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Unity PolygonCollider2D to MeshCollider Tool

Script to turn PolygonCollider2D into MeshColliders with depth · By AngelOnIt

Extruding along negative Z?

A topic by fmoo created Aug 10, 2023 Views: 61 Replies: 1
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Is there a way to get this component to extrude along negative z instead of positive z?   I tried a quick hack to  Matrix4x4.TRS() to use Vector3.back instead of forward, but the normals ended up getting inverted also, which kind of broke all the collisions.

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Hi, sorry for the late response, The only way I can think of doing it is setting the PolygonCollider2DToMeshCollider.Offset.z to a negative value and still give it a positive value in "Thickness". Let me know if I understood your question or if I'm off.

Thickness on the -z

In contrast to the default: