dont use normal coordinate.
0 is the center of the screen game
-1 for left, 1 for right
-1 for down, 1 for up
if you want to use pixel coordinate of game screen, you can use :
camera: Sup.Camera; awake() { = Sup.getActor("Camera").camera; } update() { let mouse = Sup.Input.getMousePosition().unproject(; }
class ballBehavior extends Sup.Behavior{ private ballActor: Sup.Actor; private ballAngle: number; private ballPosition: Sup.Math.Vector3; private ballVelocity: number; constructor(ball) { super(ball); this.ballActor = new Sup.Actor("Ball"); this.ballActor.setPosition(0, 0, 0); this.ballAngle = 0; this.ballPosition = new Sup.Math.Vector3; this.ballVelocity = 0; this.ballActor.addBehavior(ballBehavior); } update(){ this.ballAngle += this.ballVelocity; //Constrains the angle between 0 and 2pi if(this.ballAngle > Math.PI * 2) this.ballAngle = 0 + this.ballAngle - Math.PI * 2; }else if (this.ballAngle < 0) this.ballAngle = Math.PI - this.ballAngle + Math.PI * 2; //Maybe a little spinback on the pointer? this.ballPosition = new Sup.Math.Vector3(Math.cos(this.ballAngle) * wheelActor.getLocalScaleX() * 100 / 100, Math.sin(this.ballAngle) * wheelActor.getLocalScaleX() * 100 / 100, 0); if(Sup.Input.wasKeyJustPressed("LEFT")) this.ballVelocity = 0.5; } }
dont declare all variables into constructor, always on top of this