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A member registered Mar 06, 2024 · View creator page →

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Hi, I'd be interested to learn more, do i need any specialist equipment to record etc?

im not sure how i did it but trying once more to add my existing project at some point it worked, showed me languages and allowed to share project form the dashboard and ultimately submit it a bit shy of 3 minutes before the deadline. make sure your project is public, after you create it and its in your dashboard it shows status as "draft"

can anyone help :( i have created a project on my dashboard but dont seem to be able to submit it to the jam.

Hej Pau, przepraszam dopiero zauwazylam ze w numerze wkradl sie blad +353834488656

no nic,jesli masz whatsapp to +353 834488646

Perfect! Jest tutaj opcja wyslac pm zeby sie skomunikowac nie na forum :)?

Hi dear collective!

I am excited to work on the trnalsation project for the locjam and it woudl be my first time participating.

I'd love to find team members for a translation from English to Polish.