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Andy D

A member registered May 03, 2023

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I kind of skim-listen to that podcast, but IIRC, in a recent ep, they talked a little bit about your original game and how this version is less depressing (or something along those lines).  Anyway, I sideloaded it and it's waiting for me to stop working so I can try it out.  :)

Just heard about this on the Hello Playdate Podcast and it looks like the PDX foldername contains a colon and the side loader doesn't like that, so I unzipped the zip. renamed without the colon, re-zipped, and that seemed to work.  Now to play it!  :)

I love these peeks behind the curtain.  And I'm also grateful that you're (I hope!) not setting the price of this game based on the millions of hours you've spent making it.  :)

I saw your question and realized I had the same question!  And then, after playing way too long, I thought, "Oh, I know!"  3...2...1...0  :)

I'm a relatively new Playdate owner and am making my way through the official podcast and the Hello Playdate podcast and one of the episodes I just listened to mentioned this game, so I popped over to check it out.  I wasn't familiar with the original game, so I something-searched it and tried it at!.aspx and I think I just spent 15 minutes to get a score of 1.  (Which was way better than all of the scores of 0 I had before I got my 1!)  I can totally see how this falls into a just-one-more-try game!  Thanks for making it!

I struggle with the games that require lightning-fast reactions and Root Bear is just my speed.  For me, it's a perfect pick-up-and-play-a-round-or-two game.  Thank you for making it (and for the free version on; I just uninstalled that one and bought the Catalog version.)



Appreciate the $0.96 sale price!  (Not complaining about the $0.04, but told me that the minimum purchase is 100 cents, so I had to round up.  :)

I love stereograms!  I don't know that I'm "good enough" at seeing stereograms to play a game with them, but willing to give it a try!  Thank you for making this!

no apologies needed; glad that it was pretty straightforward to fix!

ha!  awesome!

Thanks, Bob!  I was on v1.50, but I just updated to 1.60 and confirmed (both via the game itself and via settings) that I was on 1.60.

However, when I connected as Disk Drive  again and looked at the Data folder, I saw the aforementioned com.bwit.crossword folder and a folder and when I moved the three puzzle folders (and their puzzle files) to that folder, I now see the puzzles!  Yay!

Maybe there's something unusual about my PD setup, but all seems good!  Thanks!

Forgive my hijacking Floydhayes' comment, but I've unzipped the puzzle archive and, as outlined in the readme, copied the three folders (variety, daily, and bonus) to the PLAYDATE\Data\com.bwit.crossword\puzzles\ folder (and I can use my file explorer to navigate to the .puz files on the PD when I have the PD in Disk Mode), but when I launch Crossword, I only see the two built-in puzzles.  Is there a refresh function in the game itself that I'm overlooking?  Thank you (and Floydhayes :)

Same here!  And I don't want to bypass anything with assists, nor do I want to seek out spoilers, but I feel like I'm totally missing something.  I read a comment above about the crank above and maybe that's what I'm missing...

Saw in r/PlaydateConsole -- this is very cute!  Buying!

I'm new to the Playdate world, so I spent far too long on this patch page, looking for a download link and eventually realized that I had to go to my avatar (in the upper-right) >> My Library >> scroll over to find HANA: Spacetime Fantasy and re-download it.  Mentioning my bumpy update journey here in the hopes that it saves others some time.  :)

Thank you for sharing and the encouragement!

Awesome!  Thank you again!

I barely know how to spell SQL, so I'm curious if you're an experienced programmer and are merely ("merely") porting your skills to C/Lua/Pulp are nbd or if you're a newbie to it all (and are now an inspiration to us newbies who want to develop for the Playdate)?

Wow!  This looks awesome!  (Reminds me of an old arcade game I used to enjoy called Track & Field!  Thanks for releasing it for free!

Love it!  I look forward to more features like scorekeeping!  Thanks for letting us have a try!

Awesome stuff; thank you for allowing us such a deep look behind the scenes in its development.  (I shudder to think how many hundreds of dollars this game will cost when it goes live.  😉)

Ooh, exciting news!  Although I hope it's not *too* difficult!  😬

I may still make a map one day!  I'm a nerdy completionist like that  :)

Curious if you have any other Playdate games in the works that we can start getting excited about?  :)

Got my Playdate yesterday and this was the first (non-Season) game I played on it and I understand why it received so many accolades.  Good fun, lightly challenging, and I'm happy to have found it.  Thank you!  (I started it last night and this morning, thought, "I'm going to make a map so I know exactly where I am."  Got back to it this afternoon and -- as I imagine y'all know -- I didn't need to make a map.  :)

Ah!  Thanks!

I'm new to Playdate and, so forgive if a dumb question, but how would one download the current game?  It says "Published 1 day ago", but I don't see a Download link on this page...  Thank you!

I don't think it was you; I misunderstood the link to the devlog as being a link to the patch.  But I get it now!  Thanks for explaining it to me!  :)

Thank you.  Sounds like this page was just info about why there's a new version (and not a patch-only file to download and do something with).  New to itch (and still awaiting my Playdate), so thank you for your patience!  :)

FWIW, I was able to go to my profile >> My Library >> HANA and re-download the game, so I guess I solved it, but I guess I'm still confused; was I supposed to be able to download the patch from this page or was it just information about why there's a new overall download?

I think I'm missing something obvious.  I bought HANA: Spacetime Fantasy in itch a couple weeks ago and (since I'm following KINGOFSHIBUYA Ltd.,) got a notification of a patch to it and I see the patch mentioned on this page, but I don't see how to download it.  I appear to be logged in to, so I don't think that's the issue.  Any thoughts?  TIA