Tscherno Jump is a demake of a game that never saw the light of day. Originally prototyped as a facebook messenger game, it got shelved because of the unethical monetization system there, in which we didnt want to participate.

Follow the arrows! Dodge the cats! Avoid the Sawtraps! This game is bloody - bloody diffcult!
You only need one button, Tscherno and his clones will automatically follow the arrows on the ground, except if you want to jump over them or need to jump an obstacle. Try and figure out the fastest way through the levels!
The game is pretty much feature complete, but I am looking for feedback about the mechanics and if you are versed in pico8 music making hit me up, I am looking for a composer :)
With the Level Editor you can create ans save your own maps - you can share the level string if you want others to play it or be included in the full release!