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A member registered Aug 29, 2022 · View creator page →

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Nothing's slowing me down! I just finished another game a month ago: I have more projects than just Housewife Sim. 

I'm working on the next chapter of Housewife Sim now though. I've gotten Chapter 3's story mostly outlined and a lot of base renders complete, but there's still a couple months of development and Patron testing before I'll have a release here!

You very specifically unlock Bad Ending 2:

  1. At Chapter 4
  2. When you're still friends with Tiffani
  3. And you've sold under 50 milk to Zoey
  4. And you've sold OVER 12 milk to Zoey

See if that works!

I have one!

I ran out of time for the game jam and didn't have time to add them all. I will revisit the game and add them once my Patrons vote for me to do so! :D

Thank you! 

Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it! :D

I have an idea for a sequel, but have lots of other projects ongoing right now... So maybe one day, but not soon! If you liked this though, you should check out my other games!

Thanks! I'll make sure I post it here when it's all done! :D 

Thank you!!

Yea, I'll make sure to do that soon. Thank you for the kind words!

I've done some voice acting in my games and for a couple of others too, DM me if you want to see if we can set something up sometime!

Hey if anyone finds bugs, please do report them on the Discord channel - here:

Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!!

Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! 

I plan on doing some debugging and will add in the menus (including skip, save, etc) in the near future. I omitted them because (embarrassingly) I didn't actually have time to make a menu screen. :)

I don't have a good way to test Android ports, so it's unlikely the minigames will improve long-term.

The refusal isn't in menus, it's in your actions. Milking needs to be enabled, and you need to just NOT MILK AT ALL for that milking after Tiffani asks for 200 milk!

Thank you!! <3

Miko is only afraid to enter the woods in the chapter where she is stuffed, not in the earlier trip. Make sure you get there, then proceed into the woods when she tells you it is a bad idea.

For Bad Ending 2 to trigger, you have to stay friends with Tiffani and make sure you have given Zoey at least 3 milk every chapter. Make sure you stay friends with Tiffani and try that. If that still doesn't work, report back!

You may have to temporarily disable McAfee to download it if that's the case. Can you tell me what file it's flagging on and what the reported threat is? 

Not sure, the game - if downloaded from Itch - is just using the RenPy engine, which uses the language Python. There's no malware here.

Did it tell you the nature of the virus threat? Some idiots have been uploading a pirated version of Dairy Tale to some sharing sites that does have malware - or at least something in it. The file they uploaded doesn't match what I distribute. So... If you got it 3rd party, it's probably bad. Don't pirate indie games. ;)

In general, Microsoft Defender is really good in the last 5+ years - I recommend that over McAfee. If it's a legit download, your McAfee is probably throwing a false positive.

Access the Gallery from the main menu. In the bottom-left is an option for hints on remaining endings. 

Make sure you're playing the latest release. If you got one of the Patreon betas that were early on, the Gallery page didn't have hints. Don't worry, your saves and progress carry over!

Sorry to hear that, but I'm glad you enjoyed the demo! I may put this on Steam eventually, would that work?

I want to expand the game and add a lot more endings, so when I feel like it's pretty complete and the characters fleshed out all the way I'll do voice acting and sounds. I'm not sure when that'll happen, I'll probably leave it up to Patrons what I do next.

I added the maximum number of tags, I can't add any more otherwise I would!

LOL! Sorry. I think your reply got it. Quick legend just to be clear:

  • AE - Ass Expansion (butts getting big)
  • BE - Breast Expansion (boobs getting big)
  • WG - Weight Gain
(1 edit)

Thank you!! I've come a long way in skill, it's great to hear it's getting noticed!

I have 3 more fully written that got cut for because I would need another couple of weeks for graphics and at least twice that with about a paragraph describing the premise that would be easy to add. 

The code is also fully modular - it would be a light lift to add another villager. For full transparency, I had to take two of them out to keep the game moving faster towards release. If I added more characters, I wouldn't require you to visit each villager daily.

... All that said, I'm not sure when or if I'll be back to add more updates to this game. It really depends on sales and my Patrons. If my Patrons want me to update this game next instead of Housewife Sim,  that's what I'll do. The current plan is to release a game for the Preggo Game Jam this month: then ask Patrons what I should do next in June!


Hints and walkthroughs are on the Gallery page!

Not exactly - this one's story branches in many different ways. Her size depends on the ending you unlock. That said, there's multiple weight gain endings and multiple pregnancy endings, each with very different scales. Additionally, the various villagers each have their own path (AE, BE, WG, hourglass, etc).

I have uploaded a web demo if you're afraid of downloads! See here:

The game is best played downloaded and viewed on a 1080p screen or greater though, so the web version may be a bit clunky. 

I've been working on another project that will probably release this week. After that I'm doing a Game Jam for "Mayternity" with a pregnancy focus and plan on working on Chapter 3 in June!

Aún no hay nueva versión. Tengo planes de actualizar el juego eventualmente, pero estoy trabajando en otros proyectos en este momento.

There's no cheat codes!

She's pregnant with multiples in Chapter 2. I won't add birth, sorry.

I only made this Itch project and the others under my profile. Remember, Itch is like Steam, it's just a marketplace, so being a paying customer on Itch doesn't help me as a developer unless you're buying or supporting my games! 

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed Chapter 1!

Chapter 2 speeds things up a bit and has better pacing because there is a LOT more story - I learned a lot making Chapter 1. 

Make sure you're studying to get the bonus too, it makes a big difference. :)

I'm working on another game right now called Dairy Tale that should be out by April for Patrons. After that, I'll either do Chapter 3 of this game or finish Neon Dreams, depending on what the Patrons vote. So... Sometime this year, to be determined!

The game has three cowgirls on your farm and you get to milk each of them as they go through some magically-driven growth.