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A member registered Dec 02, 2013 · View creator page →

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It is the characters/boss-dragon folder.


the base size is 16x16 but some blocks are made with bigger cell sizes.

Hi! Heres a playable demo, but is on phaser:

Looks Great thanks for sharing!



You are welcome. glad you liked them. Thanks!

Hi, Thanks. I don't have UI in any of the collections sorry for this. I may create some for future updates but I can't assure you that.


Sure thing I will eventually add more animations to all the existing characters. Thanks for the feedback.

Hi, At the moment I only offer 16-bit pixel art game assets. Thanks.

thanks for sharing

Sure thing. I have write it down. thank you for the feedback.

Thanks for sharing!

Thanks, yes check brackeys channel: 

Here's the path to the Magic Cliffs assets. 

(1 edit)

It is included. Let me check the path. It is a pack since it include characters.

Yes, Its available to everybody :D


I'll definitely take your suggestion into consideration as I plan for future updates and additions to the collection.

Great Work! Thanks for sharing!

thank you

Thanks for the feedback. I will take in consideration your request.

(1 edit)

thanks for the feedback. But that would be for the warped collection.

Do you have ideas for animations, characters, or environments that you'd love to see in the collection? This is the place to share your requests and suggestions!

Feel free to post your thoughts on any assets you think are missing or would enhance your gaming experience. We value your input and look forward to hearing your creative ideas.

Let's work together to expand and improve our game assets library. Your feedback shapes the future of our collection!

Need assistance or have questions about the collection? This is the place to get help!

Share your artistic creations and projects featuring the game assets here!

Whether you've crafted stunning scenes, animated characters, or immersive environments using our assets, I'd love to see your work. This is your space to showcase your creativity and inspire others in the community.

Share your artistic creations and projects featuring the game assets here!

Whether you've crafted stunning scenes, animated characters, or immersive environments using our assets, I'd love to see your work. This is your space to showcase your creativity and inspire others in the community.

Need assistance or have questions about the collection? This is the place to get help!

Do you have ideas for animations, characters, or environments that you'd love to see in the collection? This is the place to share your requests and suggestions!

Feel free to post your thoughts on any assets you think are missing or would enhance your gaming experience. We value your input and look forward to hearing your creative ideas.

Let's work together to expand and improve our game assets library. Your feedback shapes the future of our collection!

Share your artistic creations and projects featuring the game assets here!

Whether you've crafted stunning scenes, animated characters, or immersive environments using our assets, I'd love to see your work. This is your space to showcase your creativity and inspire others in the community.

Need assistance or have questions about the collection? This is the place to get help!

Do you have ideas for animations, characters, or environments that you'd love to see in the collection? This is the place to share your requests and suggestions!

Feel free to post your thoughts on any assets you think are missing or would enhance your gaming experience. We value your input and look forward to hearing your creative ideas.

Let's work together to expand and improve our game assets library. Your feedback shapes the future of our collection!

You made a game with the Gothicvania Assets showcase it here. I'm always happy to see how other devs create great games with my assets.

Use this topic if you need help with the assets.

(1 edit)

Do you have ideas for animations, characters, or environments that you'd love to see in the collection? This is the place to share your requests and suggestions!

Feel free to post your thoughts on any assets you think are missing or would enhance your gaming experience. We value your input and look forward to hearing your creative ideas.

Let's work together to expand and improve our game assets library. Your feedback shapes the future of our collection!


No worries , i love the feedback and I am thankful cause I want to improve the product I'm selling. rest assure I will create Death animations for the Bosses, since they are bigger they may take longer to be released but stay tuned, I am opening a board instead a comments thread in a few minutes please return in a few minutes and please request the animations you would like to see included.

(2 edits)

Hi, Thanks for the purchase this collection is always getting new content. 

There are several animations for enemy death just need to look for them: one is on the Cemetery pack/ cemetery base / sprites / enemy death

there's another at bridge/ bridge base / png / sprites / enemy-death this collection is getting updates and will get more VFX over time.

Another one is on the ninja scroller / png / fx 

let me know exactly what character needs the animation And I ll write it up for next updates.


Great work, thanks for sharing!

Hi, Im not available at the moment.

Thanks, I still working on organizing all the assets (they are a lot) so it may take a month but rest assure I will update this.

You mean like this one: 

If so wait for another update I'm still working on the structure of the files and a document to index all the files. Thanks