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A member registered Aug 29, 2016 · View creator page →

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Indeed I did make it to the end, the last level was a pain tho (died on it the most). Cool followed :)

Great game I love it, had fun...and frustration at dying ;)

Also do you have a twitter or anything, would love to see more games from you.

Now this is fun, great game.

Ok, well I have no idea what needs to be in the .html fine to make it run the .exe...

The coder probably does, but he gave up trying to get it working as nothing he tried worked (I just do the art).

Thanks tho, I'll see if he's up to trying to get the web version working when he's around.

Even with a zip file and the page configured to be HTML it still doesn't work, I changed it so that at least the would be available to download, also it wouldn't let me have 2 zip files with one set to download and 1 set to HTML so I had to upload a second file with the rar set to download.

I've just turned the HTML one back on back on and all I get it an empty area on the page where the game should be.

This is my first time uploading a ludum dare game, usually the coder does this but he get fed up with it not working so I'm giving it a crack. What actually needs to be in teh html file that I upload with teh .zip, as I've got it uploaded (I think,) but nothing displays on the page.
