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A member registered Jul 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey thanks for checking my game out! I can understand your critique about the attacks feeling underwhelming as I share the same opinion. At the end of the day, it was really just a lack of time in the 48 hours (you can refer to one of my comments below that kind of identifies this).

I definitely understand what you're saying and it really was just a matter of lack of game mechanic explanation. Just to clarify for attacking, essentially the attack range shows where you can attack at your current position; this means that when you move, your current position is updated and thus you can gauge whether or not a valid attack is possible within that current range.

"Another thing - one can move pieces through the enemy pieces, which feels wrong." I think this point is just a matter of opinion, but I can see where you're coming from.

"You may want to take a look at the game called "Wargroove", it's kind of the same thing as what you got, but much better in terms of overall polish." I think this is a bit unfair of a comparison considering this was just a game jam game vs. a fully developed and published game. Obviously, you're 100% correct but I don't anyone should be held to such a standard in a 48-hour time restriction.

Overall, you're right and I appreciate the critiques. The game is faaaaaar from finished and I'll definitely need to learn to manage my time better in game jams.

Oh wow this was a great idea! I also went the board game route but I never would've thought of going into the auto chess genre. The game is really intuitive and I love the in-between animations between moves. Super fun game that I could definitely see becoming bigger with more time than 48 hours. No criticism from me! Great Game!

Wow,  I didn't really expect any traction from this game. It's my first game jam and I just kind of submitted it and never looked back. I really appreciate all of your feedback and it's nice to see the sense of community in gamedev!

Just to clarify a few things (some already mentioned in the comments below):

  1. This was more a learning project both in the aspect of implementing new concepts (path-finding and grid-based movement) and in the fact that this was my 1st game jam
  2. It is a multiplayer game. I would have loved to have implemented an AI but as you can probably guess, the time frame of 48 hours was hardly enough to get one working well (taking into account the time to make the actual game)
  3. Combat is very simple. Unfortunately, as with most of my problems, I ran out of time to create animations, different attacks, and etc. Because of this, there is a lack of strategy and all the characters pretty much have the same function besides different attack and move ranges.
  4. I went the board game route because I thought it was unique. Most of the games I've worked on or I'm currently working on are real-time top-down or platformer games so I thought'd I try to challenge myself.

Closing thoughts: This was a really great learning project. I feel that now I have a much better understanding of turn-based strategy and I hope I can put out a better game of the same genre in the future. Thank you guys for playing!

Hey! Thank you so much for the playing the game! This game, as you can tell, is far from finished. In reality, this was more of a learning project than anything. Though it was a game jam, I didn't look at it as a "competition" as much as a new challenge. It was my first time implement path-finding and grid-based movement so learning actually took up most of the 48 hours. I definitely agree with everything you said and maybe I'll revisit this project again in the future, but as for now it was really just an experiment more than anything.