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A member registered Aug 26, 2016 · View creator page →

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I’m glad I read this, sending much love your way ⭐

As a lover of blackjack I liked the game a lot (once I understood what I was doing hahah)

This is amazing, thank you so much for making it so easy and cute to play with. Just one question: Is there a way to “save state” mid game?

Nice!, Just got around to play it again, it was very cute :)

Molt maca la font! <3

I’m sad now <·33<(

I got paté discount :)

SPOILERS (delete if it’s showing too much)

I can’t get past the gate lock, I saw the graffiti and the note but can’t connect the text to a number that gets a result ^_^’

Nice! 👍👍

I'm on windows 10. I'm looking at it carefully: when speech is off it just says the title of the note out loud when you click on the note (don't know if that's intended)

Is it possible that F2 does not toggle wether speech turns off or not? I hear "Speech on" when pressing F2 then I press it again (supposedly now it is off) but it keeps speaking when you click on a note ^_^'

Very cute dusties! <3

Updated package is up :)

Makes sense! Thanks again!

Thanks for reporting these to me! and thanks for buying my plugin!

Regarding the errors:

1: [It can't save the mesh file until you create SavedMeshData folder (not in the package).]

-I added a check and a fix for the folder thing (Thanks for catching that!)

2: [the collider data does not save as a usable mesh]

-Although not intended in the initial release, this is a good idea and I've added your "m.hideFlags = HideFlags.None;" fix. Thanks! Now you can use the created mesh as regular meshes!

Very cute :)

Makes sense, thanks for the heads up and will pay more attention next time ^_^'

(1 edit)

The game rocks, really good stuff in there <3

Found a small bug (I think) where I couldn't use "Hope" at 0 energy (to make other cards cost 1 less)

(maybe I misunderstood, maybe I had to point it at a card and I didn't because I thought it was automatic...)

People who profit from hurting animals give themselves the bad rep, projecting by calling me ignorant does not help your argument if you ever had one in there at all

You say the majority of the people in the farming, and breeding industries are good? Even in the animals perspective they are good people? You would like THAT done to you? Weird point of view, have a nice one

very well done, as usual of you 10/10

Nice job Caribun <3

Very nice :)

(1 edit)

Also, how will we get those keys? email or somehow through itch? THANKS!!

Edit: just saw the key on the purchase page :)))

Congrats on the launch!

Very nice, so many bunnies!

SwordFace community · Created a new topic Incredible game

Played this straight day 1 to 31 and it rules, big presence of Juice Galaxy DNA, especially "high level" Juice Galaxy combat. Thanks for making fantastic games, your work is an inspiration to other gamedevs like me :)

Cute and well written characters :)

First of all, cool game! I didn't expect to play a text rpg today :)

Now for some bugs:

I got this (view image) after accepting the quest and running around killing goblins and all other creatures, then coming back and refusing the call to adventure. (accepting it did nothing).

Also the windows warning still shows up, just in case someone sees it

Wow that was addictive

Nice game

Ta bueno :))

Hell yeah! It works on 4.1 :)

Is it possible that you uploaded an empty shader?

(2 edits)

Since "hint_color" and "hint_albedo" are both now "source_color" I changed those in the code and it looks like this (the black shades jitter a lot). Maybe I did something stupid, I'm a new GODOTer (I'm on Godot 4.1)

It's important to get informed before voicing your opinion and I wish you would have done that. Good luck on your future endeavors, go watch "Earthlings" or read "Eat Like you Care" if you really want to be the kind of person that loves animals with their actions instead of whatever ^that was.

(1 edit)

Hi, sorry for the late response, The only way I can think of doing it is setting the PolygonCollider2DToMeshCollider.Offset.z to a negative value and still give it a positive value in "Thickness". Let me know if I understood your question or if I'm off.

Thickness on the -z

In contrast to the default:

You can upload another build to the game’s page and set the old one to hidden, no?

windows 10

Tip: You can bypass this error screen by pressing ignore :)