This was a passion project from 2 - 3 years ago. It was never finished as I hit many brick walls. I don't know if I will pick this project back up, probably not for a while. It was intended to be a horror game with a level designer but as one person still learning game development and new to game design, it became difficult to bare the code base and generally needs to be reworked from the ground up. I will leave this as a prototype and possibly come back to it in the future, you will find the latest state of the game on GitHub.
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The Caster project will officially be ported to Godot 4.0 and will lose support for older versions of Caster in the coming updates.
This port will take a while as I have many new things to learn about level development for Caster. The core system for level development (tilemaps and tilesets) has fundamentally changed! Which is a good thing but takes longer to learn and redesign the core game mechanics for maps and modding. As time passes and things about the game change, this page will change as well, eventually I will prepare it for a early access preview build and eventually a finished early access build.
The expected date of publish for these changes is to be decided. I'm refraining from posting a deadline as this would cause stress and burnout and may hinder Casters development.
I may continue to publish dev logs depending on my motivation and desire to. I will try to keep this page update every so often to publish progress on the port.
I may also have to rebuild the level editor from the ground up, expect delays.
This will be where you can report a bug or a flaw in the game! I would appreciate any help!
Bugs replicated and found will be added to this list, if they are fixed in the next update, they will be moved to the change log listed under fixed / fixes.
To report a bug, please describe how you found it, and the possible ways to replicate it, I will investigate further. if your game crashes or breaks, contact me on the discord server! Bugs that can't be fixed or not going to be fixed purely due to technical reasons will have a strike-through where it says "Bug," these are considered permanent bugs until the engine developers fix this problem themselves.
Another way to report a bug is to visit this issue page on the dedicated GitHub for Caster and follow the same guide-lines here.
===--- Known bugs list ---===
Bug#001: Fullscreen setting breaks on the second left monitor when disabled. (Engine problem) (Known on Linux)- Potential fixes: This may be fixed in the future.
- Bug #002: When in the development level, after enabling the monster and crossing the spawn room door, an index error occurs and causes a constant lag spike while being in view of the monster.
- No error using wine to emulate Windows.
- No error using Linux.
- The error does occur in the Godot engine when reproducing via debugging.