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A member registered Feb 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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Very nice job! i found a bug where if you retry the screen of the phone stays white and you can't do anything! :( 

Btw, nice game. Loved the art and the vibes.

I didn't play this game, but i saw the video from angrysmile. 

I wanna say that you had a good idea and i loved the particles when you finished a level!

I think it would be better in 2d and, maybe, for a mobile game, don't you think that too? :3

Thank you!!! :D I went with multiple ideas for the theme.

Originally i thought to invert humans and dogs, i didn't do that but i kept the dog as character.

I created the game while trying to fit with the song but not minding at all for the theme (i only realized i was not fitting so much with that when i submitted it), i thought that saving the world would be good for that ! D: 

by the way, this is not the actual jam version, i accidentally submitted 2 of them. the right one is


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Already played it lots of time, the only problems that i found are:

1 - the texts doesn't move with camera shake.

2 - the "portals" and the final door aren't set on "isTrigger", i think that it would be better like that.

Best game i've ever seen in a jam, you are a magician in menus, i think it's an important thing.

The cursor is bad btw, i cant see it! D: (maybe changing it in green should work).

if this was for a commercial game btw, i would use this only for a minigame or two levels, because after 1-2 matches you get bored, you want something more and, most importantly, something with a story that catches you and keep you playing it!

You are a very good developer, keep up the good work!

Hope to see you on steam! ;)

I have nothing to say, you won. incredible art, sfx and controls. a little bit laggy for my pc, maybe for the post processing but still an awesome work!

thank you! i'm usually bad with arts but i've been good this time. 

I created all the codes by myself so i'm happy to know that you like them! <3

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The alien was the best customer, when i gave him a bad planet he said "DIE!!" i was laughing a lot!

Btw, great job! keep going on this, maybe you can even put this on steam one day. Who knows?

actually.. the dog died xD. About the art i just felt inspired :3 and i learned that doing black outlines helps a lot

thank you!  i made the dog die to fit with the song hehehe. 

no problem, dude jumpscares are not that easy

this doesn't fit with the theme, btw that jumpscare made me uninstall lol

Great job! i'd wish you added sfx and jump animation XD


I thought my pixel arts were good in my last game owo

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this is my game for the jam.

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I accidentally submitted my game 2 times in 2 different games, will this break something?

Nice job! this was super fun and cool!

could you please rate my game too? (ita? se si, contattami)

Man, this is super cool!

Could you rate my game too? please..

i don't know man, i'm not really prepared for this...


thats not true! we all start somewhere!

Hello! My name is Francesco, i'm italian and i'm 14.  i program when i get bored but i'm still a beginner...

If somebody would be so kind to help me i would really appreciate it!

peccato che le immagini e gli script li hai presi da un tutorial, l'idea era carina ma anche troppo semplice :C

tranquillo! "Sic parvis magna"

very cool game, but it was a lot hard for me on the level where you slide on the wall. so i stopped playing on that! xD

Anyway, very nice game. but the jump is very high and the gravity is super strong...

i know, i'm sorry but i didn't want that my game was super easy to finish, about the limit it was to not cheat T_T

i thought it was an horror game at the beginning, but it was very cool man! my pc is bad so i was running it at 15 fps. but it was still trippy, lol.

thank you! i was beating all the levels like that but i tried my best to find how to cheat, so i fixed that!

Nice man, you could improve the carachter but it's still nice.