Cool! That was nice :) Now I have to play it again to save the pink butterfly I grilled on accident :(
Ancient Pixel
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Uh, thx for checking it out 🫶
You read my mind, bc that's exactly what I've got planned :) The story will be like Schnitzeljagd through the library, encountering different NPCs and learning about their beliefs and theories about the library.
I am grateful for any writing advices and feedback, as I know that's your speciality :) can I write you for early feedback as soon I have something less rough layed out?
Oh, yep, I should have deactivated jumping before I uploaded 😅 that was a total oversight.
Did you play on pc or the phone? In general I agree and need to get the speed and feel of the controls dialed in to fit the vibe.
Yeah, I can see that, thanks for checking it out :)
I want to actually interpret the library very similar to Borges story - so the most thing you´ll ever find is true random gibberisch. But I do want to tell a story in this world that is compelling and that plays with Borges idea. If it would exist IRL it would be soo so difficutl to find anything meaningful among infinite randomness and thats boring for sure^^
drifting and shooting - what can I say XD it´s satisfying, sometimes its difficult to judge front from rear. I know you only go in one direction, but it was like losing sight of the car and judge the bounce sometimes. The left then right to boost is a very nice combo to keep it all controllable for two buttons. Great Work!
Tscherno Jump is a demake of a game that never saw the light of day. Originally prototyped as a facebook messenger game, it got shelved because of the unethical monetization system there, in which we didnt want to participate.

Follow the arrows! Dodge the cats! Avoid the Sawtraps! This game is bloody - bloody diffcult!
You only need one button, Tscherno and his clones will automatically follow the arrows on the ground, except if you want to jump over them or need to jump an obstacle. Try and figure out the fastest way through the levels!
The game is pretty much feature complete, but I am looking for feedback about the mechanics and if you are versed in pico8 music making hit me up, I am looking for a composer :)
With the Level Editor you can create ans save your own maps - you can share the level string if you want others to play it or be included in the full release!
Feel free to DM me about any of my games, most of them are playable right in the browser and I would be happy if any would get transferred to a different medium :)
You can find them here:
(edit: fixed link)
Seek out and bond with other wanderers. Bring lost words you have found to the oasis to get seeds. With these seeds you can plant trees and let the oasis grow deeper into the desert.
Place the words you dont need into the sand, to help you orientate and find back home again.
I´ve made game in about 7 hours, as a personal challenge. Play it here:
Sticky Tongues is developed in Phaser.js and the apps are created with - for this project i wanted to finish something and to learn more about multitouch :)
It was relatively tricky to get the two frogs respond to either finger one ore finger two, but not both at once and tempory independent. And this can be of great use in future projects. Sticky Tongues is pretty much for mobile use only, play it with a friend, or if the upcoming family dinner is boring throw this on the table and laugh abit :)
If you have gameplay suggestions, like what if a fish catches the fly you wanted but you got the fish on your tonguw aswel, just post it on the gamepage. I would be happy to develop this game a little further.