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A member registered Jul 18, 2019

Recent community posts

Thanks for the reply! Great to hear I was able to help out with my ideas. :)

(1 edit)

I agree with a lot that I've already seen in the thread, so I'm not going to echo them and same goes for all the good people have said already, I really enjoyed the demo and look forward to where this project goes. So I'm just leaving feedback on what I think could be made better that I don't think has been mentioned in the thread.

- Add an option to hide the orange dot in the middle of the screen. This is strictly a personal nitpick. Personally I'd prefer if nothing was there and then the rose appears when I'm looking at something interactible. This is not necessary at all, I just think it'd be a nice option.
- Add the ability to enlarge the artwork. A button or keybind to show the art in the full window would be great, to really be able to enjoy the greatness at work.
- A lot of space in the window during dialogue/sex-scene is wasted. Mainly to the sides and in the dialogue box being a bit too big. Shrinking the dialogue box a bit on the height would allow to expand the art-section of the dialogue/sex-scene. The dialogue box right now takes up too much space for what it actually ends up being used for, as most text barely even takes up a third of the full height. Maybe this will change when longer dialogues per step in the scene are written, but as it seems now it takes up unnecessary amounts of space.
- Add the ability to go backwards in scenes. Currently there's a text-log, which is great, but being able to go backwards to change the images and rewind the scene would be great to be able to really enjoy the sex scenes to the fullest. Keybind for this would preferably be like Q (to be a counter to E going forward) or scroll up on the mouse wheel and ofc at the same time adding scrolling down to go forward.

Again, really looking forward to see the future of this. So far, this is amazing.

(2 edits)

There's an Achievements.sav file in the following path: C:\Users\[your user name]\AppData\LocalLow\Anduo Games\Third Crisis

(If your Users\ folder isn't in your C: drive then you can find it by opening your Start Menu (Windows Key) and typing "Run", hit enter, and in the text box type %AppData% and it should take you to the right folder, and just click your way forward to the Third Crisis folder from there.)

Deleting it should reset your achievement progress. It worked for me, but I deleted the whole Third Crisis folder to also reset save files and Gallery unlocks. Unfortunately you can't rollback specific achievements (to my knowledge), its all or nothing.